Wonder (Insanity, #5)

“Don’t ask, Alice,” the Queen says. “No one questions their role in the Wonderland Wars. Not when working for Black Chess.”

Resisting the need to vomit, I am aware I don’t have much time before I fully turn into a Black Chess employee. The damned Mrs. Tock is right again. It seems like I’m destined to kill my classmates.

But at least I saved Jack.

The Queen returns to her car. I clench a fist and try to fight the pain in my stomach. Then the worst of my nightmares manifests itself.

“Alice?” Jack kneels down next to me. “What are you doing here?”

I raise my eyes and stare into his, seeing how concerned he is.

“Gosh, you look awful. What did you eat?”

My face reddens with pain. No words come out of me.

“Come on.” He gently pulls me up. “We need to get you ready, or we’ll miss the bus.”

Chapter 72


“It looks like things are going to work,” Mr. Tick remarked, staring at Alice lying on the bed.

“The future always finds a way,” Mrs. Tock added, secretly biting on one of his brownies behind his back.

“What are you two talking about?” Fabiola scowled.

“The Queen of Hearts corrected Alice’s path, and now she is going to kill everyone on the bus,” Mr. Tick said.

“Corrected the path? How?” Fabiola’s mind was frying with all the paradoxes of time travel, which she wasn’t interested in, not the slightest. All she cared about was Alice’s death.

“It’s a long and complicated story,” Mr. Tick said. “All you need to know is that she met Jack and now they’re going to get on the bus.”

“And soon she’ll kill them all,” Mrs. Tock said around a mouthful.

“Are you eating my brownies?” Mr. Tick inquired.

“Ate your brownies, you mean.” She giggled. “As for you, Fabiola, be very afraid. Once Alice kills her classmates, everything will go the way Black Chess planned it.”

“How?” Fabiola said. “You still haven’t got your keys.”

“I’m sure the keys will show up along the way, now that she’s returning to the Bad Alice again,” Mrs. Tock said.

“Even so,” Fabiola said. “The keys don’t worry me. We’ll fight over them in this life. As long as Alice doesn’t find her Wonder, I’m not worried.”

“I was just thinking about this, White Queen.” Mr. Tick plunked two sugar cubes into his thirteenth cup of tea. “You may have not understood what her Wonder really is.”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you say her Wonder is the one thing she’ll always be proud of in life?”

“Exactly.” He turned the spoon, making clanging noises. “But that’s the Wonder of a so-called good person.”

“Explain yourself.” Fabiola tensed.

“A good person’s Wonder may simply be his children,” Mrs. Tock said. “Or the one time they saved the life of a dog when it was in dire need.”


“So how about a bad person’s Wonder?” Mr. Tick snickered like usual.

Fabiola grimaced. The implications were disastrous.

“Let me put it this way,” Mr. Tick said. “The Bad Alice’s Wonder may be different from the Good Alice’s Wonder.”

“Meaning, her Wonder at this time might be killing someone,” Mrs. Tock explained.

“Like her classmates, for instance.” Mr. Tick clanked his spoon against his china, as if he were calling boxers for the next round of the fight.

“Genius, Mr. Tick,” Mrs. Tock said.

“I know, Mrs. Tock.”

“Are you two saying that Alice’s Wonder may be killing her classmates?” Fabiola said.

“It would be a Wonder in Black Chess’s eyes,” Mrs. Tock said.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“Love it when nuns swear.” Mr. Tick smiled. “It means evil is winning.”

“Me too, Mr. Tick. Would you please clank that spoon again? Sounds like Alice’s time has come.”

Chapter 73


“What do you mean you don’t want to get on the bus?” Jack pulls me by my hand in the most enthusiastic way. “You’ve always wanted to take that ride. You said your life depended on it.”

“Stop.” I try to wriggle myself out of his embracing arms. “I thought you like Lorina?”

“Your sis?” Jack laughs. “I admit she keeps chasing me. But I only use her when I need her. Like a few minutes ago I was betting on cards with stupid men and lost the game. She was a good escape with your mummy’s car.”

So that was it?

“Look.” He pulls out a handful of pounds. “I won that off the men.”

“What’s it for?”

“For us, Alice. Who else?” He keeps dragging me along the street.


“The trip, Alice. We’re getting on that bus. I know you’re worried about money, but once we’re there, I’ll take care of you.”

“Jack.” I finally stop. “Slow down, please.”

Jack’s face pales a little. “What is it? You changed your mind?”

“Changed my mind about what?”

“About us?”

Jack is only killing me — if I don’t kill him in a few, that is.

“I thought you realized how much I love you,” he says. “How can I explain this to you?”