Haunting Echoes

How was it possible for him to reincarnate with the same energy and different features? What was it about him that arrested her attention? She was interested in him for curiosity’s sake, for academic purposes. She made it her business to study people’s energies. Lawrence insisted she do it all the time. In their quest to form a superior race of vampires, learning more about Michael would prove beneficial.


If that had been the true source of her fascination, she would have shared it with Lawrence. She didn’t know why, but she knew that telling him of Michael’s reappearance and her little excursions to see him would not be wise. Not only did she have a feeling that he would be upset with her, but she knew he would insist on orchestrating a coupling between Michael and a woman with a strong energy. She found the thought supremely distasteful.


A spray of water hit Amaia squarely in the face. “Stop brooding.” Through the droplets of water hanging from her eyelashes, she saw Meg stand, her hand poised to deliver another splash. “You have nothing to brood over. You’re the wealthiest courtesan in Aachen, you have a sire who adores you, and you have the greatest best friend in the history of the world.” Meg’s expression held mock severity, but Amaia saw a hint of truth in Meg’s eyes and knew she was worried.


“I’m not brooding.” Amaia returned the splash.


“Good. I’d hate for you to get wrinkles.” Meg giggled.


“I can’t. I’m eternally preserved in youth, which is more than can be said of some people.” Amaia lunged at Meg, dunking her underneath the water.


“Eternally young, eternally foolish,” Meg spluttered as she broke the surface.


“Girls, girls. Don’t make me break you up. Besides, we all know I’m the one with the looks in this little party.” Meg and Amaia launched themselves at Liam. His muscled arms easily captured them, pinning their arms to their sides.


“Let us go, Liam.” Amaia kicked furiously at him below the water, but he didn’t so much as flinch.


“No, I don’t think I will.”


“Please, Liam?” Meg gave him a pouty expression, her large, blue eyes sparkling as she gazed up at him.


“Nope. Not going to work this time. Now I can enjoy a peaceful evening.” Liam, keeping a firm hold on each woman, exhaled and sank to the bottom of the pool.


Amaia and Meg struggled to no avail. Liam was physically stronger than both of them. While she didn’t need to breathe, it still felt strange to Amaia to be without air. Too many years spent mimicking humans.


After a few minutes, Amaia felt Liam’s grip loosen. Amaia looked up at him. His jaw was slack, mouth parted in pleasure. A glance toward Meg revealed why. She had bitten him and sucked sensually on his blood.


Amaia was able to easily squirm out of Liam’s hold and swim to the surface. Several minutes later, Meg and Liam followed suit. “Eww. Really, you shouldn’t be doing that in public.”


Meg disengaged from Liam and looked at Amaia with a sly grin. “So says the whore. There’s nothing wrong with exchanging blood.”


Exchanging blood was one of the most intimate and pleasurable acts vampires could perform. Amaia wouldn’t know; it was something one only did with a mate. “I think I’d rather still be trapped than see you two mating.”


“You’re just jealous.” Meg gave Liam a deep kiss.


Amaia rolled her eyes. “Please forcibly stop me if I ever look so ridiculous over a man.”


Meg laughed. “I don’t think there’s any danger of that. It would require you stop working long enough to actually meet someone.”


Amaia only half heard what Meg said. Two gray eyes stared at her. The warmth in them made her more uncomfortable than Meg’s mating ever could.





“I’m back.”


Lawrence’s voice entered Amaia’s head shortly before dawn. They were still at the hot springs, floating lazily in their underclothes, bellies full courtesy of a few fellow swimmers who had stumbled upon their pool. “How was it?”


“Good. I need to see you. If Meg and Liam are with you, you might as well bring them too.”


Amaia froze. There was only one reason Lawrence would want to see all of them. Time to move again. “We’re at the hot springs. We’ll be there soon.”


Amaia stood and walked from the water. “Lawrence is back. He wants to see us.”


“So? He’s not my sire. Run along to daddy. I’m staying here.” Liam continued to float, but Meg was already exiting the pool.


“Don’t be an ass, dear. No one is saying you have to do what Lawrence says, but we might as well see what’s happening.”


Liam heaved a dramatic sigh and joined Meg. “Fine. If you’re going.”


“I am.” Meg rose on tiptoe and kissed him.


Thankfully, it was a short run to Lawrence’s home. Amaia didn’t need a lot of time to speculate about where they were going to move. She especially didn’t like how much she hoped it would be closer to Michael rather than farther away.


Upon entering Lawrence’s townhouse, Amaia embraced her sire and gave him a peck on each cheek.


“You’re a sight for sore eyes, my dear.” Lawrence smiled.


“I missed you too. What news do you have for us?” Amaia stood behind the couch occupied by Meg and Liam.


Caethes Faron's books