Heart Song

“How did you know? I mean, what told you I was?”



“When I saw you that night, I experienced your pain, your heart breaking. That’s how I found you; devastated. I was going to intercede and save you, but Danst came along. I made the decision to bide my time and wait until you were older. But you had grown so overprotective of yourself and embittered toward anyone that showed you an interest.”


“There’s something more about this company. Something you aren’t telling me, but I can sense it’s threatening you. Why?”


He gathered me in his arms and rested his chin on my shoulder. “You asked how old I was.”


I nodded, and his body tensed.


“I’m one of the oldest of my kind, also an Ancient. I didn’t think you would be as accepting of me if you were aware my role in the immortal realm. That’s why I was so hesitant on telling you.”


I twisted to face him. “I suppose I understand that. How did you become one?”


“I was one of the first of my kind to live here. I’m also the most powerful and the leader of all therianthropes. So, I was born into it.”


“You’re like, their king?”


“More like their God, and there aren’t any kingdoms. We live together in tribes, so to speak, scattered across the realm. The lands are equally divided amongst the races to help promote peace and keep the balance.”


“How is it that this world has remained hidden for all these years?”


“Magic protects the portal. It won’t allow humans to pass through.”


I bowled over, the slice of another cramp tore into my torso, like fire in open wounds. Marren’s hands rubbed my back as my body seemed to turn inside out when the pain started to subside. It trickled away bit by tiny bit. I started shaking, and my frantic heartbeats drummed harder. My mouth swelled with a sour taste from nausea that clung to me. Taking deep breaths helped, but not completely. The pain wouldn’t fade all the way. As soon as the sensation passed, I sat up and opened my eyes. Light from the moon filled the room. I shifted my gaze toward its light…it was nearly full.


“Are you okay?” Marren asked.


I nodded. “I think I want to lie down now.”






Chapter 8



The Prophecy




By the time I had slipped into long black tights, a black blouse, and a red velvet bodice, I had improved. Marren insisted on carrying me to bed, in case I was forced to surrender to another bout of cramps. I clung to him, breathing in the remaining scent of dried rose petals from the bath, and kept ahold of him when he laid me on the bed, not willing to let him go just yet.


“When are the Ancients going to be here?” I asked just before I fell asleep, curled up next to him. The drapes danced in the warm breeze blowing in from the balcony. The moon’s light shone on the stone, causing a pale blue aura.


“Several days from now, at least that is what their letter entailed.”


“Do you think I’ll be changed by then?”


“I am not sure.”


An eerie call cut through the air, a howl that was both beautiful and terrifying. I sucked in a breath and clung to Marren tighter. A chill crawled up my spine and raise the tiny hairs on the back of my neck.


“Enid is telling me everything is clear. You are safe tonight.”


“Why are you worried about my safety? I can defend myself just fine. You even saw to that.”


“Yes, but some things are beyond your level of skill.” He added almost as an afterthought, “It’s my job to protect you.”


I pulled myself up to his face, rubbing my lips gently along his cheek to his own lips, and then laid my head back on his chest, listening to the thumping beneath his shirt.


Just before I fell asleep, I heard him whisper, “Marry me?”


“I already have,” I whispered back and let unconsciousness sweep me away.


When I awoke, it was warm, but there wasn’t fire. The heat was different, like it came from within me. A burning flame pulsating beneath my skin. It reminded me of when I drank too much ale, or maybe I swallowed a tiny sun.


I stretched out my body, reaching for Marren but cold sheets returned my touch instead. I opened my eyes and found him on the balcony, shirtless. The beads in his hair lace danced in the wind blowing warm gushes of air into the room. I licked my lips and crawled to the other side of the bed, slipping off to sneak up behind him. I slid my hands in between his arms and wove my fingers together locking him in my embrace. He took in a deep breath then let it out slowly. His hand covered mine.


“Good morning,” I whispered.


He twisted to face me, kissed my forehead then whispered, “Good morning, uwoduhi.”


“I love it when you say such beautiful things.” I smiled into his chest, leaving a kiss where my lips touched.


“That’s exactly what it means.”


“Beautiful things?”