Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

“You don’t understand: I need my daughter.” Almastore’s reply was quiet, but we could still hear what he said.

I was concentrating so hard on his words that I accidentally tapped into Brace’s thoughts again.

I’ll just bet you do.

I agreed with him; this Walker was up to something.

Try and find out what he wants her for, I thought to Brace, hoping he’d hear.

He flicked his eyes toward me and nodded.

“So, maybe if you tell me why you want Talina, I will leave her in your capable hands.” His tone was perfect, not too interested, with just the right amount of push.

“There is another of our kind whose son is interested in a mate exchange. I promised my ... uh, daughter, and I think that would be best for her.”

Talina snorted. She pawed at the ground, her bare feet digging trenches under where she stood.

I patted her arm. “Yep, Walkers are big, not so hairy, unevolved apes.”

Josian laughed, as did Brace in my mind.

He’s lying, Red. I get deception at its finest. A few more beatings and he will concede.

Yes, we need to know his true intentions so we can prepare, and Talina needs to understand.

I’ll find out.

And he did.

It took a while. He beat on him over and over, asking the same questions. Almastore suffered through another broken arm, I would guess quite a few broken ribs and what looked like a fractured jaw.

Brace did his job smoothly, with a methodical intensity that would have freaked me out except I could see into his mind. And he wasn’t enjoying this task. But he had a protective streak a mile long and would not stop until he was satisfied with the answers.

I enjoyed digging around in his mind; there were just so many layers to explore.

“No more,” Almastore finally said.

He was on his hands and knees before Brace, his face and hair streaked with blood, one of his arms still broken, though the other looked to be healed.

“You have demonstrated your ability to outclass me in every fight style.” His head fell forward to rest on his chest. He couldn’t lift it again. “It’s Que. Your father wants Talina and he is going to kill me if I come back without her.”

“Are you even Talina’s father?”

The man nodded, but before he could speak Gladriel interrupted.

“Of course he is.”

We turned to stare at her. I wasn’t sure about everyone else, but I’d forgotten she was even there.

Talina gasped out loud, her hand flying to cover her mouth. Gladriel was holding an unconscious Raror, her hand wrapped around his throat as she propped him up.

“Raror!” Talina screamed and started running toward them.

The seawater swirled around Gladriel. A sudden storm had blown up. Or, judging by Talina’s fixed expression, she was brewing one.

“Stop, my pathetic little half,” Gladriel ordered, one hand held up in warning, the other tightening on Raror’s throat. “Do not come any closer, and halt your powers or he will be destroyed.”

“You would not destroy your own son,” Talina said, although she did pause about ten feet from Gladriel. “He is all you have, next in line to rule Earon.” Her voice was tinged with desperation.

An evil smile spread across Gladriel’s face, followed soon by manic chuckling.

I had a sick feeling that very bad news was coming for Talina. And Gladriel did not disappoint.

“He is not mine, Talina. He was abandoned years ago, and since I could not have children I decided he was better than nothing.” She glanced at the Walker Brace had bested without even breaking a sweat. “Of course, that was before I fell pregnant with you.” She gestured away. “I told you your father was weak and spineless. Look at him.”

Almastore groaned from where he lay face down in the sand. I assumed each Walker had different abilities to heal, because he was still hurting.

“Brace is Que’s son.” He groaned again, attempting to shift onto his back. “I could never have bested him. He’s been training since birth to take over all Walkers as leader.” His words were mumbled.

He lifted his head and we all noticed the myriad of darkening bruises on his face. His lips were puffed and split open, although the leaking blood had slowed.

“However, I cannot disobey Que. I had no choice.”

Walker leader? I questioned Brace.

He bristled slightly at my incredulous tone.

Don’t sound so surprised, Abigail. Even though I am reasonably young for a Walker, I am strong and powerful. Don’t doubt my ability as your mate.

I realized that my careless words had wounded his pride. I was reminded again how stupid pride could be.

I look after myself, Brace. I’ve never needed anyone and I’m not about to start now.

His arrogance was a sting to my own pri ... no, not pride ... independence. Something I had always been protective of. I didn’t like this whole ‘need a mate’ thing. In fact, every time I felt as if I couldn’t take one more breath without Brace’s kiss or my arms ached to hold and be held – it made me want to break things, send out energy bolts and go a little nuts.