He sighed. At any rate, there were more of them now than there had been three days ago, after Rucker and Tian had died. Down to only six, the Rovers had seen their numbers strengthened since. The Wing Riders had reappeared first, flying out of the clouds on a blustery day in which rain had soaked everything for nearly twelve hours. After that, Po Kelles had found Panax, the Elven Hunter Kian, and those odd-looking reddish people they called Rindge. It had taken the Rindge another two days of travel to reach them, but now they were camped several miles east in a forested flat high in the mountains, concealed from searchers while they waited to see what would happen down here.

Their leader, the man Panax called Obat, was the one who told them that the valley was called the Crake. He knew about the thing that lived there, as well. Obat hadn’t seen it, but when Panax brought him down to talk, and Alt Mer described it, he recognized it right away. He had gotten so excited that it looked as if he might bolt. Hand gestures and a flurry of words that even Panax had trouble translating testified to the extent of Obat’s fear. It was clear that whatever anyone else did, neither Obat nor any other Rindge was going near whatever was down there—“A Graak,” Obat told Panax over and over again. The rest of what he said had something to do with the nature of the beast, of its invincibility and domination of mountain valleys like the Crake, where it preyed on creatures who were foolish or unwary enough to venture too close.

Knowing what it was didn’t help solve the problem, because Obat had no idea what they could do about the thing. Graaks were to be avoided, never confronted. His information did not aid Alt Mer in any measurable way. If anything, it further convinced him of his helplessness. What was needed was magic of the sort possessed by Walker.

Or by Quentin Leah perhaps, in the form of his sword, a weapon that had been effective against the creepers of Antrax.

But he could not say anything more to persuade the Highlander to help. If anything, he should advise against it. But then he would have to go into the Crake alone, and he did not think he could do that. Though he was a brave man, his courage had eroded so completely that he felt sick to his stomach even getting close enough to look down into the rain forest. He had concealed his fear from everyone, but it was there nevertheless—pervasive, inescapable, and debilitating. He couldn’t confess it, especially to Little Red. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t understand or try to help. It was the look he knew he would see in her eyes. He was the brother on whom she had always relied and in whom she took such pride. He could not bear it if she found out that he had run away while his men were dying.

The Highlander looked over at him. “All right, I’ll go.”

Big Red exhaled slowly, keeping his face expressionless.

“I’ll go,” Quentin Leah continued, “but Bek stays. Whatever magic he’s got is new to him, and he doesn’t have the experience with it that I do. I won’t risk his life.”

Whatever magic the Highlander possessed was pretty new to him, too, from what the Druid had told Alt Mer. Still, he wasn’t about to argue the matter. He would take whatever help he was offered if it meant getting his hands on the diapson crystals. He didn’t know what they had accomplished by coming here in the first place, but he didn’t think it was much. Mostly, they had succeeded in getting a lot of their friends killed, which was hardly a reason for going anywhere. You didn’t have to come all the way here to get killed. His frustration with matters surfaced once more. He would do anything to get out of this place.

Before he could respond to the Highlander, Rue and Bek Ohmsford walked out of the trees from one side and Panax, having gone off earlier to try to find an easier way down the cliff face, appeared from the other.

“Morning, young Bek!” the Dwarf shouted cheerfully on spying him. A grin spread across his square, bluff face, and he gave a wave of one hand. “Back among the living, I see! You look much better today!”

Bek waved back. “You look about the same, but that’s not something sleep will cure!”

They came together at the cliff edge with Spanner Frew, Quentin, and Alt Mer and clasped hands. The Highlander’s face had gone dark as he realized what was about to happen and knew he couldn’t prevent it. Alt Mer gave a mental shrug. Some things couldn’t be helped. At least his sister seemed composed again. Almost radiant. He stared at her in surprise, but she wouldn’t look at him.

“I’ve scouted the cliff edge all the way out and back,” Panax informed them, oblivious to the Highlander’s look of warning. “There’s a trail further on, not much of one, but enough to give us a way down that doesn’t involve ropes. It opens onto a flat, so we’ll be able to see what’s waiting much better than Big Red could when he dropped into the trees.”

He glanced at Bek. “I forgot. You just woke up. You don’t know what’s happened.”

“About the Graak and the crystals?” Bek asked. “I know. I heard all about it on the walk down. When do we leave?”

“No!” Rue Meridian wheeled on him furiously. “You’re not going! You’re not healed yet!”

“She’s right,” Quentin Leah said, glaring at his cousin. “What’s wrong with you? I just spent weeks worrying that you were dead! I’m not going through that again! You stay up here. Big Red and I can handle this.”

“Wait a minute,” Panax growled. “What about me?”

Terry Brooks's books