Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

He shook his head, his expression serious. “I can’t just take her, Gladriel. Don’t you understand? Brace beat me in a challenge. He is Talina’s guardian now, and he is the one who has to release her.” His voice was dull. He didn’t really seem that interested anymore.

Wasn’t he afraid of Que? Shouldn’t he be trying to save his ass and get Talina to go with him?

“It would be in his best interest to release her into your care,” Gladriel said, her yellow eyes focusing on Brace.

He laughed out loud. “And why should I do that? You hold no leverage over me, and I am afraid Talina is important to us as well.”

“Brace,” Talina said urgently. She stood at his side now. “Please release me. I need my brother to be okay.”

He shook his head. “You cannot trust her. This Walker is going to take you through a doorway, and then there is nothing to stop Gladriel.”

They argued for a few minutes. She clutched Brace’s arm, and I could feel his wavering. Despite the fact this might cost us the battle with the Seventine, he was going to release her. Stupid as it was, that spoke to me of his true nature, and I liked it a lot.

Josian was just stepping forward to intercede when a roar had us spinning to the ocean. One of Traktin’s creatures had risen from the water behind Gladriel and Raror.

Chapter 11

We’d been distracted watching Brace and Talina argue. No one was looking at the water, not even Gladriel. She was in the worst position with her back facing the briny depths. My warning screams fell into the roaring wind as the creature reared up behind the pair. Gladriel shifted, but she was a second too late. With a sharp screech the animal projected one of its many tentacles, and the straight sharp movement pierced Gladriel through her back, impaling her.

She was still holding Raror, so the spike also entered his body. I could see him arch up as the tip became visible in the front of his abdomen. Josian ran at Walker speed to the water line. On the way he gathered energy between his parted hands and blasted the creature. It shimmered for a moment as his projected power encased it and it screamed in agony, sending a shiver down my spine. It fell apart into two smaller creatures, which flapped helplessly for a few moments.

Josian caught Raror in his arms and dragged him up the beach. Gladriel was thrown to the ground behind them, but I didn’t spare her a second glance. Talina and I reached them at the same time. Her face was white and I realized I’d seen dead people with more color than she currently had.

“Raror ...?” Her voice broke.

“Gladriel’s dead,” Brace said.

He must have checked her before moving back up the beach to us. Talina didn’t look up from Raror or acknowledge Brace in any way.

“Hey, little mermaid sister,” Raror rasped. Small bubbles of dark blood blossomed from the corner of his lips. “You are far too brave. You should never have tried to save me ... it’s my job to save you.” His yellow eyes were warm.

Talina pressed her hand tight against the injury on his stomach. But the blood continued a slow ebbing from his wound.

Her brown eyes filled with tears, overflowing and running in rivulets down her cheeks.

“Raror ... no ... you need to listen to me. You promised, so you can’t leave me. You have to hold on. We can get you help.” Her desperate features sought Josian. “Can you do something? Help him?”

Josian hesitated, his strong facial planes wracked in sorrow. I just knew he didn’t have good news.

“Talina, I don’t have any ability to heal; I could try and repair the outer damage that I can see, but there is too much internal.” He looked up at Brace, who was standing protectively behind us. “Do you have any healing abilities?”

Brace stepped forward before kneeling beside Raror.

“I have some small ability, but I think he might be too injured.”

Too far gone.

His thoughts were somber as he laid both hands across Raror’s abdomen. I couldn’t see anything happening, but I felt a gathering of energy and then warmth seemed to surround us.

“You stay with Abby.” Raror coughed again. He had not taken his eyes from Talina once. “She will look after you.”

A dull light reflected in the yellow of his eyes. I felt Brace’s desperation. I placed my hand gently on his back, where he was crouched on the sand, sending him my warmth and support.

I can’t heal this, Red. The limb pierced a major vein of the heart, the vena cava, I think. He is bleeding out.

Tears filled my eyes. I liked Raror and the scene between the siblings was just devastating.

This is going to kill Talina. But if you can’t save him, then just step back and let them have this moment.

I knew he’d try until all hope was gone, but it would be better for Talina to say goodbye. After a few more futile moments he took my advice, straightening to stand next to me.

“I’m sorry, Talina. There is just too much damage. I did everything I could.” His voice wavered. “You should say your goodbyes.”

“No ...” she said. “No, you can’t stop. He can be saved.” Her voice rose in desperation.

“Talli, he is right.” Raror’s quiet words captured her attention again.