Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

Max straightened, his face a mottled purple, his hand pressed against his lower abdomen. “You bitch. Fine, I’ll kill you.”

Josie settled her stance. She’d actually taken the gun from him. Unlike Paul’s, her hand remained steady. Her mind clouded, the aftermath of the adrenaline rush. The room took on a surreal haze, but she kept her gaze on the threat. “I have the gun, asshole.”

His smile belonged on a Halloween monster. “You won’t shoot me. We both know it.” He took two quick steps forward.

Josie pulled the trigger.

A small boom echoed. Louder than the first shot. Max fell back against the wall. Blood sprayed from his shoulder, and his hand covered the wound, seeping red through his fingers. “You shot me.” His eyes flashed wide and incredulous.

“Of course.” Josie fought to keep her hand steady. “You’re lucky I’m a crappy shot. I was aiming for the center of your chest.” Holy crap. She’d actually just shot him. “Did you think I’d let you kill me? That I wouldn’t shoot you?” How unbelievable. She’d been a survivor since day one in this life. Apparently looks truly were deceiving.

The door crashed open.

Shane rushed inside with Matt on his heels, both holding square, dangerous-looking guns. He took in the scene, gray eyes expressionless. “Angel.” He looked back and forth between the two damaged men and her. “Are you all right?”

“Fine.” Though now that the danger had ebbed, her knees felt like rubber. A pounding set up at the base of her skull. Crazy adrenaline. “Are you?” She glanced down at the red that stained his shirt.

He nodded, his pale face tightening. “Yes. Bullet skimmed my abs. Bloody but not dangerous.”

Sirens cut through the late afternoon.

Matt tucked his gun in the back of his pants. “Looks like you have things taken care of here.” His grin reached his eyes. “You’re something, honey.”

Josie tried to smile in response, but her lips refused to cooperate. She’d shot a man.

Shane stepped between Josie and Max, his gun trained on Max’s heart. “Thanks for the help. I’ll see you later.”

Matt took one last glance around the room. With a nod, he hurried out the door.

Max sucked in air. “I have money. A lot of it.”

Shane’s stance didn’t change. “I don’t give a shit. In fact, I’m having a mental debate about whether or not I should kill you.”

Paul sobbed louder from where he lay curled on the floor.

Shane glanced down, his shoulders straightening. “Get off the floor, asshole.”

Without warning, Max grabbed a gun from behind his waist and pointed it at Shane, pulling the trigger. The explosion rocked around the room.

Shane fell back. Josie grabbed him, holding him and easing him to the floor. Her eyes widened at the amount of blood, and she gasped. “Shane.”

The pounding of running boots echoed. Three uniformed police officers rushed into the room, weapons drawn. “Drop your weapons,” the first bellowed.

Max dropped his gun, raising his hands.

Shane perched on his knees, partially doubled over, yet still shifting his weight to shield Josie from the cops’ aim.

Josie grabbed his arm. “How bad?” Blood gushed from his stomach.

“Bad.” Shane paled. “Surgery bad.”

Fear caught a sob in her throat. She glanced up. “Get an ambulance.”

“It’s on the way,” the first cop said. “What happened?”

“I’m Josie Dean and those guys kidnapped me.” She pointed to Max. “He was going to kill me, but I got his gun.” Her hand wavered as she held the gun out to the police officer. “I shot him.”

The cop nodded, taking the gun. “Yes. The whole force is out looking for you.” He nodded to the other two cops. “Cuff them.” The other two hurried over to Max and Paul to place them in handcuffs. “We’ll take the wounded to the hospital first.”

Josie gripped Shane’s arm like a lifeline. More sirens grew louder.

Shane cleared his throat. “Did you get the two tied up in their car?”

“Yes.” The officer glanced at Max and then back. “They couldn’t wait to start talking about Max the famous drug dealer here.”

“Good.” Shane huffed out a breath. “There was another man in the ally, one who helped me tie them up, but he wouldn’t say who he was.”

Josie kept her face blank. So no one was supposed to know about Matt. She’d play along. But her ears rang, and her hands shook.

“We’ll get descriptions from you both.” The cop’s thick mustache wriggled when he spoke. “You can answer questions at the hospital, Mrs. Dean.”


Rebecca Zanetti's books