Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


His muscles tensed, and he fought to keep their trembling secret. Excitement and willingness thrummed in his body, but he must deny it. He cared for her too much.


“It’s not ruining, Avery.” She unfolded herself and came to him. “I’m not a virgin, and I want you as much as you want me. And there are things that we need to settle between us, feelings that I need to explore.” She laid her head on his chest, and he did not resist the urge to fold his arms around her.


He rubbed her back and closed his eyes. All the reasons he should abstain pelted him. She was not of his time. She was not his wife. Prachett would use her against him, harm her.


But when he looked down into her open, honest, and beautiful face, he could not deny either of them.


“Leah,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. Their kiss was filled with her enthusiasm and his barely contained joy. She’d accepted him. She could not know what that meant to him.


Bending low, he scooped her against his chest, bearing her back to the bed. Her hands curled around his neck and she nuzzled his chest.


“You have the best body,” she said as he lay her gently on his mattress. Her eyes glowed with desire as she traced his chest with a finger.


He smiled. “I would like to return the compliment, but I cannot see as much of you at the moment.”


Her laugh warmed his heart as well as other parts of his body. She sat up with a wink. “Let’s fix that then, shall we?”


His mouth went dry as she turned and presented her back to him. “Can you help me out of this?”


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









He was no fool. He knew what he wanted from her and what she’d expect from him. But faced with the reality of a warm, laughing Leah in his bed, he found himself frozen with an emotion he could not name. Not fear, or anxiety either. More the sense that the world around him was changing at a lightning pace, and there was not a thing he could do to stop it.


If he wanted to stop it.


“Are you okay?” She looked over her shoulder at him. “Avery?”


He shook off the thoughts and moved close to her.


“All is well.” His fingers moved sure and strong, deftly loosing the buttons that flowed down the back of her dress. He concentrated on the task, doing his damnedest to ignore the throbbing ache in his groin that needed to be sated.


He pushed the gown from her shoulders, and it pooled around her torso. His moan of frustration at the numerous layers of underthings that lay beneath the gown wrenched a giggle from her.


“I know. It’s a crazy amount of underwear. We’ll get through it together, though, right?”


He pressed a kiss on her shoulder. “I cannot wait.”


He pulled her to her feet, and together they removed layer after layer of frilly, womanly undergarments. He’d not thought he could grow so hard at such a simple act of undressing her, but she was irresistible. She teased and kissed by turns, stoking his fires by touching him whenever and however she could. By the time she stood barefoot wearing only her shift, he was ready to toss her onto her back and plunge into her. Control. He must retain control.


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


“Well,” she said, running her fingers beneath the waist of his breeches. “I think we’re even here. What do you say we get rid of the last of these clothes on the count of three?”


“I don’t think I can wait that long,” he said, gripping her shift and lifting it over her head. His breath caught deep in his throat.


“Good Lord.”


She stood naked in front of him, her arms at her sides, not bothering to hide her exquisite nudity. He did not know whether to stumble backward to look his fill or to press her full against him.


She was so lovely. Her full, high breasts pouted and teased him with their erect nipples. Her waist sloped delicately, flaring out to beautifully shaped hips. He could happily stare at her all evening, but she clearly had other notions.


“It’s your turn,” she said, stepping close and unbuttoning his breeches. “I want to see you too.”


He didn’t move as she bent to lower his breeches. He couldn’t. He was transfixed by the sight of her delectable bottom as she bent over in front of him. It was too much pleasure for a man, it truly was.


“Oh, Avery,” she whispered, kneeling in front of him.


“You’re beautiful.”


Before he could ask to what she was referring, her soft hands had wrapped around his manhood. She pressed a kiss to the weeping tip, and he fisted his hands at his sides. Control.


“Can I suck you?”


The image of her sweet mouth wrapped around his rod nearly drove him beyond the brink. He shook his head, his hair tickling his shoulders.


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









Gina Lamm's books