Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception



Once they reached Haven, a squad of LEP foot soldiers boarded the shuttle to secure the prisoners. The police swaggered on board, barking orders, then they saw Butler and their cockiness evaporated like rainwater off a hot highway. They had been told that the human was big. But this was more than big. This was monstrous. Mountainous.


Butler smiled apologetically. Dont worry, little fairies. I have this effect on most humans too.


The police breathed a collective sigh of relief when Butler agreed to go quietly. They might possibly have subdued him if he had put up a fight, but then the massive Mud Man could have fallen on someone.


The detainees were housed in the shuttle ports executive lounge, evicting several grumbling lawyers and businessfairies. It was all very civil: good food, clean clothes (not for Butler) and entertainment centres. But they were under guard nevertheless.


Half an hour later, Foaly burst into the lounge. Holly! he said, wrapping a hairy arm round the elf. I am so happy that youre alive.


Me too, Foaly, grinned Holly.


A little Hello wouldnt hurt, said Mulch sulkily How are you, Mulch? Long time no see, Mulch. Heres your medal, Mulch.


Oh all right, said Foaly, wrapping the other hairy arm around the equally hairy dwarf. Nice to see you too, Mulch, even if you did sink one of my subs. And no, no medal.


Because of the sub, argued Mulch. If I hadnt done it, your bones would be buried under a hundred million tonnes of molten iron right now.


Good point, noted the centaur. Ill mention it at your hearing. He turned to Artemis. I see you managed to cheat the mind wipe, Artemis.


Artemis smiled. A good thing for all of us.


Indeed. Ill never make the mistake of trying to wipe you again. He took Artemiss hand and shook it warmly. Youve been a friend to the People. You too, Butler.


The bodyguard was sitting, hunched, on a sofa, elbows on knees. You can repay me by building a room I can stand up in.


Im sorry about this, said Foaly apologetically. We dont have rooms for people your size. Sool wants you all kept here until your story can be verified.


How are things going? asked Holly.


Foaly pulled a file from inside his shirt. Im not actually supposed to be here, but I thought youd like an update.


They crowded round a table while Foaly laid out the reports.


We found the Brill brothers on the chute wall. Theyre singing like stinkworms so much for loyalty to their employer. Forensics have collected enough pieces of the stealth shuttle to prove its existence.


Holly clapped her hands. Thats it then.


Its not airtight, Artemis corrected her. Without Opal we could still be responsible for everything. The Brills could be lying to protect us. Do you have her?


Foaly clenched his fists. Well, yes and no. Her escape pod was ruptured by the blast, so we could trace it. But by the time we reached the crash site on the surface, she had disappeared. We ran a thermal on the area and isolated Opals footprints. We followed them to a small rustic homestead in the wine region near Bari. We can actually see her on satellite, but an insertion is going to take time to organize. Shes ours, and we will get her. But it may take a week.


Hollys face was dark with rage. Shed better enjoy that week, because it will be the best of the rest of her I life.




Opal Kobois craft limped to the surface, leaking plasma gouts through its cracked generator. Opal was well aware that this plasma was as good as a trail of arrows for Foaly. She must ditch the craft as soon as possible and find somewhere to lie low until she could access some of her funds.


She cleared the shuttle port and made it nearly ten miles across country before her engines seized utterly, forcing her to ditch in a vineyard. When she clambered out of the pod, Opal found a tall, tanned woman of perhaps forty waiting for her with a shovel and a furious expression on her face.


These are my vines, said the woman in Italian. The vines are my life. Who are you to crash here in your little aeroplane and destroy everything I have?


Opal thought fast. Where is your family? she asked. Your husband?


The woman blew a strand of hair from her eyes. No family. No husband. I work the vines alone. Im the last in the line. These vines mean more to me than my life, and certainly more to me than yours.


Youre not alone, said Opal and she turned on the hypnotic fairy mesmer. You have me now. I am your daughter, Belinda.


Why not? she reasoned. If it worked once


Belinda, said the woman slowly. I have a daughter?


Thats right, agreed Opal. Belinda. Remember. We work these vines together. I help make the wine.


You help me?


Opal scowled. Humans never got something the first time.


Yes, she said, barely concealing her impatience. I help you. I work beside you.


Eoin Colfer's books