Feral Sins

“Only be serious if you’re happy to be beat by a girl,” warned Taryn. She and Shaya would play that for hours when they were kids. Still both females held records that beat anyone else’s within Lance’s pack.


Dominic grinned impishly. “I like it when the person I’m up against actually thinks they’ll win. It’s more fun that way.”


Sighing, Taryn handed her hotdog to Trey for safekeeping. “If you’re so eager to humiliate yourself, I don’t see why I shouldn’t help you out with that.”


“Oh yeah, this will be a sight to see,” drawled Marcus, laughing wickedly. Trick nodded his agreement, laughing along with him.


Knowing exactly what Marcus meant by that, Trey slapped both him and Trick over the head.


“What was that for?” complained Trick. “I didn’t say anything.”


“You didn’t have to.” Trey’s heart was in his throat the entire time he watched her being spun about and bounced and bucked, but he still laughed and cheered her on. And still got as horny as all hell watching the way her body moved in sync with the bull as she maintained her balance, giving him a lot of dirty ideas to add to the many he already had.


Eventually a cursing Dominic fell to the soft mat, scowling and laughing at the same time. He didn’t even bother to get up, just remained flat on his back. “I only fell because I got distracted by your breasts. Could you tell them to stop looking at my eyes?”


“Idiot,” she chuckled as she offered him her hand to pull him up.


“I’ve got a better idea. I’ll stay here and you can sit on my face while I eat my way to your heart.”


She groaned. “These dirty lines are getting worse. It’s good for you that you’re pretty.” He laughed.


“You were awesome on that thing,” Dante told her as she past. Ryan grunted his agreement.


“You can ride me like that anytime,” Trey whispered into her ear when she was back at his side.


She laughed and gave him a mysterious smile, gladly letting him enfold her with his arms. “How’s the birthday boy?”


He smirked, cupping her ass. “Hard as a rock imagining all the things I’m going to do to you later.”


Watching as his smirk turned mischievous, she narrowed her eyes. “And what would those things be?”


“You’ll find out tonight. You know what being my sex toy means, don’t you? It means you can’t fight me. For that entire hour, you have to do exactly as I say.”


Yes she knew that. She also knew it would absolutely kill her. “It’s my gift to you. See, birthdays can be fun.”


His smirk widened. “Oh it’ll be fun, baby, I can promise you that.” He already knew exactly what he was going to do to her and just how much she would be tempted to fight him. Hell, the evening couldn’t come soon enough.


Not liking that he was trying to make her nervous, she decided the teasing should go both ways. “Oh my God, oh my God,” she rasped into his ear. Pulling back, she smiled. “Sorry, I was just practicing.” He pinched her ass.


“So what’s next?” asked Ryan before taking a swig of his Cola.


Tao smiled. “We have to go in the Funhouse.”


So they did, and Trey could admit it was kind of fun. Then they strolled through the House of Mirrors, which he thought was the craziest and possibly also the dumbest thing ever. But he was too hyped up to give a shit that he had just wasted minutes out of his life looking at contortions of his own reflection – something he could do at home just by getting drunk.


Engrossed in the act of sharing cotton candy with Taryn – the worst sharer ever – and occasionally licking some from her lips, Trey hadn’t realized they were so close to the deathtrap until Dante spoke.


“Well, Trey, you up for this or what?”


Peering up, up, up and taking in all the steep drops, sharp curves and stomach churning loops, Trey shook his head hell no. It looked even more hazardous and rickety up-close. Not to mention the creaky ‘I’m going to snap any moment’ noises coming from it. “I’ll just stay here and hold the tiger and the bags.”


“Oh come on,” implored Marcus.


“Yeah,” said Taryn, “Come on.”


Trey gave her a pointed look. “You’re not going on it either.”


“You’ll love it, I promise.”


He snorted. “No, I won’t, because I’ll be dead.”


She pressed herself against him and instantly his arms went around her. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”


“I’m not scared.”


“Liars go to hell, remember.”


“Baby, look at that thing. It looks like there’s only one screw holding the damn thing together.”


She tugged on his t-shirt as if it would somehow help her get through to him. “It’s supposed to look like that – dangerous, exciting, thrilling.”


“If almost dying gives you a thrill, I’ll beat you bloody and rush you to the hospital.”


Frustrated, Taryn slapped his chest. “Buck up, Trey. It’s just a ride. People go on it every day. People have been riding it tonight for hours.”


“Maybe if we were in Disneyworld then yeah, I’d feel confident that it was all put together right.”


“Big Thunder Mountain Railroad has crashed something like three times, you know,” interjected Trick, earning a scowl from Trey.


She tugged on Trey’s upper arm. “Come on, Voice of Doom and Gloom, let’s go. You’ll love it, I swear.”


No he wouldn’t love it at all and Trey was resolved that he wasn’t going on that thing. Until she tugged his head down to hers and whined, ‘Please?’ She even pouted her bottom lip. The transformation reminded him of when Puss ‘n’ Boots from the Shrek movies went from trained killer to helpless kitten. And, just for good measure, she grinded against his cock which was still semi-hard from having watched her on the rodeo bull. “You’re dangerous.”