Night's Blaze

She pulled her arm out of Rhys’s grip, his fingers trailing seductively along her skin. As if she needed reminding of how he made her body respond to him. He commanded her as easily and surely as the moon ruled the tides.


His close proximity made her heart thump. His heat made her body crave his touch. His aqua ringed dark blue eyes seared her skin with his intense gaze, causing her to be conscious of how her dress molded to her body.


He was virile, persuasive, and masculine. His rugged good looks turned heads, but in a suit, he looked dashing and powerful. A combination no woman could ignore. And he was sitting next to her. Lily wanted to run her fingers through his long dark brown waves and pull his head down for a kiss.


And if he didn’t quit looking at her as if he wanted to take her right there, she just might.


By the time she had her hand back in her lap, her lips were parted and her chest rose and fell rapidly.


Rhys could do that to her with a simple touch. An innocent, modest touch.


Lily took a deep breath and lifted her eyes only to clash with Denae’s gaze from across the round table. Denae directed a small, knowing grin at her.


It took Lily a second to realize the waiter was standing beside her, waiting on her drink order. She had been quite shaken up by Dennis’s call, and then she saw Rhys. With Rhys filling her mind, she didn’t have the wherewithal to think about Dennis or his demands.


Lily desperately wanted some alcohol. She was searching her mind for what to order when her gaze snagged on a woman across the way drinking champagne. “I’ll have a glass of champagne, please.”


“That sounds decadent,” Denae said. “I’d like one as well.”


Rhys lifted a finger to get the waiter’s attention. “Bring us a bottle of Dom Perignon.”


When the waiter walked away, Denae leaned forward and nodded to Lily’s new tat. “So that’s what took you away.”


“Yes,” Lily said and carefully moved the hem of her sleeve away from the sensitive skin.


“It must be important,” Kellan said, his celadon eyes watching her.


Lily shifted slightly in her chair. “Don’t we all have things we need to conquer?”


Kellan bowed his head slightly, a small grin playing at his lips. “That we do, Lily.”


She was saved from further questions when the waiter returned with the champagne and flutes. Denae talked about all the stores they had visited while their drinks were being poured. Lily discovered that her hand shook when she went to grab her glass. She fisted her hand to try to get control of herself, but she couldn’t stop the shaking.


Rhys leaned over and whispered, “No one can see your hand.”


“I don’t know why they’re shaking.”


“Do I make you nervous?”


She looked into his dark blue eyes. “Yes.”


Disappointment flashed in his eyes for the briefest of seconds. “Would you like me to leave?”




He stared at her for a heartbeat, then two, before one side of his mouth kicked up in a smile. “Good.”


Lily really needed a drink then. She brought the champagne flute to her lips and took a sip of the golden liquor. The bubbles danced on her tongue before she swallowed. “It’s been a long time since I’ve drank champagne.”


“Today has been quite full then.”


She knew he was fishing for information, but she didn’t care. Lily took another drink, feeling herself relax, her muscles loosen with each swallow. “I’ve needed today for a long time. I just didn’t realize it.”


Her body warmed with Rhys’s gaze on her. She was sitting between two incredibly gorgeous men, but she only had eyes for Rhys—as it had been since she first arrived at Dreagan. He dominated a room full of people, her attention gravitating to him no matter who was with her or where they were.


Their conversation was halted once more to place their food order. Lily handed the menu to the waiter and sipped her champagne as Rhys and Kellan ordered. After the waiter left, Rhys and Kellan exchanged a quick look that left Lily wondering what was going on.


“Did you get all that you needed?” Kellan asked Denae.


Denae shot him an apologetic look. “Yes, and a bit more.”


“Good,” Kellan said.


Lily laughed and shook her head as all eyes turned to her. “Denae, you’ve got a keeper there for sure. Usually men cringe when women talk about shopping.”


Kellan reached over and took Denae’s hand. “She changed me. In more ways than one.”


“I’ll say,” Denae said with a bright smile. She turned her attention to Lily. “It wasn’t that long ago that he was quite set in his ways, refusing to even consider another option.”


Lily watched the love brimming between them. “Is what Denae said true?” she asked Rhys.


Rhys sat back in his chair as if he were in his own home. “Oh, aye. We didna think anyone would ever be able to tame Kellan. Then Denae came along.”


“He resisted me,” Denae said with a hurt look that was ruined when she laughed as Kellan pulled her to the side so he could kiss her.


Donna Grant's books