Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

Emersen, a ruddy beast of a man, stood over six feet tall.


He towered over Avery, thicker, stronger, in every way his superior.


Avery widened his stance and raised his fists. There was no force on earth that could stand between him and Leah. Not even this beast of a man.


They came together like two leviathans, with a crash.


The noise was deafening as the crowd cheered at every landed blow.


Bruises and blood, fists and grunts flew as they pummeled each other. Round for round, blow for blow, they were as perfectly matched as any pair of combatants could be. As the hours dragged on, and the warriors slowed, only one thought kept Avery moving.


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes












She was in danger because of him.


This man kept him from rescuing her.


In the twenty—


third round, with Avery’s vision clouded by blood, his fists swollen, cut and aching, bones broken and head spinning, he saw his opening. A quick stumble, a simple misstep, and Avery laid into Emersen without mercy. Right and left, over and over, he let his rage pour through his fists.


The crowd went silent as Avery stood. Emersen moaned but did not rise.


The victor did not waste a moment on the loser.


He only had eyes for one man, the man standing in the corner of the ring, gloating at his victory.




The distance between them melted away as if it were nothing. Avery grasped Prachett’s coat, shaking the man as if he were a dog with a bone.


“Where is she?”


Prachett coughed, clawing at Avery’s hands. “Let me go.”


Avery lowered Prachett to the ground, but he did not release him. “Damn you, you perfidious cheat, where is she? I lost the matches as you told me, and won this one, now I’ll have her back.”


Murmurs ran through the crowd.




“Wot did he say?”


“He lost purposefully?”


A shrill voice penetrated the fog of anger surrounding Avery. “Thomas Prachett has been manipulating the fights for his own gain!”


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


The crowd surged around them, carrying Prachett away from Avery in a tide of outrage.


“Where is she, Prachett? Damn you, answer me!”


There were too many people between them. He cast about for another answer.


Prachett’s men had scattered, unwilling to be caught with their master now that the scheme had failed. But one was not as fast as the others.


“Mackenzie.” Avery caught the stable master by the neck. “You will tell me what I need to know, and you will tell me now.”




Shouts woke her, though she hadn’t realized she’d fallen asleep. Angry male voices— it was hard to tell how many— arguing and cursing one another. The sharp crack of gunfire made her jump, and she struggled to sit up. Her body groaned and protested, but she managed to prop herself against a wall. She pushed against the wall with her bound hands behind her and struggled to her feet.


Damn it, if only she could freaking see! She could run while they were distracted if she just had a peephole. But while the weave of the bag was loose enough to allow oxygen to flow to her, it wasn’t large enough in the dim room to give her a clear line of vision.


She had to do something. She was tired of lying here and waiting for someone to either kill her or rape her.


Her scream was so loud it nearly pierced her own eardrums. She stumbled but pressed back against the wall to steady herself. Let them ignore that if they could.




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Avery was nearly out of his head with worry by the



time he located the secluded hovel in the woods that Mackenzie had confessed was their prison. His horse had pulled up lame, and he’d had the devil of a time finding another. She’d been in their custody for nearly a full day. Anything could have happened to her. How could he know the brigands Prachett had hired would leave her unharmed?


Blackhearted devils. If they’d hurt her, he’d kill them all with his bare hands. Gladly.


He circled the area, making the best of the fading daylight. There were no lookouts posted. Of course, Prachett knew that Miss Ramsey was not really of the ton and therefore had no powerful allies to come to her aid.


Cold rage had replaced the angry passion of the morning, and Avery was glad of it. He could examine the situation much more clearly and rescue her that much sooner.


The mare picked her way over a thin stream, and Avery dismounted once they’d reached the other side.


Gina Lamm's books