Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

“I thank you, sir.”



Smythe held his chair out for him. Mrs. Harper brought a wet cloth for him to wipe his hands and face, and Cook served him a double portion of mutton. Teresa promised to tend to his wounds once he’d finished his GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 268


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meal, and Henrietta looked at him as if he were an



avenging warrior returning home.


The delicious food was tinged with both acceptance and bitterness.


He’d found his place only to have to leave it behind.


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Twenty-Eight Leah was limp. There was no strength left in her body. It had all been wrenched away by a euphoric glee that stemmed from not being tied up and smothered by a burlap bag anymore. When the duke had removed that barrier between her and the world, she’d been so overcome that she’d hugged him.


He’d patted her back, comforting her. He really was a good man.


“Thank you so much for saving me,” she said. “I don’t know why they took me, but I’m so grateful you came.”


“It is my fault, dearest Miss Ram.” He patted her hand. “I should never have allowed you to wander the paths alone. It was foolishness.”


“Yeah, it was pretty stupid of me.” She rubbed at her wrists, taking in her surroundings. “Granville, what men do you have with you?”


His brows arched curiously, but he answered. “My driver, the tiger, and two footmen.”


She couldn’t help but be disappointed. Where the hell was Avery? “I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little faint. Can you take me back to Lady Chesterfield’s?”


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“Of course,” Granville said tenderly, and snapped his



fingers. A man leapt forward and fetched the carriage, which had been parked just out of sight.


Granville handed her into the carriage, and she rested her head against the seat. As soon as the conveyance rumbled to a start, she lay her head back against the cushions.


This wasn’t right. None of this was right. Why had these guys taken her? She didn’t have anything they could want.


Avery’s absence wasn’t the only thing that smelled funny. That Scottish accent had been really familiar. She frowned. Wasn’t the stable master Scottish? The one that had tried to get fresh with her that time?




that was his name. Could his have been the voice that had stopped the jerks from violating her? On the one hand, she was really grateful he’d stopped them. But on the other, what was he doing there at all?


The carriage’s sudden stop scared the crap out of her.


She jumped, clutching at her thundering heart to keep it from leaping out of her chest. Sunlight streamed through the carriage windows.


Oh. She’d been asleep.


“Why have we arrived at Granville Place?” The duke’s expression was cross as he called up to the driver.


“My apologies, Your Grace. I had thought…”


“We must return Miss Ram to Lady Chesterfield’s.”


Granville turned back to Leah. “I do apologize, my dear. However, since we’ve arrived at my home, is there anything that you require?”


Leah shook her head quickly. “No, thank you, GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 271


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Granville. I need to get back to Lady Chesterfield. I’m sure she’s really worried.”


Granville nodded. “Of course. But allow me to fetch a horse for the return journey. I must go and speak with the magistrate as soon as possible regarding this matter.


Those responsible will be punished.”


“O…kay.” He had descended the carriage before she could get the whole word out.


She watched as he entered the house. A glimpse down the street caught an unexpected sight.


Avery, wearing a coat and hat and bearing a leather bag similar to the one he’d given her, was walking away from Granville House.


She’d hit the pavement before her brain caught up.


Hauling her wrinkled and dirty skirts up, she took off running toward him.


“Avery,” she called, heart pounding with more than exertion. She hadn’t realized how desperate she was to see him. He was her sanity in this freaking crazy world.


“Avery, wait!”


He didn’t turn, only walked quicker away from her.


“Oh the hell you are,” she snarled and put on a burst of speed. She caught him as he rounded the corner, grabbing his arm and pulling until he stopped.


“What is wrong with you? Didn’t you hear me?”


He didn’t look her in the eyes, just kept staring straight ahead.


“My apologies, Miss Ramsey.”


“Wait, where are you going?” Her heart thumped even louder now. Something was wrong— horribly,


horribly wrong.


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“That is none of your concern.” His soft reply pierced



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