Cat’s Lair

“Look at me,” he demanded, slowly pulling back. “Right now, give me your eyes. I want to see you.” He waited until she complied. She was dazed and half out of her mind with need – need for him. “Did you really think I’d let you off this easily?”

He pulled out of her and she cried out. Moaned. Shook her head back and forth, her hips trying to follow, to catch him and force him back into her. He straddled her instead, grateful that when he’d bought the table, he’d made certain it was thick and sturdy. She was naked, bare to him, and he was still clothed, his jean-clad thighs pressing around her hips.

Her gaze clung to his and fear skittered there. Not of him. Of the pleasure he was forcing on her. Forcing her to take his way. Forcing her to accept anything he wanted to give her. To do to her. Both knew all she had to do was say stop, but she wouldn’t. She was beyond that. She needed whatever he was giving her just as desperately as he needed to give it to her.

His hands caught those soft breasts, so full. So tempting. He bent his head and took possession, claiming her body for his own. He didn’t need to, she was already his. She wanted to be his. He was rough, his teeth and tongue and mouth suckling at her skated right along that edge of pain, but the wildfire was already so far out of control, that every powerful pull of his mouth on her nipples and breasts sent shock waves through her body.

He reached out with one hand and caught up a bottle of scented oil he’d set out on the table behind her. His eyes blazing down at her, he tipped the bottle up and poured the contents between her breasts. She gasped as the cool oil pooled on her heated skin.

Eli used his hands to spread the oil up and over the curves of her breasts, kneading it into her soft skin, rubbing it into her nipples. With every stroke of his hands, the oil heated, so that her skin tingled and then it began to send even more flames over her. The sensation seemed to sink into her pores, made its way into her body, traveling through her as the feeling increased.

He gripped his cock with his oiled hands, watching her eyes go wide. Sensual. She couldn’t take her eyes off his hands and the glistening thick shaft as he fisted himself and slowly gripped and released until every part of him was coated with the heated, slick oil. He shifted his position, still straddling her.

“Open your mouth. Don’t move your hands. Stay right like that.”

She couldn’t keep still. She was too far gone, the flush and need stark on her face. Her hips moved continuously and her soft little moans and pleas didn’t stop, not for a moment. She was desperate for release. He was only adding to that need, to that hunger, with his erotic display. She wanted his cock inside her.

He pushed her breasts together, forming a soft tunnel, nestling his cock there, surrounded by her softness. He pushed forward with his hips while she tilted her head up, her mouth closing over the crown, drawing him into that hot, moist haven. He threw back his head for a moment, savoring the feeling of paradise. She made the most of the pause, desperate to have him so hungry for her he’d cooperate. He let her tongue him, suckle and then when he felt the tightness in his balls, he drew back and began to slide through the hot oil. Over and over. Letting himself find that edge of control. Feeding himself to her hot, eager mouth and then depriving her until she let go of the table with one hand.

Instantly he stopped. Drew back. Let her know with his eyes that everything would stop if she didn’t obey him.

“Eli, please,” she said softly. “I need you.”

“That’s right, baby. Me. And when I fucking tell you to do something, I want it done.” Even as he growled it at her, he let himself feel that soft cradle, her hot mouth one more time. Who the hell could resist?

“You can’t use sex against me,” she wailed.

“Is that what I’m doing?” Abruptly he released her breasts and slid off of her, dragging her body to the end of the table again, angry all over again.

He felt his leopard surge toward the surface, as angry as he was, the need for dominancy overcoming good sense. The slide of fur shimmered for a moment so close he actually had to fight it back. When he flipped her over, dragging her hips over the edge so her sweet little ass was pushed toward him, he smacked her harder than he intended, her buttocks flushing a deep red immediately.

Christine Feehan's books