Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Holly was in a hole and she knew it. There was no doubt that Artemis could give her the edge over Opal, but it galled her to pay someone who used to be a friend. And what if Koboi defeats us?


If Koboi defeats and presumably murders us both, then you can consider the debt null and void.


Great, growled Holly. It would be almost worth it.


She left the window and began raiding the pods medical chest. You know something, Artemis. Youre exactly how you were when we first met: a greedy Mud Boy who doesnt care about anyone except himself. Is that really how you want to be for the rest of your life?


Artemiss features remained static, but below the surface his emotions were in turmoil. Of course he was right to ask for a fee; it would be stupid not to. But even asking had made him feel guilty. It was this idiotic newfound conscience. His mother seemed able to activate it at will, and this fairy creature could do it too. He would have to keep a tighter check on his emotions.


Holly finished raiding the cabinet. Well, Mister Consultant. Whats our first move?


Artemis did not hesitate. There are only two of us, and we are not very tall. We need reinforcements. As we speak, Butler will be making for Fowl Manor. He may even be there already.


Artemis turned on his mobile, speed dialling Butlers phone. A recorded message told him that the customer he was trying to reach was not available. He declined the offer to try again, instead dialling Fowl Manor. An answering machine cut in after the third ring. Obviously his parents had already left for the spa in Westmeath.


Butler, said Artemis to the recorder. You are well, I hope. I myself am fine. Listen very carefully to what I have to tell you, and believe me, every word is true Artemis proceeded to summarize the days events into the phone. We will arrive at the manor shortly. I suggest we stock up on essentials and proceed to a safe house


Holly tapped him on the shoulder.


We should get out of here. Koboi is no fool. I wouldnt be surprised if she had some back-up plan in case We survived.


Artemis covered the mouthpiece with his palm.


I agree. That is what I would do. This Koboi person is probably on her way right now.


As if on cue, one of the pod walls fizzled and dissolved. Opal Koboi was standing in the hole, flanked by Merv and Scant Brill. The pixie twins were armed with transparent plastic handguns. Mervs gun barrel glowed gently in the aftermath of his wall-melting shot.


Murderer! shouted Holly, reaching for her gun. Merv casually put a blast close enough to her head to singe her eyebrows. Holly froze, raising her hands in submission.


Opal Koboi, I presume? said Artemis, although if Holly had not told him the whole story he never would have guessed that the female before him was anything but a human child. Her black hair was braided down her back, and she wore a checked pinafore of the type worn by a million schoolgirls around the world. Her ears were, of course, rounded.


Artemis Fowl, how nice to see you again. I do believe that in different circumstances we could have been allies.


Circumstances change, said Artemis. Perhaps we can still be allies.


Holly chose to give Artemis the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was acting like a traitor to save their skins. Maybe.


Opal fluttered her long, curved eyelashes. Tempting, but no. I feel the world is only large enough for one child genius. And now that Im pretending to be a child, that genius would be me. Meet Belinda Zito, a girl with big plans.


Holly reached out a hand towards her weapon but stopped when Merv levelled his transparent handgun at her.


I know you, she said to the Brill brothers. The pixie twins. You were on TV.


Scant couldnt hold back a grin. Yes, on Canto. It was the seasons highest-rated show. Were thinking of writing a book, arent we, Merv? All about how we Finish each others sentences, completed Merv, though he knew it would cost him.


Shut up, you utter imbecile, snapped Opal, shooting Merv a poisonous glare. Keep your weapon up and your mouth closed. This is not about you, it is about me. Remember that, and I may not have to liquidize the pair of you.


Yes, of course, Miss Koboi. Its all about you.


Opal almost purred. Thats right. Its always about me. I am the only important one here.


Artemis casually slipped one hand into his pocket. The one holding the mobile phone that was still connected to Fowl Manor.


If I may, Miss Koboi. This delusion of self-importance is common among those recently awakened from comas. It is known as the Narcissus Syndrome. I wrote a paper on this precise subject for the Psychologists Yearbook, under the pseudonym of Sir E. Brum. You have spent so much time in your own company, so to speak, that everyone else has become unreal


Opal nodded at Merv. For heavens sake, shut him up.


Merv was glad to oblige, sinking a blue power slug into Artemiss chest. The Irish boy dropped in mid-lecture.


What have you done? shouted Holly, dropping to Artemiss side. She was relieved to find a steady heartbeat under the bloodied shirt.


Eoin Colfer's books