Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Of course I intend to sue the hotel for damages. Trauma alone should be worth a few million euro. Not to mention injuries. I presume I can count on you good people to be witnesses.


The chef paled, as did the others. Giving evidence against ones employers was the first step to unemployment.


I I dont know, sir, he stammered. I didnt actually see anything. He paused to sniff the air. I think I smell my pavlova burning. Dessert will be ruined.


The chef hopped over the chunks of shattered tile and disappeared back into the hotel. The remaining staff followed his lead, and within seconds Butler was on his own again. He smiled, though the action sent a flare of pain down his neck. The threat of a lawsuit generally scattered witnesses as effectively as any gunfire.


The giant Eurasian disentangled himself from the remains of the rafters. He really had been amazingly lucky not to be impaled on the beams. The mattress had absorbed most of the impact, while the timbers were rotten and had splintered harmlessly.


Butler dropped to the floor, brushing dust from his suit. His priority now was to find Artemis. It seemed likely that whoever had made the attempt on his life had taken the boy. But why would someone try to kill him, and then take him prisoner? Unless it was their unknown enemy who had taken advantage of the situation and decided to look for a ransom.


Butler returned to the hotel room, where everything was as they had left it. There was absolutely no sign that anything had exploded in here. The only unusual things revealed by Butlers investigations were small clusters of dead insects and spiders. Curious. It was as though the blue flash of light affected only living things, leaving the buildings unaffected.


A blue rinse, said his subconscious, but his conscious self took no notice.


Butler quickly packed Artemiss box of tricks and, of course, his own. The weapons and surveillance equipment would be held in a deposit box at the airport. He left the Kronski Hotel without checking out. An early checkout would arouse suspicion, and with any luck this entire matter could be resolved before the school group returned home.


The bodyguard collected the Hummer in the hotel car park, and set off for the airport. If Artemis had been kidnapped, then the kidnappers would contact Fowl Manor with their ransom demand. If Artemis had simply removed himself from danger, he had always been told to head for home. Either way, the trail led to Fowl Manor, so that was where Butler intended to go.




Artemis had recovered sufficiently for his natural curiosity to surface. He walked around the cramped room, touching the spongy surface of the walls.


What is this place? Some form of surveillance hide? Exactly, said Holly. I was on stakeout here a few months ago. A group of rogue dwarfs was meeting their jewellery fences here. From the outside, this is just another patch of sky on top of a building. Its a cham pod. Cam, camouflage?


No, cham, chameleon. This suit is cam, camouflage. You do know, I suppose, that chameleons dont actually change colour to suit their surroundings. They change according to mood and temperature.


Holly looked out over Temple Bar. Below them, thousands of tourists, musicians and residents were winding their way through the small artisans streets.


Youd have to tell Foaly about that. He names all this stuff.


Ah, yes, said Artemis. Foaly. He is a centaur, is he not?


Thats right. Holly turned to face Artemis. Youre taking this very calmly. Most humans completely freak out when they find out about us. Some go into shock.


Artemis smiled. I am not most humans.


Holly turned back to the view. She was not going to argue with that statement.


So tell me, Captain Short. If all I am to the fairy People is a threat, why did you heal me?


Holly rested her forehead against the cham pods translucent face.


Its our nature, she replied. And of course I need you to help me find Opal Koboi. Weve done it before, we can do it again.


Artemis stood beside her at the window. So first you mind-wipe me, and now you need me?


Yes, Artemis. Gloat all you like. The mighty LEP needs your help.


Of course there is the matter of my fee, said Artemis, buttoning his jacket across the bloodstain on his shirt.


Holly rounded on him. Your fee? Are you serious? After all the fairy People have done for you? Cant you just do something good for once in your life?


Obviously you elves are an emotional race. Humans are slightly more business-minded. Here are the facts: you are a fugitive from justice, on the run from a murdering pixie genius. You have no funds and few resources. I am the only one who can help you track down this Opal Koboi. I think thats worth a few bars of anybodys gold.


Holly glowered at him. Like you said, Mud Boy. I dont have any resources.


Artemis spread his hands magnanimously. Im prepared to accept your word. If you can guarantee me one metric tonne of gold from your hostage fund, I will devise a plan to defeat this Opal Koboi.


Eoin Colfer's books