Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

“I would not last if you did.”



“Later then” she whispered, and pressed another kiss to the swollen head. He titled his head back, throat working.


Her hands ran up his body, from his groin to his abdomen to his chest, winding at the last round his back.


Her nipples dragged across his chest, her belly pressed against his erection.


“Touch me,” she groaned against his throat. He was more than happy to comply.


Starting at her hips, he indulged his fingers in the direction they wanted to travel, upward toward her breasts. His hands closed over the sweet, soft mounds, lightly flicking over their erect tips. She pressed against him, smiling as he touched her.


“Like that,” she whispered, rubbing her hips against his.


Something in his lust filled brain snapped, and he stopped thinking. He acted.


“Put your arms around my neck,” he directed.


Once she obeyed, he cupped her buttocks and lifted.


Obligingly, she wrapped her thighs around his waist. He nearly wept when her slick mound made contact with his erection.


He moved backward and sat on the bed, leaving her straddling his lap. In this position, it was easy to lean forward and capture one of her beautiful nipples in his mouth.


She tangled her fingers in his hair as he sucked, his tongue flicking against the bud, his teeth grazing it. Her hips writhed against him, bathing his hardness in her sweet slickness. It would be so easy to slip inside her this way, to claim her as his. But he wanted to make this last.


He moved to her other breast as her hands roamed GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 213


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


his body. He forgot all his bruises, forgot all the reasons why they should not be doing this. None of that mattered when her hands wrapped around him again, moving up and down in a rhythmic motion that drove him mad.


“Leah,” he whispered after releasing her nipple from his mouth with a soft pop, “I cannot last much longer if you persist in that.”


“I can’t last much longer either.” She seemed winded, her eyes dark and lips swollen. “Feel me, Avery. See what you do to me.”


She slipped from his lap and stretched full-length on the bed.


Could there be anything so beautiful on earth?


“Please touch me, Avery.” She’d fisted her hands into his sheets, and her breath was coming much quicker.


“The way you’re looking at me is driving me crazy.”


“How am I looking at you?” He could not resist asking the question, though he could empathize with her desperation.


“Like you want to devour me.” Her breath came in gasps as her eyes darkened.


He did. He wanted to taste her. Kneeling between her legs, he parted her folds and lowered his head to her. The scent was intoxicating, sweet and musky and womanly. He could breathe her in forever, but if he did that, he’d never know her taste. And that was a pleasure he’d not forgo.


He licked the lower part of her folds and moved his way up as her hips writhed against him. When his lips closed around that swollen nub at the apex of her mound, she gave a mewling cry.


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“There! Oh my God, right there Avery.” The sheets twisted in her grip.


“As you wish,” he breathed against her hot, wet flesh, and then complied.


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Avery seemed determined to coax her to heaven with his mouth alone. But she wanted much more than his mouth.


She got a portion of her wish when he his finger slid inside her. Her muscles spasmed around it involuntarily, and she let out a long, low moan.


“Are you trying to drive me crazy?” she panted.


He gave her a wicked smile as he inserted another finger. “Perhaps.”


“Please, Avery,” she whispered as she pinched her own nipples, wishing he was close enough to kiss.


“Don’t make me wait.”


She lifted her arms to him and he stretched full-length atop her. Their mouths and hands were suddenly everywhere. They rolled and tangled, tasting, touching, licking, and sucking. Leah wrapped her legs around his hips and bit his shoulder.


“Now,” she said, tangling her hands in his long hair.


“I need you inside me.”


He lifted himself above her, a fine sheen of sweat coating them both in the candlelight. “Are you sure?”


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She gripped him and guided him to her entrance.


“Yes, Avery.”


They moaned together as he slid slowly, inexorably home. Leah’s eyes flew open as he began a rhythm that tapped the deepest places within her.


She dug her nails into his hips as he drove into her.


Gina Lamm's books