Feral Sins

“Out of curiosity…”


She twirled to see that he was still facing the office door. “Well, I bought this kinky little babydoll, all black lace like the one I tried on that time when I was tormenting you.”


He cleared his throat. “Black lace?”


“Yeah.” She took a few steps toward the kitchen, knowing what was coming next.


“What was this deal you had in mind?” he called after her as he finally turned. He was well aware that she had played him, but only an idiot would miss out on this.


She faced him and shrugged. “I was just going to propose that if you try to enjoy yourself and celebrate your birthday with us, then later – for one whole hour – I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I’ll be kind of like your sex toy.”


His cock jerked and quickly began to harden. “Anything I want?”


The look in his eyes told her that she was going to regret this, but Taryn was determined to make him learn to enjoy himself a little and she wasn’t above using sexual bribes to do it. “Anything you want.”


He approached her slowly, his eyes narrowed. “You sure you can live up to your half of the bargain, Taryn? You can’t make a guy a promise like that and expect him to go easy.”


“You’ve never gone easy.”


“I’m serious, Taryn, don’t make this deal unless you can stick to it.”


“I think I can handle whatever you’ve got in mind, Flinstone.”


“Well we’ll find out soon, won’t we?”


Smiling triumphantly, she took his hand. “Don’t forget you’ve got to live up to your part of the deal first.”


Reluctantly Trey allowed her to lead him back into the kitchen and over to the table. She nodded at the gifts, but he didn’t select one. He felt a contrary mix of stupid for what he was about to do, curious at what the gifts actually were, and horny about the devilish deal he had just made. Rolling her eyes, Taryn picked up one of the small gift-wrapped boxes and handed it to him. He stared at it for a full minute before making a tear in the wrapping, but then he stopped. Oddly enough, it wasn’t because he still felt dumb, but because the anticipation was getting to him and he worried that he might actually enjoy the next few minutes. Like a big kid.


Black lace babydoll, black lace babydoll, he chanted to himself. And then he tore off the wrapping.


To his total surprise, he got some weird kind of rush. Before he knew it he’d torn the paper from each and every one – and even felt a tiny bit disappointed to find that there was no more. He hadn’t even minded opening the cards. It was kind of fun reading all the jokes in them. The gifts were actually pretty decent – especially the beer. Oh and the sex toys for him to use on Taryn were definitely welcome. She hadn’t seemed particularly happy with Dominic for buying those.


Trey had been surprised that not only had she bought him a designer shirt and a new cell phone, but she had bought him a voucher for a Ferrari Driving Experience.


“With an experienced instructor you can go on a range of circuits driving a Ferrari at all kinds of ridiculous speeds that will have me panicking for you,” she explained.


It freaked Trey out that this female knew him better than he knew himself. He wouldn’t have thought that such an experience would have appealed to him, but as he held the voucher in his hands, he felt a buzz of excitement. Leaning down, he nipped her bottom lip. It wasn’t what anyone would call a proper thank you, but her self-satisfied smile indicated that she knew he was happy with the gifts.


“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it,” she said, poking his chest.


“I don’t know why you insisted on all this,” griped Greta. “If he doesn’t want to celebrate his birthday he shouldn’t have to.” Seeing that Taryn was staring at her, she growled, “What, hussy?”


Taryn shook her head as if to clear it. “Sorry, I was just imagining you wearing a shock collar while I held the remote.”


“Oh there she goes again giving me attitude.”


“Not giving it, returning it.”


Knowing this could go on for a while if he didn’t distract them, Trey pulled Taryn against him. He whispered into her ear, “Now for a preview of the black lace babydoll…”


She shook her head, whispering, “Oh no, not ’til later. Fun time first.”


Fun, thought Trey a few hours later as he gazed up in disbelief. It was true he didn’t know much about it, but he was pretty sure now that his and Taryn’s ideas of fun were going to be very different. “I’m not going on that thing.”


Taryn gaped as she heard the nervousness in his tone. “Trey, you’ve got to be kidding me. It’s a rollercoaster.”


“It’s a deathtrap, that’s what it is.” And how she could say ‘rollercoaster’ in the same tone that someone might use for the word ‘kitten’ was beyond Trey’s understanding.


“I think we might have finally found something that can shake our Alpha up,” said Dante.


Trey scowled, running his gaze along his smirking enforcers. “I’m not scared of going on it, I’m just not convinced it’s safe.”


Marcus nodded, fighting fruitlessly to keep a straight face. “Sure.”


“There’s no way I’m letting you go on that thing either,” Trey told Taryn.


She snorted. “Just when I thought you might have realized you can’t control me, you try it again.” She took his wrist and led him a little further through the fairground entrance. “Don’t worry, Flinstone, that big bad ride’s for later. We’ll prep you first.”


“Prep me?”


“We’ll take you on some other stuff first. Once all that adrenaline’s pumping through your system you’ll be gearing to get on that ride.”