Feral Sins

Wearing a self-satisfied smile, she kissed him smack on the lips. “I knew you’d do me proud.”



“Oh I’ll do you alright. As soon as we get home.” After a twenty minute wait – which gave him plenty of time to debate his decision and work himself up even more – he was taking a seat beside Taryn and reluctantly tugging down the padded bars to fit securely against his shoulders before connecting the thin little strap from between his legs to the bars. He pulled, testing the fit. And found that there was a nice big life-threatening gap. “This is loose.”


Taryn rolled her eyes. “It’s supposed to be or you’d suffocate. Look, mine’s the same.” When his eyes widened, she realized that was probably the worst thing she could have said. “It’ll be fine.” The attendant gave the bars a pull and, satisfied, continued on to check the others. “See, fine.”


“You can’t be serious.”


“If you’ll just relax, you’ll enjoy it. Really, you don’t need to be -”


“I’m not scared,” he snapped.


“Trey, I understand that Macho Man Law means you absolutely have to deny it but -”


“Taryn, you -”


Abruptly the ride came to life. She smiled reassuringly while patting his hand. “Just relax.”


Relax? If there wasn’t so much damn noise Trey would have informed her that she was dead either way. If the ride didn’t kill her, he would just for staying on the damn thing when her tiny body could easily slip out. Okay, maybe it couldn’t easily slip out, but stranger things had happened. Like the fact that he was even on this ride at all.


Trey glanced at Taryn to find that, like the rest of the pack who were all paired up in the rows in front of them, she had her hands in the air as they slowly chugged up the steep hill. She was even glancing down at the view below and then admiring the stars as if she was just on a bus or something. Trey didn’t do either. When he wasn’t checking on Taryn he was keeping his gaze focused straight ahead.


“Did you ever see Final Destination 3?” Taryn asked wearing a teasing smile.


Trey didn’t find it funny. “You’re a bitch.”


“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”


“It is, and I’ll be spanking your ass for it later.”




Growling, he focused his gaze on the seats ahead of him. He wasn’t sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing when they finally reached the peak. The silence that suddenly hung over them as they paused there didn’t help his nerves at all. And then they were falling. No, they were plummeting toward the ground and the cool night air was rushing up, stealing his breath. At the last moment they sharply swerved and then they were caught up in a series of twists, turns, loops and bumps and they were being jerked, shoved, squashed and jostled. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, it was over.


Taryn laughed and clapped along with the others and then turned to Trey. He was, well, white. At least he wasn’t green. He looked at her then and although his scowl was there his eyes were alight with the same light-heartedness she had seen whenever they played in the forest. “See, I told you that you’d love it.”


“I’m still going to spank your ass.”




The little witch was stalling. Trey smiled to himself. Fifteen minutes ago she had told him to get naked on the bed and wait for her, and then she had disappeared into the bathroom. Well he was naked, and he was waiting, and he was so hard it hurt – he had been since the moment she told him she had a kinky piece of lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. The only time his cock had given him a brief reprieve was when he went on that damn deathtrap. Now it was time for her to live up to her end of the bargain, and he had a feeling his mate was regretting having made it in the first place.


He could feel that she was nervous. She should be – he had plenty in mind for her tonight. Now he would introduce her to his ideas of fun. Or, at least, he would if she would just come out of the damn bathroom. “Ready yet, baby?”


“Almost,” she replied from behind the door.


Smiling, he asked, “You’re not thinking of backing out of our deal, are you?”


“Of course not,” she snapped.


“Then get your ass in here.” After a good thirty seconds the lock clicked open and she stepped into the room. His jaw hit the floor. “Holy shit.” Her gorgeous breasts were spilling out of satin cups that were held in place by spaghetti straps and had a loose fitting skirt that fell to her upper thigh, barely hiding the matching lacy black thong. Even better, the skirt split down the center, flashing him a strip of the velvety skin of her stomach. His wolf growled, wanting Trey to place her on her hands and knees and then fuck her until neither of them could move.


He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. His voice was taut with lust. “Come here.” When she hesitated, he arched a brow and said sternly, “You’re my toy for the next hour, remember. You have to do as I say.”