When the Heart Falls



MUSIC FROM MY headphones drowns out my thoughts, but my heart is still heavy from my fight with Jenifer. I want her to come back so we can talk about it, but at the same time I'm so tired of her crap. I just don't know how to respond to her. She's my friend, but she's also an adult and needs to make her own choices in life. It's not my place to judge. I'm also not obligated to tag along like the doting best friend when she's throwing herself away for some attention.

I pull off the headphones and listen, hoping I'll hear her in the hall. When someone knocks on the door and turns the handle, I jump up and run over. "Jenifer, I'm really sorry. I—"

It's not Jenifer at the door. A beautiful long-legged woman strides in wearing khakis and a v-neck white cotton shirt. She looks like a magazine spread for World's Sexiest Archaeologist.

I throw myself into her arms with a squeal. "Autumn! What are you doing here?" Pulling away just enough to look at her, my smile makes my facial muscles ache. "Aren't you supposed to be in Egypt studying mummies or something?"

"I said I'd visit." Her green eyes crease when she grins. "I'm working on an exhibit that's touring here right now at the Louvre."

"That's so awesome. I can't believe you're here."

Cade's door cracks open, his dark hair tousled as he pokes his head out. "Everything okay, Winter?"

"Yes. Better than okay!" I didn't realize how much I missed my family until I saw my sister. Even with Cade, and sometimes Jenifer, it can be lonely living in a different country by yourself.

"Okay." He winks at me, and I blush.

Autumn leans over to whisper in my ear. "Who's that?"

My face burns a brighter red. "A friend."

"A yummy friend?" She waggles her eyebrows, and I laugh.

"It's complicated."

"Well, introduce me to Mr. Complicated."

"Cade." He's about to close the door. "Cade, I want you to meet my sister."

Cade pushes his door open and walks over carrying his hat and wearing his cowboy boots, jeans and, oh my God, no shirt at all. He grins, probably in response to all the jaw-dropping going on in the hall, and plops his hat on his head. "Sorry about the state of my wardrobe. I was getting dressed when I heard Winter scream and wanted to make sure she was okay."

I snap my mouth closed, but can't take my eyes off his ripped muscles and tan flesh. My hand, as if powered by its own source, fights to be free of my will so it can rub all over him. Down, hand. "Cade. Autumn. Autumn. Cade."

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am." Cade holds out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." My sister shakes his hand, then turns to me and shakes her hand like it's too hot. "He called me Ma'am. That's awesome." She turns back to Cade. "Hey, you want to go to the exhibit with us?"

"What exhibit?" Cade asks.

How are we having this conversation, like the whole world is a normal place, when the sexiest man I've ever seen is standing here half naked? In my hall.

"I have a private tour set up at the Louvre," Autumn says, as if there's not a sexy cowboy standing in front of us flaunting a serious 6-pack. "And I'm not talking about just touring the public stuff. I'm talking about touring the behind the scenes top secret stuff."

Cade crosses his arms over his chest, his biceps turning hard. "We're leaving for Mont Saint-Michel with our group soon."

"I get that. Sounds awesome. But trust me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Come on. Mont Saint-Michel will be there next week, this exhibit won't."

I want to go so bad, but I also want to spend the weekend at Mont Saint-Michel with Cade, and I know how much he's been looking forward to this trip, so I keep my mouth shut and let him decide.

He grins. "Let's do it. But, um, give me a minute to get dressed?"

Well, if you must.

"Awesome." Autumn winks at me. "But first, can you show me the bathroom? I've been squeezing my legs together so hard I'm afraid they'll fall off."

While Cade gets dressed, my sister and I wait outside and catch up. I stick a piece of gum in my mouth to freshen my breath. "How's Egyptology going?"

"It's great," Autumn says. "This tour is amazing. And they want me back in Cairo for more excavating. You know, when you do what you love, it feels like everyone wants a piece of that energy. Everyone wants to work with you."

Does that mean I'm doing my life wrong somehow? Because most people just want to tear my work apart.

"How about you?" Autumn nudges me out of my dark thoughts. "How's your book coming along?"

"Great." I hope my lie is convincing. I haven't written anything in days, and I'm completely stuck. Again.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Look at what Larry got me." She holds out her wrist to show off a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet.

I run my fingers over the sparkling jewels. "Are those real?"

She laughs. "I'm pretty sure it's rude to ask that, but yes, they are."