Full Blooded

Valdov didn’t seem cowed in the least.


Instead, he shifted his beady little stare to me, cocking his head like a bird. “My, my, my, what do we have here?” A grim smile played on his face as he clapped his hands together. “And here I thought it was only your constant need to rut! My Queen will be ever so interested in this new development. Come out and play, little werewolf,” he addressed me directly. “Or are you too frightened by what you see standing before you?” When I didn’t respond, he shook his head in mock sympathy. “It’s too bad your daddy is so very far away, isn’t it, little werewolf? It’s such a shame he couldn’t be here in time to catch all the fun.”


He was challenging me.


I couldn’t shrink away from it, even if my very human side wanted to flee. If I let myself appear weak, it would hurt me in the long run, plus it wasn’t something I could do—my wolf wouldn’t do. She now resembled a raging lunatic on a short leash, snarling, gnashing her teeth, rearing her legs up. I squared my shoulders and pried my hand from Rourke’s grasp with great difficulty, since he wasn’t interested in letting me go anywhere near Valdov.


I disengaged and stepped forward. Rourke growled, a low, steady sound full of menace and hatred. I stared Valdov straight in the eye, and in the strongest voice I could muster, I said, “The last time I needed my daddy’s help was when I was seven, Valdov. And just so we’re clear, I prefer to dirty my own hands. So whatever you think you’ve got, feel free to bring it now. I’m not scared of you.” I ended with a smile, flashing full white teeth, my wolf’s warning to stay the hell back or there would be trouble.


Right as I uttered the last words of my pretty speech, my body surged with power.


My wolf’s idea of backup. She fed me just enough juice to send a rough pulse through me, but not enough to start anything moving.




She barked.


Valdov inhaled again, closing his eyes in some kind of awful ecstasy, ignoring my bravado completely. “Ahhhh, such raw power, little werewolf,” he breathed. Then his eyes snapped open, cunning and superiority written all over his face. “Unfortunately, it won’t be enough to withstand all of us, poor female, no matter how dirty … you manage to get yourself. However entertaining that might be to witness, we will regretfully have to decline this time.”


I was about to tell him exactly how much dirt I was willing to shovel down his throat when he snapped his fingers, and almost immediately a figure stepped from the deep shadows across the clearing.


As it traipsed forward, I realized it was a woman.


She had long, flowing red hair, and as she sauntered confidently to us, her tresses danced wildly behind her like she was caught in a wind machine I couldn’t see.


She was outfitted head-to-toe in black leather. A short cropped jacket covered a skintight bustier, hugging her tiny waist so completely it was a wonder she could breathe. Both the jacket and corset were studded with sharp, angry metal spikes. The whole ensemble was accompanied by a pair of extremely tight, hip-hugging leather pants that stopped just below her belly button. Over the pants were thigh-high black boots. She also had what appeared to be a bullwhip attached to her hip.


Geez, now I knew who was in charge of bringing sexy back.


The mystery woman laughed as she drew near. “Did you miss me, my sweet? It’s been entirely too long since our last rendezvous, don’t you agree, Rourke?”


I tore my gaze from her as Rourke lunged at Valdov.


He stopped himself a foot shy of the vampire, who hadn’t even so much as blinked at Rourke’s sudden reaction. “How dare you bring her into my woods, vampire,” Rourke raged. “We all know you are a weakling, forever hiding beneath the folds of your Queen’s skirts, but hiring werewolves and witches to do your bidding? That is a new low, Valdov, even for a vampire rat like you.”


The witch in question, because she obviously wasn’t a shifter, seemed bored. She picked at her nails as she planted her feet directly in front of both the angry vampire and a molten Rourke. When she was firmly rooted into place, she placed her hands on her hips and drummed her fingers against her teensy studded waist.


She was absolutely stunning.


What a total bitch. I can’t wait to wipe that insipid smile right off her lips. My wolf snarled in agreement.


She was flawless, like a porcelain doll, complete with a set of perfectly pouty heart-shaped lips and high, rounded cheekbones.


Leaning forward, she purred into Rourke’s ear, “I’m a Sorceress, not a witch, darling. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Did you miss me?” When he kept his eyes fastened on Valdov, she seemed mildly put out. “I don’t work for vamps,” she spat. “But, my dear, I wouldn’t have missed this party for the world—and you know how I love a good party. And if the Queen wants to part with a few trinkets in the end, who am I to challenge her generosity?”