I Kissed a Dog

chapter 51

Seeing Connie secure and smiling serenely, snug in Dillon’s arms, was the perfect ending to a very brutal and very long night of death and destruction. Two words that followed me like a kid with a bad crush, a crush turned dangerous obsession.

It was as if death and destruction had been compulsively and exclusively stalking me. Maybe now they’d turn their malevolent attention elsewhere.

A girl could hope.

Hope was one trait I refused to relinquish despite my recent history. As rocky as my life had become, I’d never felt so right. I belonged in this world with the man seated beside me lost in his own thoughts. And now, with everyone off on separate missions, I had my long-awaited time alone with him.

I stifled a mischievous giggle, convinced Zane falsely believed I was dozing as we cruised down I-5 hovering to the posted speed limit. He might be obeying the speed limit, but my mind was speeding in every direction.

He’d arranged for a car so we’d have time away from everything but each other. Teleporting back to Plum Beach would have put us right back in the mix without a moments rest, and I needed some serious R and R.

Stealing a glance to my left, I studied Zane from beneath my lashes. I needed him far more than any rest and relaxation.

Squelching those tempting thoughts for now, I considered our plan to meet up with the rest of our group at his property tomorrow. We had some major ground to cover. Everyone who had survived the altercation with Jazmine and Logan, and who’d pledged themselves to the Pacific Pack, would be making their way to Zane’s.

He’d decided to purchase the property and build a ranch of sorts to house the misplaced mutants who were now part of our growing supernatural family. I was curious how we’d deal with appearances; scrutiny about our living arrangements was bound to be an issue, but we needed a central location to operate from. Zane had a lot of reorganizing and rebuilding ahead of him. I was looking forward to meeting the challenges and helping him.

I hadn’t forgotten my promise to Joshua Smart either. When we returned, I planned to speak candidly with his mom and see if we could gain her approval. Maybe she’d been threatened into giving up Josh. Whatever the reason she’d allowed her son to be institutionalized, she was still his mother. Removing him without her permission would lead to all kinds of legal troubles that our pack couldn’t afford.

At least we had today and all night alone before switching back into full problem solving mode.

“I know you’re awake,” Zane teased. “Your breathing changed about five miles back.”

I had to laugh. “You are most observant, Dr. Marshall.” I rarely referred to his veterinarian status, which I’d discovered was legitimate, not just another ruse.

“When it comes to you, Chloe, I am very, very observant.”

Clenching my thighs together, I attempted to turn off the fiery heat his words ignited. How could one man’s voice send waves of sensual pleasure crashing through my core?

I was aware that our connection had deepened since the mating ceremony.

Valamir’s mind-magic, at one point, had sent me over the edge, but now his erotic powers paled in comparison to my mate’s. I was thankful for that. It made life so much simpler and my marriage that much stronger without the lure of an ancient vampire repeatedly distracting me.

“Okay, I’ll play nice, for the time being,” he chuckled, aware of my arousal. “Later, you can forget it. Playtime won’t just be nice, it will be unforgettable,” he assured, promise of untold pleasures evident.

Energy hummed through me as I imagined his tongue trailing down my neck, over my breasts. Everything about Zane was overwhelming me, drawing me to him. My pheromones were wreaking havoc with his heightened senses. His presence was doing a number on mine, especially in the car’s enclosed space.

Eager to arrive at our destination, I prodded him, sounding like an impatient kid on a road trip: “How long till we get there?”


So far he’d remained secretive about where we’d be spending the next twenty-four hours, stating that it would be worth the travel time. I wasn’t so sure of that.

Ripping off his clothes in the backseat would be pretty thrilling, and there’d be no waiting involved. But I knew better; considering our initial, ill-timed encounter in Vegas, he was going to do everything in his power to ensure I remembered every single caress and kiss.

I had no doubt he would accomplish his goal.


“Chloe, open your eyes.”

I did.

And found myself looking out the car’s front window, facing the bluest water of any lake I’d ever seen. Even Crater Lake, a place I loved to visit as a kid, couldn’t quite compare.

I was reminded of my computer’s screensaver; the one displaying an ocean inlet with water so tempting it made a person want to dive into the monitor. This body of water was real. All I had to do was get out of the car and walk to the sandy shoreline where the tiniest of waves crested.

“You like?” Zane’s voice was filled with pleasure.

“I love it!” I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned against his broad shoulder. “You were right, this was worth the wait. How long did I sleep anyway?”

He clicked a button releasing the doors’ locks and opened his. “About an hour. We’re not far from Klamath. This property belongs to one of our board members.”

Seeing my expression, he added, “A trusted and loyal board member. Remember the woman …”

“It’s okay.” I stopped him mid-sentence. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t take me someplace unsafe.”

He exited the car with the masculine grace I loved.

It never ceased to amaze me how a man with such a muscular frame could move the way he moved. I doubted I’d ever get over the shock, or pleasure, of watching him.

I joined him beside a professionally-maintained, A-framed structure that overlooked our own private lake. It was just the right temperature outside, and the trees kept the afternoon heat to a minimum. A colorful hammock swung in the breeze between two trees, beckoning me.

Excited to explore further, I hurried to help Zane unload the trunk, before realizing I had nothing to unload.

I was wearing a pair of worn jeans and t-shirt that Deb had scrounged from her own belongings before the school went up in flames, destroying all otherworldly evidence.

