Heart Song

“Beautiful,” he said.


I remembered talking about it once but never got far. Nestled into his chest, I breathed in his skin. The faint aroma of dried rose petals lingered still. It brought the memory of the bath to mind, which in turn led to the reason for the bath and the way fighting him makes my body react. His arms tightened around me, lifting my feet off the floor and carrying me back into the room. He sat me gently on the bed and started to unlace my bodice while his lips parted and massaged mine. Mid-kiss, he paused, sucked in a breath, and stiffened. A quiet tapping at the door filled the silence.


“Dammit. Stay here. Please, stay here.” He patted the bed firmly in time with the last two words.


I nodded, frightened by the change in mood and let my sight follow him as he grabbed a shirt then walked through the doors as though he ran into battle.


I stared at the door after it had clicked closed, waiting for a quick return. When he didn’t, I thought through my options. I could stay put, which was something I didn’t like to do, or I could find out whatever I could about what set Marren off. I hopped to the floor and walked to the bench where my boots sat. After I pulled them on, I stared at the door still considering my options and taking into account what happened the last time I did something against Marren’s wishes.


Something set him off. Something he needed to protect me from…something that made him eager and on edge. Staring at the door wasn’t going to give me the answers I needed. I approached the door and laid my hand on the handle, taking a deep breath before turning it—hoping it wouldn’t be locked.


Enid stood on the other side of the doors with his robes on and arms crossed over his chest.


“It figures he’d find a way to stop me,” I muttered.


“A’lainn, what is it you think you’re doing?” he spoke in a stern but quiet tone careful, to not let his voice travel.


“I wanted to see what made Marren demand I be kept in the room instead of with him.”


He moved toward me and in an even lower voice said, “Our guests can, and most likely will, kill you if they discover who you are.”


I nodded. “The Ancients.”


Even though it wasn’t, it came out sounding like a question.


He nodded slowly.


“I thought they were here to make sure Marren didn’t break any laws? How did he know they were here?”


“What has happened has gone a little further than that, especially since they arrived unexpectedly. It’s of utmost importance you stay here.”


“Not acceptable.” I started marching down the hall, stopping as Marren rounded the corner with his eyes on fire and fists clenched. He covered the distance in only a few strides.


“I thought I told you to stay put,” he said through gritted teeth.


“I thought I told you I wasn’t one to stand around and wait. Besides, I got worried.” I turned, finding Enid directly behind me.


Marren grabbed my arm tightly and drug me back to the room with such a rush it was difficult to keep my footing. Once we stepped through the doors, I yanked my arm from his hand.


“What do you think you’re doing, dragging me like that?” I said, spitting out my words.


“Do you not understand when I tell you to do something, I need you to do it?”


I didn’t think it was possible for him to glare at me with so much anger and hate. I bit back the hurt and dug deeper into my own anger. “What I understand is your insistence on keeping me in the dark and only allowing me more information when you see fit.”


“You need to stay here because I don’t want anything to happen to you. It would kill m—” He pressed his lips firmly together and propped a hand on his hip and lowered his gaze to the floor.


I realized then, his anger wasn’t directed at me but at the situation. I closed the space between us then rested my hand on his arm, forcing him to set his eyes on me again. “Why are you so concerned with losing me? You spent so much time trying to get me, and now your only concern is losing me?”


“I’ve waited for you for so long.” His hand cupped the back of my neck. “I can only have you once. If you die, all hope is lost.”


“Why would all hope be lost?”


He sighed as if to surrender, no longer able to fight me. “Relena, I’m not the only threat to the other Ancients. I must go. Stay here. Please.”


He pulled me into him and kissed me gently. In it, I experienced his fear, his overwhelming love, and an urgency behind it all that made me want to keep him in the room with me.


“Enid, do not leave her side unless I say otherwise. No one else is to come in this room. See to it she remains comfortable.”


Enid nodded once. “I will protect her.”


With a nod in return, Marren left the room.


“Where does he run off to all the time?” I asked myself more than Enid.


“He’s setting up the Ancients in our guest quarters, so they aren’t around or close by you.”