Full Blooded

If they left, does that mean no one on our side was hurt? I was anxious to know if everyone was okay. I felt a heavy burden on my shoulders, thinking there was a possibility wolves could’ve lost their lives because of me. Especially anyone I loved.


I heard what amounted to a scoff in my head. We’re fine, don’t worry about us. Danny got a few bones broken and it pissed him off, and some of the younger wolves have some bumps and bruises, but there were no major losses.


I was relieved. Is Tyler with you?


Yes, he and ten others. The rest are going to rendezvous with us once we pick you up.


I don’t know how you’re going to find me. We crossed a small river with a sulfur stream and we hiked up a steep slope all day. You’re going to have to follow our stinky trail. I can change back and ask Rour—


Jessica, I will find you. I can promise you that. There’s nothing on this planet that will keep me from finding you—but you have to listen to me closely now. Intensity stressed his words. My blood jumped, reacting to his emotion.


I’m listening.


The implication of the Southern wolves changing their tactics and pulling out is extremely serious. It means they’re working with another Sect, maybe even more than one. There’s something going on here that we don’t fully understand yet. And it’s highly organized, Jessica. I’ve been a fool not to think something like this wasn’t a possibility. His regret flowed though me. I’ll be sorry until the day I die, but I promise I will make amends to you. I swear it on my very life.


My heart thudded in my chest. I wanted to be with my Pack, to alleviate my father’s worry. I can leave now, try to meet you through the forest. I can try to find my way out in my wolf form. Or Rourke may be able to guide me there if he’s willing.


My father stilled. Has Rourke told you anything? Has he told you who sent him? Or why?


No, he only hinted they were “very” interested in me.


Jessica, he cannot be trusted. He’s a great warrior, one of the best I’ve ever seen, and I will owe him a life debt for getting you out of the fight, but he is not one of us. He is not Pack. If he’s led you into a trap by bringing you there … he’s also a dead man.


The thought of Rourke dead choked me. I couldn’t breathe.


Jessica? Do you hear me?


I shook myself. Yes, I hear you. Now was not the time or the place to explain what had happened between Rourke and me. That would have to wait. I don’t think I’m in any danger from Rourke, as of right now, I said carefully. He’s been on the level as much as he can be. When I change back, I’ll try to get more information. He may be willing to share more with me now.


Jessica, I think we’re close to the point where you entered the mountains. Tyler is reading the map as we speak and the base of the Ozarks is roughly a twenty-minute drive from where we are. If you climbed all day, we can make it in a fraction of that time. We have your scent. We’ll find you soon.


I can change back into my wolf form after I talk to Rourke. I can be waiting and ready in an hour. That should give you enough time to find my trail.


Heavy emotion pulsed in my blood. There was something my father wasn’t telling me, and it weighed heavily on him. Then he spoke. Jessica, the Southern faction is ahead of us. It took us some time to round up our wolves and get organized. There’s a strong possibility … they will make it to you before we do.


But they don’t know where to go, and you do, I told him with a confidence belying my feelings.


It doesn’t matter. If they’re working with another group of supernaturals, it’s possible they have information we don’t. And they have your scent. They could be working with anyone: witches or demons or any of the goddamn Sects, very likely the same one who hired the cat. A string of angry curses tumbled around in my brain. You have to arm yourself. Right now. Change back and get yourself somewhere safe. Don’t stay in the open. Go someplace unpredictable. Start moving. We’ll find you.


I’m heading back right now. We’ll leave as soon as I shift back.


When we draw closer, your link with your brother should be intact. Just get yourself to a safe place. My body tingled, the blood order searing through my veins, solidifying.


I’m leaving now. I’ll see you soon. I told him.


I love you, Jessica.


I love you too.




I jumped off the rock. Okay, this is going to be all you. I shifted control over to my wolf on a thought and she took off, picking up our pace, speeding through the forest. It was exhilarating—a feeling so pure and free, I’d never experienced anything like it. For the very first time since my change, I finally felt like the animal I’d become. It was wonderful.


She skillfully bounded over and through obstacles like she was a part of the natural flow and of the woods. She managed to snag food for us on the way, not even needing to slow in order to hunt. Never in my life did I think I’d enjoy the taste of squirrel, but it was actually delicious. At this point, anything would’ve tasted good. If I’d thought my hunger had been annoying in my human form, it was nothing compared to the empty, gnawing feeling in my wolf form.