Heart Song

I took a few more steps then jumped off the edge, swinging down into the abyss; my heart nearly jumped into my throat. The rope went taut, ripping the skin from my raw hands as I started to swing upward. At the top of my swing, I hung, suspended for a brief second, and then dropped down to the bridge. I untied myself as quick as possible with my fingers slipping from the ooze and blood—stinging as though they were set ablaze—then turned and ran, trying to remember the directions I was given.


I found the stairs to my left and ran up them. The dancing leaves above me fell upon my ears. The air started coming to me fresher and cleaner. I almost took the last stair when a sound, one that echoed back to me, froze me in place. The mournful howl of a large cat. The cry raised the hairs on the back of my neck. I took a deep breath and let a shudder escape before climbing the final stair to my freedom.


Thankfully, the ground was level, covered with grass that poked up between the stone. A small wall with an archway stretched out toward the sky just ahead of me. Standing on the other side was someone moving—no, pacing. They appeared from one side of the arch, disappeared on the other, and then reappeared again. I jogged at a slow pace, lightheaded from the previous excursion and not fully recovered from being locked in the cell.


As I approached, the shape became familiar. The way he took purposeful strides, the hold of his shoulders, and his features—all things I knew well having had to memorize the way he moved to learn how to defeat him in combat.


“Danst!” My voice cracked but didn’t hide the utter relief I felt when his head turned toward me.


“Relena, thank the Gods! You have no idea how glad I am to lay my eyes on you.”


We met each other in a fond and tight embrace.


“We have to hurry. Let’s go.”


I nodded and tried to keep up.






Chapter 14



Breaking from the Nightmare




We trekked for so long I thought for sure I would die before reaching Marren. The sky around us brightened as the hills grew into mountains with the ridges capped in snow above the grey rock, and along the lower half, windows were carved from the face. The edges had been polished, smooth with the area around them left jagged and rough. Rows upon rows of these windows lined the side of the rock. Torches gave light, despite the night fading into morning. Skirting shadows of figures moved on the inside, their aura barely seen.


A small lake came into view as we drew closer, appearing almost black at the deepest point. The water trickled along the rough rock from within the mountain and into the lake. Dark shadowy movements along the surface splattered every now and then where the water trickled in. I assumed it was some kind of fish or the way that the water hit the surface. Either way, Danst pulled me along by my arm toward a slightly hidden path leading up a short, steep hill to another smooth, polished archway sealed with two large, thick, and heavy doors. Iron divots secured large iron hinges to the doors and frame.


Two arched windows flanked both sides of the doors with two people in each, armed with bows and arrows. I couldn’t see the people themselves, being concealed in the shadows of the windows, but I definitely had a clear view of their weapons. The sight caused my mouth to go extremely dry and my head to become light. I was going to faint…or die.


“Announce your business,” a deep voice shouted from within the shadows of the window.


“I am Danst. This is Relena,” Danst said, gesturing to me, “Marren’s mate. He’s expecting us and won’t tolerate you delaying their reunion longer than necessary.”


A few shouts and responses in the same language I knew belonged to Marren echoed to us. Though the words filled me with awe; the enchanting side effect seemed to belong to Marren alone. The doors shuttered with a loud scraping sound, like stone against stone. They opened out to us and revealed Marren waiting on the other side.


I ran to him, slamming hard into his body, and wrapping my arms around him. My body ached from the force and the exertion, but I didn’t care. Especially when his arms wrapped around me and tightly squeezed me farther into him.


“Relena, my love. You’re here. You’re safe.” His voice cracked and his body shook against mine. His hands moved along my hair as he twirled me in place.


“I’m here…I’m here.”


He pulled away from me and kissed me fiercely with several pecks all along my face. “I thought I would never see you again.”


“That very worry crossed my mind as well,” I said.


He released me and took a step back. “You have been in Death’s clutches for far too long…and smell like it too. Let’s get you a bath and get your wounds dressed. You’ll be placed in a room you can rest in until you have your strength back.”


“Wh-what about you?” I didn’t think to use our private way of communicating until the words were already out of my mouth.


“I will be around. Trust me.”