Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

The womans eyes cleared suddenly. Belinda. What are you doing, standing there? Get a shovel and clean up this mess. When you finish here, you must prepare dinner.


Opals heart skipped a beat. Manual labour? Not likely. Other people did that sort of thing.


On second thoughts, she said, pushing the mesmer as hard as she could. I am your pampered daughter Belinda. You never allow me to do any work, in case it roughens my hands. Youre saving me for a rich husband.


That should take care of it. She would hide out with this woman for a few hours and then escape to the city.


But a surprise was coming Opals way. Thats my Belinda, said the woman. Always dreaming. Now take this shovel, girl, or youll go to bed hungry.


Opals cheeks flushed red. Didnt you hear me, crone? I do not do physical work. You will serve me. That is your purpose in life.


The Italian lady advanced on her tiny daughter. Now listen here, Belinda. Im trying not to hear these poisonous words coming out of your mouth, but it is difficult. We both work the vines, that is the way it has always been. Now take the shovel, or I will lock you in your room with a hundred potatoes to peel and none to eat.


Opal was dumbstruck. She could not understand what was happening. Even strong-minded humans were putty before the mesmer. What was happening here?


The simple truth was that Opal had been too clever for her own good. By placing a human pituitary gland in her own skull, she had effectively humanized herself. Gradually, the human growth hormone was overpowering the magic in her system. It was Opals bad fortune that she had used her last drop of magic to convince this woman that she was her daughter. Now she was without magic, and was a virtual prisoner in the Italian ladys vineyard. And, whats more, she was being forced to work, and that was even worse than being in a coma.


Hurry! shouted the woman. There is rain forecast, and we have a lot to do.


Opal took the shovel, resting the blade on the dry earth. It was taller than she was, and its handle was pitted and worn.


What should I do with this shovel?


Crack the earth with the blade, then dig an irrigation trench between these two frames. And after dinner, I need you to wash by hand some of the laundry that I have taken in this week. Its Carmines, and you know what his washing is like. The lady grimaced, leaving Opal in no doubt as to the state of this person Carmines clothing.


The Italian lady picked up a second shovel and began to dig beside Opal.


Dont frown so, Belinda. Work is good for the character. After a few more years, you will see that.


Opal swung the shovel, dealing the earth a pathetic blow that barely raised a sliver of clay. Already her hands were sore from holding the tool. In an hour she would be a mass of aches and blisters. Maybe the LEP would come and take her away.


Her wish was to be granted but not until a week later, by which time her nails were cracked and brown and her skin was rough with welts. She had peeled countless potatoes and waited on her new mother hand and foot. Opal was also horrified to discover that her adopted parent kept pigs, and that cleaning out the sty was another one of her seemingly endless duties. By the time the LEPretrieval team came for her, she was almost happy to see them.




Julius Roots recycling ceremony was held the day after Artemis and Holly arrived in Haven City. All the brass turned up for the commitment ceremony. All the brass, but not Captain Holly Short. Commander Sool refused to allow her to attend the commitment, even under armed guard. The Tribunal investigating the case had not yet made its decision and, until it did, Holly was a suspect in a murder investigation.


So she sat in the executive lounge, watching the commitment ceremony on the big screen. Of all the things Sool had done to her, this was the worst. Julius Root had been her closest friend, and here she was, watching his recycling on a screen, while all the higher-ups attended, looking sad for the cameras.


She covered her face with her hands when they lowered an empty casket into the ornate stone decomposition vat. Had there been any actual remains, the bone and tissue would have completely broken down and nourished the earth.


Tears leaked out between Hollys fingers, flowing over her hands.


Artemis sat beside her, a gentle hand placed on her shoulder. Julius would have been proud of you. Haven is here today because of what you did.


Holly sniffed. Maybe. Maybe if I had been a little smarter, Julius would be here today too.


Maybe, but I dont think so. I have been thinking about it, and there was no way out of that chute. Not without prior knowledge.


Holly lowered her hands. Thanks, Artemis. Thats a nice thing to say. Youre not going soft, are you?


Artemis was genuinely puzzled. I honestly dont know. Half of me wants to be a criminal, and the other half wants to be a normal teenager. I feel like I have two conflicting personalities and a head full of memories that arent really mine yet. Its a strange feeling, not to know who you are exactly.


Eoin Colfer's books