Cat’s Lair

She took her time making her coffee, looking around her kitchen. Eli had told her she could do anything she wanted with it and she had. He’d bought her the stove and pots and pans, the rest was her design and the touches that made life easier for her when she was working. The touches that made her feel as if the kitchen truly belonged to her.

Eli had given her that as well. Love welled up. Overwhelmed her. She needed him. Needed to be close to him. More and more she found herself drawn to him. Just like this. Her breasts ached and she found it was a wonderful sensation because the thought of Eli put that there. Her feminine core pounded with heat, and again, she loved the soreness that came from Eli’s thick cock, stretching and burning her. She was glad that with every step she took, she could feel him.

Pushing open the screen door, she stepped outside. It was still dark, the light barely filtering through, but mostly that was because of the black clouds churning in the sky overhead.

The scent of blood hit her just as her gaze swept the porch. On the far side of the porch, away from the door, something heavy hung from chains. Swaying. Her heart stopped for a moment and then began to pound. She wanted to run to the swaying body – and it was a body – she could see that now. Not just any body, but Eli.


CATARINA FROZE. She forced every muscle to lock in place. There was no way to take her horrified gaze from Eli’s golden one. His face was swollen. Blood streaked not only his face and head, but his chest as well. Clearly, while she’d been showering, daydreaming, Eli had been tortured.

Eli’s eyes had closed after that one brief acknowledgement of her presence, but she had the feeling he was alert. Ready. Coiled to strike. She didn’t know how that could be possible, and maybe it was only because she was so terrified and needed to believe it, but she did. That gave her the added confidence to look around her.

She knew he would be there. She had thought he would come alone, but he hadn’t. His three top lieutenants, all leopard, were with him. They stood on the ground, just past Eli’s body. One held cables in his hands, another the hose. She felt her leopard rise. Fury shook her, replacing terror. But she didn’t move a muscle. Only her eyes moved.

He was there somewhere, waiting in silence, wanting her terror to mount. She could feel his anger. The weight of it crushing her, just as it had crushed her when she’d been a helpless child seeking love and approval in his home. She couldn’t afford to be crushed by him. Not now. Not when Eli hung from chains and the three leopard lieutenants had obviously been given carte blanche to torture him. She lifted her chin, inhaled, and knew immediately where he was. She turned away from Eli, hating to lose sight of him, but she had to face Rafe.

The moment her gaze found him, at the opposite end of the porch, standing upright in the shadows, he took a step toward her. He was a big man. Built strong and powerful. His features were cut from the same powerful cloth. His cold stare could stop a grown man in full battle mode from moving an inch toward him – even if they had a gun in their hand. She’d seen it happen more than once. Rafe Cordeau had that kind of power. He was handsome. She’d never really noticed that before. And he had charisma. She had noticed that.

“So you found me again,” she greeted softly.

“I told you I would always find you, Catarina,” he answered, his voice equally as soft.

The tone made her shiver. He never sounded angry. Not like Eli. Rafe didn’t give away emotion. His expression was blank, his eyes cold and his tone low and carrying, but with no inflection one way or the other.

“Rafe, I hope you believe me when I tell you that if you hurt him any more – if you kill him – if you do anything at all to him, I will kill myself. You will never have me. Never have any part of me. I’m done with you ruling my life by hurting others.”

“He touched you. He’s been inside of you. No man lives if he’s been inside of you,” Rafe said.

“Then I won’t live either.” She didn’t raise her voice, or lose control. This was too important. If Rafe had spent all this time and money hunting her down, it was to dispose of her himself, or to take her back. If he wanted her, she had to make him believe he couldn’t keep her alive if he killed another person she cared about. “I can’t live like that. I couldn’t live with you knowing what you’d done to April.”

“I didn’t do that to April, you did. You’ve always known the consequences of running, and you did it anyway.”

She shook her head. “I was a child, Rafe. You made me take that responsibility and guilt but it wasn’t mine to take. That was you. You chose to hurt her. You took pleasure in hurting her. You knew she was my friend and you killed her in front of me. Did you think I would want to stay with you after that?”

Christine Feehan's books