Heart Song

“No, but it’s the whole topic of him. He just…just…”


“Shush, uwoduhi. You shouldn’t stress over him. Think of the baby.”


“All right, if you want me to not stress, why can’t we crossover and have the baby there?”


“Because changing while pregnant isn’t safe.” There was a hidden fear behind his words. Something dark crossed his eyes, and I understood part of the reason why Marren had been so edgy that day when we crossed over. I was carrying his child, and I had gone through a change.


“Why?” I sat up, pulling my knees under me. The nausea subsided.


He propped himself up on his arm and toyed with a piece of grass that he pulled from the ground. “It’s something my people always feared, but could never exactly put into words.”


His emotions filter through every level imaginable. He was so conflicted about the crossover and still worried if he made the right decision. I didn’t need our private communication or touch to get that much.


“Marren.” I paused, waiting for him to turn his gaze on me. When he did, I thought my heart would break free from my chest, much in the same way it would when he and I first talked in my room after he rescued me from the Cyrs. I put as much love and faith into my words as I could when I said, “I’m okay. The baby is okay. We’re okay. Nothing is wrong with the baby, but I really would love to have her at home. In our own private home.”


I realized that was the first time I thought of the baby as a girl. I smiled only for it fade far too quickly.


“We can’t cross over, even if I wanted to, we can’t. We must make sure that Jiren isn’t going to do anything, and we need to find out how to finish him. The danger is too high for the baby. You could go into labor early or shifting into your normal human body could…” He choked off.


Guilt filled the hollow pit of my stomach like an iron ball wedged in there. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders, and placed a long peck on his neck at the base of his jaw. I felt his arms wrap around me tightly, pulling me into him, so closely that our bodies seemed to blend together.


I’m sorry.


Marren’s body trembled. No need to apologize. Gvgeyu, waya uwoduhi. I thought I wouldn’t get to see this day. That you would die, along with me, and the child. I thought that I wouldn’t see you again and kept sensing you somewhere near me. I kept trying to tell you to come closer, but when I realized what the forest did to me, I tried to keep you away.


I had a slim chance of repeating his words, his beautiful enchanting language. With how it affected me, calming the angriest storms that raged within, I was sure it could do the same for him. At least I hoped. If he didn’t die of laughing.


I pulled from him, ignoring the hurt in his eyes, and cupped his face with both of my hands. Staring deep into the black orbs I loved so much, I whispered, “Shush, gvgeyu. You have me forever, I promise.”


His eyes grew wide with shock? Alarm? He was frozen in place. Stiff and unmovable. His lips were parted as if the words he searched for were lost in the wind. I feared I had screwed up and said he was the furthest thing from my heart, which hung suspended, afraid to beat. He pulled me into him so hard and so fast I couldn’t think. His lips pressed into mine and moved them to his will. His tongue slid over my lips and along mine. Such heat and such passion exploded from him. I experienced his freeing emotions. He compared it to the way the eagle feels when flying on the first spring day after a long and cold winter. A strange idea to me, but he was filled with so much love and joy and pure elation.


“Uh-hem,” Enid said.


We froze. So caught up in the moment we didn’t hear anyone approach. Marren loosened his grip on me and helped me to stand. We faced Enid, seeming as though he had been smacked in the cheeks with how red they were.


“Yes,” Marren cleared his throat, “what is wrong, Enid?”


“Okelo wishes to run through some of her last minute ideas with you, and A’lainn, here, is needed elsewhere.” His eyes fell on me, and I understood what he meant. I had to be prepared for the ceremony.


Reluctantly, Marren released me. All the while, I knew his eyes were on me, watching me walk away. I turned around, before disappearing into the hall of the mountain. His eyes met mine, and I realized I said the right thing at the right time.






Chapter 24


