Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

“I don’t think so, but I’m not sure.” She plastered her best innocent expression on her face before turning toward him. She’d learned it early in childhood. “I really wish I could help you. But the entire kidnapping was quite the ordeal, and my brain is just fuzzy.”

Bloodshot brown eyes narrowed. “Do you require medical attention, Mrs. Dean?”

“No.” She sighed, leaning her head back again. “I’m just bruised and tired, Detective.” The idea that Shane might not make it through surgery had made her heart hurt. Yet even then, she had faith he’d survive. Shane was a true warrior, enhanced. A simple bullet couldn’t take him down. Of course, that damn chip in his spine had a countdown clock in it.

She shook her head at her own na?veté. Of course he could die. But if anyone was larger than life, Shane fit the bill. “Are we finished?”

“Not even close.” The detective slapped his notebook shut. “I’m assuming there’s more to your story?”

“Nope.” Oops. She’d also left out the fact that Max believed Shane killed the thugs who’d been waiting at the house for her. “You’ll have to ask Shane after he’s rested up from surgery if he has anything to add.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Malloy stood, stretching his neck.

A nurse in bright purple scrubs bustled around the corner. “Mrs. Dean? You can see your husband now.”

Malloy dropped back into the chair. “I’ll wait so we can finish our discussion.”

Josie stood. “I thought we had finished.”

“Not even close.” The detective smiled.

Chapter 25

Shane let silence waft over his skin, filter through his pores to his muddled brain. Drugs. He hated being numb. Pain beat feeling nothing any day of the week. A ticking clock punctuated the silence. Then footsteps, soft soles, outside the room. On hard tile. The beeping of a machine filtered through, and finally breathing. Soft, sexy, he knew that breath. He opened his eyes.


Warmth exploded in his chest. Determination straightened his spine. Angel. His one and only. “Hey, sweetheart.” His voice came out hoarse.

She scooted closer to the bed, sliding her small hand under his. “Hi.” Dark circles marred the soft skin under her stunning eyes. A bruise still spread over her cheek. Her hair wisped all over the place. Even her lips had gone pale.

Damn, she was beautiful.

He forced his voice to work. “You impressed the hell out of me today.”

Her smile lifted the corners of her eyes. “I just used moves you taught me.” A chuckle escaped. “You should’ve seen Max nearly hit the floor, though.”

Danger. Shane had failed to protect her from it. This time she’d protected herself. Pride filled him, chased by determination. No way would she be in danger alone again. He wouldn’t allow it. The world was Josie. Period. No more wondering, and no more changing his mind. His path was clear.“I’m proud of you.”

A pretty flush filled her face. “Thanks. I was glad you arrived when you did.” She frowned. “Sorry I got you shot twice… today.” A white tooth sank into her bottom lip.

“Not your fault.” He glanced at the end of the bed. “Hand me the chart, would you?”

She nodded, handing it to him. He flipped open the lid, quickly scanning the doctor’s notes. “I’m fine.” He grabbed the blankets to push away.

Josie’s hands on his stopped his movements. “Oh no, you don’t. You’re staying the night here. Period.” She squared her chin.

He lifted an eyebrow. “Says who?”

“Me and the doctor.”

Shane shook his head, and nausea welled inside his belly. What had they given him, anyway? “If I’m staying, so are you.” He tugged her onto the bed, scooting to the far side.

Those pretty blue eyes widened with temptation and need. Vulnerability shone through and pretty much broke his heart in two.

He sighed. The boy inside him who had once cried out in loneliness and confusion, wondering why he had to fight and die, now howled out with hope. Because of Josie Dean. For the two months of their marriage, he’d been whole for the first time in his life.

He loved his brothers completely and absolutely. Without question, he’d die for them. He’d killed for them, and he would again. But he was taking the chance on forever with Josie, even if he had to live apart from them. They loved him, and they’d understand.

He tightened his hold on hope. “This is your place, sweetheart. Take it.”

With a swallow, she nodded and slid into the bed. She snuggled into his good side, her breath on his shoulder. “I could sleep.”

He settled back down. “Did you talk to the police?”

Her yawn shook her entire body. “Yes. Malloy couldn’t wait to talk to me.”

“Malloy? What are we—his pet projects?” The cop seemed like a good guy. Shane didn’t want to have to hurt him.

Rebecca Zanetti's books