Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

Talina interrupted us. “I really don’t want my father to be absorbed or whatever you did. We aren’t sure if he’s a bad guy yet.”

“I chose to end the energy that was Traktin. He kidnapped and threatened my daughter, and I could see he would never stop. His obsession was intolerable.” He gestured to where Brace and Almastore silently faced each other. “Brace simply has to best him in battle. He will not make the same choice.”

Josian was trying to reassure us, but his current scary aura wasn’t really helping.

“Do we need to move closer?” I said, already walking in Brace’s direction. I was too far away for my comfort.

Red, you stay out of this. Promise me. I need to concentrate, and as always half my attention is on you. I need to make sure the other half stays on this moron.

He was in my mind, but to look at him you’d never know it. His gaze didn’t waver, not even a flicker from his eyes.

I’m not promising anything. But if you don’t get your butt kicked, I’ll stay over here.

I lowered my ‘mind voice’ in warning.

So don’t lose.

His laughter echoed through me, warming, comforting. It was so familiar, and yet it gave me chills. Bumps broke out across my skin as though a swift breeze had startled every hair on my body and they were now standing up on end. But the weather was warm and calm. Nope, that was all Brace.

“It is about to start,” Josian said.

Shivers crossed my skin again. I couldn’t watch and yet my eyes refused to shift.

Almastore bowed formally, which Brace reciprocated. The animosity that had been between Josian and Traktin was missing from this fight. However, I wasn’t reassured.

They started without any fuss.

Brace dived to the side as the first of a series of energy balls shot in his direction. He continued to play defensive as Almastore moved in a circular pattern, shooting off one flame after another. The flashes of energy were all different colors and I wondered if each one did something special.

“Why isn’t Brace fighting back?” I whispered, worried about distracting him.

“He is testing the Abernath, assessing his skills and abilities. It’s clever, especially if you’re quick and skilled enough to avoid the attacks.” Josian was engrossed in the fight. “He will strike soon. Brace is fast and lethal. Don’t you worry, baby girl.”

I wasn’t worried. Sure my nails had just about drawn blood in the pads of my hands, but I was cool. My eyes closed as Brace just missed copping two full – were they lightning bolts? – to the chest. That was way too close.

Keep your eyes shut. I’ll be finished in a minute. You don’t have to stress.

Of course the moment he issued his ‘order’ my eyes flew open. I snorted out loud as I glared at my bossy mate.

I love when you call me mate.

His caressing words distracted me, along with a stroking sensation down my body. I jumped two foot in the air. I found it supremely unfair that he already knew these tricks.

Narrowing my focus, I ran my eyes slowly, deliberately over his entire body. I started at the silky strands of his black hair, which fell messily across his forehead, before making my way down all six and a half foot of muscles and tanned skin. My experiment was starting to backfire.

The chemistry between us had me sweaty and a little annoyed. I was possibly going to self-combust soon. During my mental assault he stumbled once, and a burst of light from Almastore glanced off his shoulder.


Red, he said in warning.

I stopped messing with him. I did want him back in one piece.

“What are you doing?” Almastore said. He appeared to have had enough of this dodge-and-retreat from Brace. “Fight me. I don’t have all day for you to show me that you are weak and afraid.”

As he poked at Brace’s ego, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Brace didn’t rise to the bait. I had always assumed that the male ego was fragile.

Brace just grinned and nodded once. With a deep breath he stood straight and then he moved.

I’d likened Brace’s fighting style to a ninja once, and it had never appeared truer than now. He flowed from one movement to the next. There was no energy or throwing of light. He got in close and personal, and began to land heavy blows on the other Walker.

A serious of kicks, followed by a well-placed elbow to his face, drew the first blood. Almastore attempted to stem the flow, but the thick red fluid continued to pour freely.

Brace moved again.

Using a judo throwing style, he smashed Almastore into the ground, before he really started to fight dirty.

I heard a distinctive crack.

He’d twisted Almastore’s arm behind his back, snapping it without effort. The other Walker let out a yelp, but made it back to his feet, his left arm hanging uselessly at his side.

“You can concede to me at any point,” Brace said carelessly.

He hadn’t broken a sweat. His breathing was even; he looked like he hadn’t moved at all.