When the Heart Falls

"Yeah." He shifts his attention to the night sky and is silent for a moment. The mood changes around us as we both stare at stars. "It's odd," he says. "I feel like there should be fireworks. My family always used to get together on the 4th of July and launch some fireworks. And not just little firecrackers either, but big, fill the night sky firecrackers. My dad loves the 4th of July. We'd have homemade ice-cream and barbecues all day long and swim in the lake until nightfall. It brought everyone together."

My hands rest on the metal bar in front of us, and Cade moves closer to me, resting his hand on mine. I think back to my own holiday traditions. "We always used to gather at Times Square, get some gelato—that's Italian ice cream—on the way, and wait for night to turn to day. Seriously, that's how bright the fireworks are."

Cade moves closer to me, body pressing against mine. His voice is lower, softer than before. "It's too bad there aren't any here, but you know what, I'm still enjoying myself."

"I'm still enjoying myself too." As beautiful as the city is at night, my attention is captured by the amazing man next to me.

I turn into him, our bodies touching, faces inches from each other.

For the first time in my life, I'm not worried about personal space. I want him in my space, want him closer than he already is.

The air around us sizzles with heat, dispelling the cold as electricity pulses between us. Locked in his blue eyes, the way his lips curve up into a smile when he sees me, I want to taste his mouth. Feel his lips on mine.

An explosion lights up the sky, and we look up in time to see fireworks filling the night with light and color.

He raises his hand and slides his knuckles down my cheek with tenderness, with a whisper of a touch. "Guess there's fireworks after all."

Shivers run up my spine and pressure pulses in my belly. As beautiful as the sight is, my eyes are locked on his. "They aren't always the best part."

"Oh, Winter, do you know how lovely you are?"

He brings his face closer to mine, and the space between us disappears. His hand moves to the back of my head, pulling me closer to him as he reaches for me.

Time stops. The world stops. Everything around us fades into nothing until all I can see is him. All I can feel is him.

And when his lips brush against mine, so warm and soft, so tender and sensual, a different kind of firework explodes in my mind. The kiss deepens, his tongue pushing open my lips and finding mine, his arms wrapping around me more tightly. With eyes closed, I'm ruled by my other senses, touch and taste and smell. My body takes over, bringing more passion and need to our embrace, gripping his back with my hands, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt flex as he gives into the desire that's been building between us.

Something in his pocket vibrates, shattering the moment like ice. Cade pulls away from me, and the cold settles into my body, replacing the warmth of him. I shiver as he looks at the number. I know by the look on his face it's his mother, and I know he needs to answer this time, even as my lips tingle with the need to kiss him again. "Adjust your expectations," I remind him, pushing away my own disappointment.

He sighs, regret evident on his face, kisses my forehead and then answers the phone. "Hello, Mom."



MY MOM EXHALES into the phone. "Cade. I've missed you so much. How are you, my baby?"

"Dag nab it, Mom!" Winter, overhearing what my mom said, grins, and I scoot away from her and lower my voice. "I told you. Never call me that… unless it's my birthday. That's the one day you're allowed. Remember, that's what we agreed on. "

She sighs loud enough for me to hear. "But I miss you so much."

It's good to hear her voice, and I smile, hoping she can hear the smile over the phone. "Happy 4th of July, Mom."

"Happy 4th of July, Cade."

The lights of Paris glitter on as the sun sets completely. Winter leans against the railing, staring out at the city, and I stare at her. "How are things?"

"Good. Your father's working hard on the business."

My jaw clenches. I don't want to talk about my dad, but there is something I need to know. "How's Stevie?"

"He's fine. He—" A sob escapes from her.

My gut drops. "Mom?"

"He digressed, Cade. He can't eat anymore. The doctor put a feeding tube in his stomach."

"Is he… " I can't bring myself to finish the sentence, the word getting stuck in my throat.

"He'll be fine, honey. He's doing better already." She still sounds like she's holding back tears, but that could mean anything.

Tension drains from my body at the news that my brother is improving. "Can you put me on speakerphone? I want to talk to him."

"Sure." I hear her walking across the house. "Okay. You're on."

"Hey, Stevie. Hey, buddy. I'm sorry I'm not there right now. I hope Martha is taking care of you, making sure you get some exercise. Don't get lazy now with all that sitting around. I hope Mom and Dad are still reading you bedtime stories. Do you read to him?"

"I do," Mom says.

"Good. And make sure, make sure Martha gives him a lot of carrot juice. He loves carrot juice."

"I know," she says.