Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

His deep breaths, mingled with almost animalistic growls, filled her with a deep sense of pride, want, and something else she couldn’t name.


He looked down at her for a moment, then their mouths connected. Leah took his tongue into her mouth, sucking it in time with his thrusts. His hands cupped her ass, bringing her higher and tighter, forcing his thrusts deeper into her.


“Avery,” she gasped against his mouth.


He buried his head beside hers and continued the rhythm that would either make her come or kill her with desire, and at this point, Leah didn’t really care which.


He’d made her feel like a goddess, and now his thick heat lay hard in her channel, so deep she thought he touched her womb.


He reached between them and pressed against her clit.


She bit back her scream as her world exploded. Her inner walls gripped him as she kissed him, hard, trying like hell to make the moment last forever.


This was her man.


This was the one she’d been sent to find.




His body felt light, almost as if he could float away with no cares at all.


He was still sheathed within her heat. She held him GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 217


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


so tightly, arms and legs wrapped around him as if she’d never let him go.


He held her tightly, bracing himself on his forearms so as not to crush her. He never wanted to let her go either.


“As much as I hate to make you move, I think maybe you’d better.” Her voice was thick, slurred against his chest. She pressed a kiss there before he lifted free.


“My apologies,” he said, running a hand down her leg. She was softer than linen, warmer than summertime.


And she’d shared herself with him.


Before he could voice any of this, she reached out and traced a particularly deep bruise on his ribs.


“I don’t want to kill the mood, but I need to know.”


She looked into his eyes, concern threading her words.


“How did you get all these bruises?”


He looked down at his hands, knuckles scarred and calloused. She’d shared her all with him. Could he deny her similar intimate knowledge of his own life?


He slammed his eyes shut. Even now, after what they’d shared, he could spare her the pain of association with him. If she loved the duke, she’d be safe.


“Before I tell you, I must know.” He gripped her hands fervently. “What are your feelings for the duke?”


Her jaw went slack, her eyes wide.


“I cannot believe those words just came out of your mouth!”


She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, a flag of golden hair trailing behind her as she went.


“Well, I have a right to know,” he said, rising from the bed as he tried to tamp his anger. “Do you still intend to let him court you?”


She stilled, holding her petticoat in front of her like a GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 218


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shield. “You don’t really know me at all, Avery Russell.”


She resumed her dressing, furious.


He had to stop her. He had to tell her. But would she spurn him?


In the end, it would not matter. He could no more have her than he could have the throne of England.


His words hurtled free like a bird escaping a cage.


“I fight.”


Her movement ceased again. “What?”


“Pugilistic tournaments. Boxing, if you’d rather.” His palms were suddenly drenched with sweat. It was only when he tried to dry them on his breeches that he realized he was wearing none.


“But why?” She crossed to him, pressing her palm against his chest. “Don’t valets make enough money? Is it for kicks, like a hobby?”


He looked down into her wide blue eyes. Despite her bravado and knowledge of a world so foreign to him, she was really quite innocent of the harsh realities of his life.


“The medicine for my aunt,” he began, but a sharp rap on the door interrupted him.


Leah’s face lit with alarm.


“Behind the bureau,” he mouthed at her, motioning as he grabbed his breeches. “Quickly.”


She flew on silent feet, disappearing as a voice called out with another knock. “Russell?”


He lowered his brows as he opened the door.


“Henrietta? Whatever are you doing here?”


She looked past him into the room, greedy eyes searching for something. “I was going to the kitchens for a light. Our fire had gone out.” She turned to him, a knowing smile on her face. “But I heard voices coming GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 219


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


from somewheres over here. You wouldn’t know about that, would you, Russell?”


“You must be mistaken,” he said. “You know female maids are not allowed in this part of the house. Now please remove yourself from my chambers.”


Henrietta tried to push past him and enter his room, but he blocked her way with his body.


She delivered the killing blow with innocent aplomb.


“I merely wished to greet my dear old friend Ramsey.”


His stomach sank, but he fought to keep his face neutral.


Gina Lamm's books