Cat’s Lair

Eli’s heart turned over. She was right, whether she knew it or not. She wouldn’t be free of him – not ever. He wouldn’t let her go. If she tried to leave him or run, he would find a way to make her stay and work overtime to try to find a balance with her. She didn’t understand yet about the way leopards mated for life. She was holding herself back from him. He knew she didn’t trust him, but he’d work on that. Still, she wasn’t going to leave him.

He knew what kind of man he was. He didn’t try to hide it from her now. He was the head of his home. The man. That wasn’t politically correct, but he couldn’t be anything other than who he was. He was alpha all the way. He liked to be the dominant in all things, including in bed. He enjoyed taking care of Catarina. He liked doing little things for her and wanted her to feel special. He wanted her to make his house a home, her home. Later, down the road, when they were married with several children and he knew she wasn’t going to have one foot out the door, he’d carve a sign and hang it on the gate. Cat’s Lair. He’d already made up his mind to that.

“You can run free in your leopard form,” he said. “And you’ll be there with her. You’ll experience it with her. And you’ll love it, Catarina; I do.”

He let his hands fall away because he wanted her all over again and she needed to heal. Fast. His leopard was pushing close to the surface all the time now, aware of her leopard so close to emerging.

“Will you then? Let me see him?”

“If I’m in leopard form, I won’t be able to stand in front of you and shield you if you get too scared, but if you call my name, I’ll shift back immediately.”

Her eyes lit up, although her hands trembled, her fingers twisting together nervously. “Then you’ll really do it, Eli? Let me see him?”

He nodded. “Baby, listen to me. My leopard is big. He’s an alpha. But he would never, under any circumstances hurt you. You hold his mate inside of you. You are part of his mate. He knows that and he knows you’re mine. I’m not saying this very well, talking, explaining things, is not my forte – but you belong to us. To both of us, and he would die to protect you.”

Her small tongue came out and she moistened her lips. “When?”

“Right now. You’ve got your courage up, let’s just do it now.”

He saw her take a breath, but she stood up. His Catarina. Yeah, she was scared, but she didn’t let that stop her.

“Um. Eli. I’m not dressed. I don’t even have shoes.”

“You don’t need shoes or clothes. You’re just going to sit in the truck and watch.”

“What if I want to touch him? Can I do that?”

She was killing him. “Yes, baby, if you want to touch him, you certainly can.” He got the truck keys and came back to her, reaching out his hand. She hesitated, but she took it.

“I’m going to take us out into the middle of the property, Kitten. That way no neighbor might accidentally stop by. It doesn’t happen often but I don’t take chances. You always have to remember, you can’t take chances either, once she’s emerged. She’s your responsibility. You have to control her and protect her.”

He opened the door to the passenger side and when she stepped up, his hand slid over her bottom, shaping her butt, a small gesture of male possessiveness. He didn’t do it with the long shirt over her bottom, he slipped his hand under the material to caress bare skin. She recognized the gesture for what it was. The warm slide of his hand sent heat rushing through her body, streaking through her veins like a drug. Once she was in the seat, he leaned in to fasten her seat belt.

“You do know I’m perfectly capable of putting on my seat belt,” she said, mostly because his head rubbed against her breasts, sending sparks of electricity straight to her feminine channel.

“Of course I know,” Eli said. “But then I’d miss a golden opportunity.” His fingers deftly undid two of her buttons and his mouth closed over her breast, mostly because he couldn’t resist her, but also to see her reaction.

She gasped and her arms went around his head, cradling him. That was all his Cat, not her leopard. She didn’t realize that she should have pushed him away. Been angry as all hell. She shouldn’t have been cradling his head to her while his mouth suckled her breast and his tongue pulled at her nipple. He used the edge of his teeth and felt her shiver. Perfect. She was born for him. If he had any doubts, which he didn’t, this would have proven his point. She belonged to him.

Reluctantly he lifted his head and brushed a kiss across her mouth before closing her door firmly. She looked a little dazed, a look he’d come to know and would forever want to see on her face. She was beautiful, his Cat, and she didn’t have a clue.

Her fingers went to the two buttons he’d slid open when he got behind the wheel. “Leave it, baby. I like to look at you.”

Christine Feehan's books