Seeing my dilemma, Zane smiled. “Don’t worry. I had Alcuin make a quick stop when he brought the car.” He grabbed a Nordstrom’s shopping bag, stuffed to the brim.

Gleefully, I snatched it away and dashed up the steps. I spun to catch the keys, in one hand, again surprised by my newfound agility, and ability to actually hear Zane toss the keys in the first place. Maybe my coma-induced clumsiness had been vanquished for good.

Once inside, I raced through the rooms like a child seeing her new home for the first time.

I wasn’t disappointed.

I felt like I was standing inside a giant, cozy, furnished triangle.

There was a quant kitchen, dining area, and large living space with a well-used fireplace. A short hallway, just off the main room, had two doors; one I hoped was a bathroom with a full shower and tub.

What captured a majority of my attention were the steps leading up to a loft that was home to the biggest bed I’d ever seen. California King? No way. This thing had at least an additional two feet added to both its width and length. Someone had designed this bed with room for …

“I see you’ve found the bed to your liking?” Zane had managed to slip up behind me and wound his arms around my waist, drawing me back against his chest.

I tilted my head back to further scrutinize the loft, more specifically the gigantic bed. “I think I know why it’s so big.”

“You do, do you?” Zane teased.

“Werewolves have more than one form they can take, not to mention, they’re pretty wild. Maybe more room is needed …” I stopped, embarrassed.

Zane nuzzled my ear. “No need to be shy, Mrs. Marshall. Nothing you say, or do, will shock me. Although you always do seem to find ways to surprise me,” he chuckled; his breath tickling and teasing my neck.

Leaving me marveling over the bed, he carried an armload of groceries into the kitchen.

Seeing the heaping grocery bags, I remembered my own bag of goodies.

I couldn’t wait to examine its contents, and I was more than a little curious to see just how effectively a vampire shopped. I couldn’t picture Alcuin at the mall interacting with an eager salesclerk. But by the look of my bounty, he’d made the right selections.

It was possible he’d sent a very realistic impression of my measurements right into the salesperson’s mind, helping her, who’d in turn located all the right sizes, colors, and styles.

Alcuin had thought of everything, including a saucy, black bikini shimmering with glittery stars. Zane would find great satisfaction seeing me flaunt my figure in the miniscule material. My stepdad, on the other hand, would have a stroke at the sight of me wearing so little in front of a man, even if that man was my husband.

With all the chaos from the past twenty-four hours, I’d forgotten my parents. Meeting with them was yet another activity to add to my growing to-do list. I hated the idea of them hating Zane and worrying about me.

Sooner or later, probably sooner, Bob would use his associates in law enforcement to investigate Zane. I was reasonably certain Zane had cloaked his past enough to hold up under scrutiny, but I also knew that my stepdad could be relentless if he felt it necessary.

If he somehow found the connections between Zane and Plum Beach murders, all hell would break loose. We needed a reprieve without my parents going berserk.

Interrupting my worries, Zane called from the kitchen, “Why don’t you take advantage of the sunshine and soak in some of those rays you love so much. I’m sure if you dig far enough, you’ll find that Alcuin purchased swimwear for you.”

I had to laugh. Of course, he’d instructed his vampire friend to buy an itsy bitsy bikini. The one I was already slipping on, keeping an eye on the kitchen should Zane decide to come out before I was ready.

“You’ll join me, right?” I was anticipating his massive hands smoothing tanning lotion over my back. I made sure the send him the mental image.

“Wouldn’t miss it, Princess,” he replied, his voice laced with anticipation.

Tingling with the promise of Zane’s expert touch, I finished digging through the bag. I wasn’t surprised to find a zebra print beach towel at the bottom. Wrapping it around me, I headed for the sunshine. “Don’t be long!” I commanded, trying to sound sultry.

The truth was I did feel sultry, sexy, in fact, pretty damn alluring in my swimsuit. And as I let the cool lake water envelope my feet, I tossed the towel, realizing how glad I was for the one thing I’d almost hated Zane for — the loss of my virginity.

Because of our earlier wedding night encounter, today there would be no pain, just passion. No fear, only the fulfillment of our fantasies. No worry, just wonder.

Where was my mate? What was taking him so long?

Realizing he might take awhile to arrange the house, making it perfect in his mind, I treaded further into the lake, allowing the water to cool my heat, but not extinguish it. Bringing it down a notch, allowed me a moment to mull over my recent experience as a werewolf.

Zane didn’t know how or why I’d shifted into what resembled a purebred. He’d never heard of it happening before. Once again I was an anomaly.

On our drive here, we’d stopped at a rest area and taken a stroll along one of several hiking trails. Away from prying eyes, I’d tried to shift and failed. I’d retained the other benefits, like super speed, agility, heightened senses, and an unbreakable confidence in my mental powers; however, I couldn’t switch forms no matter how hard I tried.

Zane had promised we’d find someone who could explain what was happening to me. But despite his noble intentions, I doubted it would be easy.

Two red-tailed hawks, flying overhead, drew my attention, their magnificent wings lifting them higher as they rode the air currents, giving me a personal show in the sky.

Tilting my head, I watched their airborne acrobatics and found myself drifting deeper into the water. “Beautiful,” I murmured, soaking in the ambience of my surroundings and wishing I could somehow fly.

“Indeed, you are beautiful.” The sound of Zane’s voice sent my heart soaring, giving new meaning to the concept of flight.

I turned. He was already reaching for me.

Oh, yes. With Zane I could find a way to fly, without ever leaving the ground.

Carol van Atta's books