Heart Song

My heart gave a sudden leap then dropped in my chest like a weight. My breath left my lungs and stared as horror played on Marren’s face. The world shifted, and I floated weightlessly down into the darkened parts of the earth. I wasn’t afraid or concerned with the lack of control I had. I went along, surrendering to what was until I connected with the bottom of the dark force that had pulled me down. Comforted in a blanket of cool, soft, silk.


I felt air enter my lungs and leave, slow and evenly. I still felt weighed down, but what I lay on was soft and comfortable. The air carried a sweet and dusty tang. A smooth breeze came over me and faded away. Somewhere in the distance was singing and drumming, even some flute playing. I wondered where the music came from, sounding close by but below me some distance.


I had summoned enough will to peel my eyes open to a darkened room. Panic threatened to consume me until I realized I still had my vision, the air was clean, and I lay in a soft bed. I found Marren’s shape overlooking the direction of the sound of a celebration. I stared at him for moments, drinking him in, relishing in the sight of him after having been confronted with never seeing his beautiful face again.


Marren turned around and faced me as my heart picked up in beats.


“You’re awake,” he breathed, full of relief. He half-walked, half-ran to me, sitting down on the edge of the bed and tightly gripping my arms in his hands.


“What happened?” I asked. After thinking about the numerous things I could have said, somehow that was what decided to fall out of my mouth.


“You were extremely exhausted. That…thing…nearly killed you.”


“What thing?”




I realized he referred to me being in the crypt-like prison and blamed Jiren for it. “Why was I put in that thing?”


“He wanted to give me a message that he was in charge and just how easy he thinks it is to catch us off guard.”


“Which he clearly did, but why?”


“I don’t know. But I’m going to find out.”


“What was that place?” I asked with a shake in my voice. The all too familiar image brought panic back into my body and made the world start to spin.


“A Tombcell. A place our kind goes for breaking the most sacred of laws and not traditionally done often. Occasionally you do have a rogue who needs extreme handling.”


“I’m not a rogue, and nothing is extreme about me,” I said.


“Well, Jiren seems to think of us as enough of a threat he tried to tip the scales in his favor. Though I can’t prove he did it, the whole thing is covered in his stench. The other Ancients have been notified and arranged for a meeting in two days. We will get to the bottom of this,” Marren said.


I nodded, unable to think of anything better to do or say. The rush of the events from that night came flooding back. I wouldn’t have been able to escape without the help of Neyr and the werecat’s sacrifice. “I think the werecat died trying to save me.”


“Tobias? He’s sulking right now, down by the fire.” He nodded toward the open window.


“Tobias. Now I know his name.” I tried to sit up with a stabbing pain going into my hands. I collapsed back down on the bed and lifted my hands view the thick bandages covering them.


“He told me what you did.” His eyes rested on my bandages. “You never cease to amaze me with the things you can do.”


Not only could I view his smile, but I heard it, too. Full of pride and wonder.


“Did Neyr come back?”


“Neyr’s allegiance to me isn’t a secret, but she is bound by duties I cannot override. She’ll be along soon, though.”


While trying to scratch an itch I discovered most of my torso was bandaged as well. I also wore a different set of clothing, leather pants, and a loose fitting tunic. Answering thoughts I wasn’t thinking, Marren said, “You got pretty banged up. The decay you were exposed to sickened you, exhausting your body beyond its normal capacity. You’ve been out for a few days.”


“You must have been worried.”


“I would only worry if your heart stopped.”


He stood from the bed and walked back to the window. He motioned with his hands in an up and down fashion. The music quieted. Marren climbed in bed next to me, curling up. The warmth of his body seeped into mine and filled me with the relief of his touch and his closeness. He held back, not fully letting himself lean into me or even touching me much at all. It still bothered me that, after what we had just gone through, he still wouldn’t touch me as much as I wanted.


“My people are traditional in the old ways. We cater and cling to them desperately. Because we were forced to cross over to this realm, and after having lost so much as it is, the traditions are all we have that can’t be taken from us.”


“What traditions are you speaking of?”