City of Ruins


My God,” Dix said. “They’re putting their weapons away.”

Coop looked up from his consultation with Rossetti. She was in full dress uniform as well, just like he had requested, but she would be putting an environmental suit over it for added protection. The dress uniform was for her and not the outsiders. It was to remind her—and her entire team—that they were in a diplomatic situation, not a military one.

Apparently the outsiders thought they weren’t in a military situation, either —or at least the woman did. She held her hands out, showing that they were empty.

That fabric mask she wore over her mouth and nose moved slightly—she was talking to her people. Three of them had holstered their weapons, and the other three had turned the muzzles downward, although the heavyset man would probably shoot his own foot if the weapon discharged.


That detail still disturbed Coop.

Still, he couldn’t prevent a small smile. He and the woman were communicating already.

She wanted him to know that her people were not a threat. She wanted a dialogue. But she also wanted him to know that she would shoot if shot at.

“Get out there,” he said to Rossetti.

“I had told my team we had another half an hour,” she said.

“I don’t care,” he said. “They’re ready for us now. Get out there as quickly as you can.”

“Yes, sir.” She nodded and left the bridge.

“This isn’t some kind of ploy, is it?” Yash asked, looking at the outsiders

“What kind of ploy would that be?” Coop asked. “We’re the ones who notified them we were here. They didn’t seem too concerned about us before today.

“They didn’t know we were here before today,” Yash said.

“We’ll be careful,” Coop said.

“I hope so,” Yash said. “I really do.”

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Kristine Kathryn Rusch's books