Night's Blaze

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Rhi asked.


Before Henry could answer, the front door was yanked open as thunder rumbled around them. He glanced from the faces at the door and back to Rhi. “It certainly wasn’t. Too bad I can’t do that trick.”


“Too bad I can’t teach you,” she whispered.


Henry’s arm tightened around her. Only in his dreams did he get to hold her, but now she was in his arms. He wasn’t sure he could let her go.


“Remember, stud, you must keep my secret.”


“The Kings don’t know?”


She shrugged. “They do, but I don’t want it spoken about. It’s just better if you don’t mention it,” she whispered.


Then she leaned up and placed her lips on his. The kiss was simple, light, and quick, but it seared Henry to his very bones. He was dazed as he opened his eyes while she stepped out of his arms.


Rhi then turned to the group who had come outside. She nodded to Banan. “No more need to search. Henry is safe.”


“How did he get here?” Con asked as he came to stand beside Banan.


Henry cleared his throat. “I don’t really know.”


Banan’s forehead was furrowed as he looked from Henry to Rhi and back to Henry. “Are you all right?”


“I am now,” Henry said. “Ulrik had me after I was beaten by the Dark. I passed out, and then I woke up, healed, not far from here.”


“We’re glad you’re here,” Con said.


Henry found it odd the King of Kings didn’t so much as look at Rhi. Though Banan, Tristan, Ryder, and Guy certainly did, each with confusion and worry.


“Rhi,” Banan said. “Can you fill in the blanks?”








Lily looked down at her right inner forearm and smiled. Never again would she forget the quote. She would see it every day.


Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.


It was her new motto. She’d made it her own, made it part of her. It was just another step in the remaking of her life. Lily’s arm throbbed from the tattoo, but she felt amazing.


It must have shown, because when she emerged from the tattoo parlor onto the sidewalk, three men were walking down the street and smiled, each eyeing her with interest. Lily returned their smiles and walked to the car where the driver awaited her.


He opened the door and nodded in greeting. “Is it your first tat?”


“Yes,” Lily answered and held out her hand. She kept her long-sleeved shirt pushed up so it wouldn’t touch the irritated skin.


He read the words. “Verra nice.”


She paused before getting into the car. Lily glanced at the sky. It was late, and she didn’t want to keep Denae waiting any longer. She briefly thought about buying a gun, but she didn’t want anyone to witness her purchase. “Let’s get back to the hotel so you can get some dinner.”


He closed the door after she got inside. It was a short drive to the hotel, and with every minute that passed, Lily felt more confident than ever. It was almost as if those years with Dennis never happened.


Although, if that were the case, she wouldn’t have need of her new tat.


Lily said good night to the driver and walked up the steps to the hotel. She entered the lobby and approached the desk. As soon as she told them her name, they handed her a room key as well as a note from Denae.


She waited until she was in the lift to open the note. Lily glanced at her watch to realize she had less than twenty minutes to get dressed for dinner and meet Denae down at the restaurant.


Lily used the key to get into her room and stopped when she saw all the bags from her purchases set neatly in the living room of the suite. She dumped her purse and key on a small table and hurried to the bags, sifting through them, looking for the red dress and matching shoes.


After a quick shower to wash off the day, Lily put on some makeup, careful to cover the bruise on her cheek. She pulled out her new makeup. It had been awhile since she’d used more than eyeliner and mascara. She had fun using the eye shadow to give herself a sultry look.


With her new red bra and matching panties on, Lily then slipped into the dress. She kept her hair down, pulling it over her left shoulder. Next, she dug in her purse, finding the secret compartment she had made and withdrew the diamond stud earrings she’d received from her parents on her twenty-first birthday. They were the only pieces of jewelry she wore.


Lily put on her shoes and a dab of lip gloss before she looked in the mirror. The reflection staring back at her no longer had trepidation and fear in her eyes. She was in charge of her life.


She almost left the room without the black clutch. Lily tossed the lip gloss, room key, and her phone into the clutch before she walked out of the room.


Donna Grant's books