Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

her through.


She stared up into his face, trying to understand what was going on. But no matter how she framed it, it didn’t make any sense.


“You owe me an explanation.”


He laughed bitterly. “I have done enough to you.


You have made your decision, and I was a fool to ever think otherwise. I wish you a wonderful marriage.”


He bowed curtly and walked away before she had a chance to form a reply.


“Avery,” she whispered. No, no, NO! What was she doing? How could she let him walk away?


She picked up her skirts to run after him again. “Avery!”


Her shout was drowned out by the hoof beats of an approaching horse. She glanced over her shoulder, and the sight brought her to a halt.


The carriage and the duke were there behind her.


“Come, my dear. Amelia is beside herself with worry.”


With a reluctant glance toward Avery, Leah allowed the duke to help her into the carriage.




Lady Chesterfield clucked like the chicken she’d probably murdered to have such a fluffy feathered gown. The duke left after entrusting Leah to her doting chaperone’s care, promising to call on them tomorrow.


“I have never been so worried in all my days, dear Leah. Are you harmed in any way?” Genuine concern threaded the woman’s words.


“I’m fine,” Leah sniffed. “I’m just tired. Do you mind if I have a bath and go to bed?”


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Lady Chesterfield’s pudgy hand patted Leah’s cheek.


“Of course, my dear. But I must say how dashing the duke appeared carrying you into the house!”


“Yup. Totes dashing.” Leah’s dry tone sailed right over Lady Chesterfield’s head.


Leah trudged up the stairs, looking forward to no less than thirty-six hours of total oblivion. And then she’d figure out how the crap to get back into Granville House and activate the mirror to get her home.


Man, she was going to need weeks of therapy to get over this so-called adventure.


Hushed voices from inside Leah’s bedroom piqued her interest. She slowed, reaching for the door handle but hesitating as she tried to place the voices inside.


Muriel was there, but that other voice…so familiar…


“Ella!” Leah threw open the door and hugged her friend tightly. “Oh my God, I am so incredibly happy to see you.”


Ella pulled away way before Leah was ready to let her go. But then Leah saw her face. Her cheeks were tearstained, her eyes red. Ella wasn’t a crier. Something was bad.


Leah’s chest tightened to a near-unbearable level.


“What’s wrong?”


She knew it before the words left Ella’s mouth.


“It’s your grandfather. He’s bad, Leah. It was a heart attack, and they don’t think he’s going to last much longer.”


And with that, Leah crumbled inside. The last reserves of strength that had held her upright, had dared her to believe that she and Avery would reconcile, that she could take him home and they’d be happy and Pawpaw would feel better and not have to worry GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 274


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









about her, melted away. The world shimmered, and



she stumbled.


Ella grabbed her shoulders and looked into Leah’s face.


“Come on, don’t do this. He needs you to be strong.”


“How?” Leah whispered, tears already burning her cheeks. “How can I be without them both?”


Ella shook her head, confused. “I’m sorry, sweetie. We have to get back to the mirror as soon as we can. Mrs.


Knightsbridge is having trouble keying into the right times now, and if we don’t hurry, we might end up in ancient Egypt or something.” Ella pressed her forehead to Leah’s.


“Come on. Keep it together for me, okay?”


Leah nodded numbly. Ella and Muriel flew around the room, making preparations for their hasty departure.


How had things gotten so bad?




Avery’s heart, which had hardened over his last night in Granville House, had grown cracks since he’d seen her again. Even on the duke’s arm, she’d still been the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She made him want to believe he was wrong about what he’d seen.


His stride shortened, and he stopped. Tilting his chin skyward, he searched the beautiful blue sky for answers.


There were none.


A nearby park beckoned, offering sanctuary from the crowded street. Avery sank onto a bench not far from the entrance.


He had bungled things. All of them. He’d not been there for her when she’d needed him. He’d not protected her from that blackguard, Prachett. And now he was running away like a beaten dog with its tail between its legs.


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Gina Lamm



Anger stirred in his belly.


Gina Lamm's books