Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

The car turned a corner and she rolled toward the backseat. The sound of her panting filled the small space. Was there enough air in the trunk? How long would she be able to breathe? Maybe they’d just leave her there to die. A sob rose. She sniffed. Why hadn’t she listened to Shane and stayed home?

She sobbed again. How badly was Shane hurt? Why had she told him they didn’t have a chance? The idea of living without him hurt a hell of a lot worse than the idea of trying to make it work. But could they? God. She was so screwed up.

The car stopped with a squeal of brakes. Josie rolled forward and then back, the stiff carpet scratching her bare arms. She dug her shoulder into the floor, shifting until her feet angled toward the back.

Doors slammed.

The trunk lid flipped open, and she shot her feet toward the opening, wincing as light cut into her eyes.

Sam batted her feet out of the way, reaching in with one slender hand to grab her bound wrists and drag her out of the trunk.

The rusty metal scratched her midriff.

He lifted her out, dropping her to her feet.

The smell of spoiled milk and rotten food filled her nostrils. An alley. Dark and wet between faded brick buildings. Josie frowned. Where in the world was she?

Madge yanked open a scratched purple door. The thump of music wafted out.

“Come on.” Sam yanked Josie inside the narrow hallway.

No way. “The Pound?” Another client she’d inherited from Billy. She’d been right to be suspicious of the drug dealer’s brother. “Paul’s in on this, too?”

“Yep.” Sam opened Paul’s office door and shoved her inside.

Paul stood on the other side of his large desk, his curly hair wild and his eyes wide. “What is she doing here?”

Sam pushed her into a chair. “She found out about Billy.”

“I thought he fixed all the accounts.”

“Nope. Not in time.”

“Well, he fixed mine before he went to rehab.” Paul dropped into his chair. “You should’ve made sure he altered yours, too.”

Sam shrugged. “I didn’t get the chance. And Max is pissed.”

Paul turned white. “Where’s Billy?”

Josie straightened in the chair. “Billy’s dead. Shot through the head. Making deals with a guy like Max will get you all killed.” She assumed. It’s not like she’d met Max, but the evidence was pretty clear. “Let me go, Paul. I’ll help you get protection from the police.”

Sam snorted. “Yeah, right.”

Anger simmered beneath Josie’s skin. “Okay. Then let me go, or my husband will rip the skin from your body with his bare hands.” She leaned forward, her words spilling out. “You don’t know him. You have no idea the training he’s had. If anything happens to me, he’ll kill you so slowly.” The words made her shiver because they were the absolute truth.

Paul somehow paled even further, light freckles standing bold against stark white skin.

Madge dropped into the adjacent chair. “No he won’t. I shot him.”

Josie shook her head wildly. “One bullet won’t stop Shane. Trust me on that.”

Movement sounded behind her before the door snapped shut. “I’m not concerned about a wounded man, Mrs. Dean.” Low and accented, the deep voice filled the room.

Josie pivoted, her gaze on the tall man. Black hair swept away from an olive complexion that highlighted odd, light blue eyes. He wore a black silk suit with a red-striped tie. Josie sucked in a breath. “You must be the drug dealer.”

He smiled a perfect row of sparkling white teeth. “No. Paul’s brother is a simple drug dealer—for me. I’m a businessman.”

“Did you kill Billy?”

“Yes.” Max glanced at Sam, who swallowed audibly. “Billy needed to learn how foolish it is to cross me.” He brushed invisible lint off his lapel. “Of course, I hadn’t realized the construction crew in your building would be called to the north side of Snowville for the beginning of this week.” His full lips quirked. “I assume Billy is stinking up the place by now. I hope they find him soon.”

A ball of dread uncoiled in her gut. Full confession from the rabid criminal. Obviously he wasn’t planning on letting her go. Fear set up a ringing between her ears, and her hands shook. How could she get away? She turned toward a trembling Paul. “Are you really going to let him kill me?”

Paul sucked in air, his gaze lifting to Max. “You’re not going to kill her, are you? I mean, she’s a nice lady.”

Max gave her a nod of approval. “Smart, too.” He turned toward Paul. “She knows about your business, about how we’ve been not only selling meth here to customers but filtering the proceeds through several other businesses to end up clean. Laundering money is a federal offense. She’ll put you away for life.”

Josie straightened her shoulders. “That’s nothing compared to what Shane will do to you. Trust me.”

Paul’s hands trembled on his desk.

Max sighed. “Sam, Madge, take the Cadillac to the cabin and wait for me there. We’ll need to get you out of town for a while.” He tugged a cell phone out of his jacket pocket. “I’ll bring cash.”

Madge’s eyes gleamed, and she gave Josie a supercilious glare before flouncing out the door. Sam followed without looking back.

Rebecca Zanetti's books