Hitched (Hitched #1)

She flips through the photos, her face unreadable. When she finishes, she hands them back to me. "You two look very happy. A bit drunk, but very happy. I've never seen my son like that, but I'd like to."

"Part of me knows I made a huge mistake breaking up with Sebastian, but the other part of me is still scared I'll lose myself in him. Lose my career, lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. I'm not like the people from his work, the other doctors. I’m sure they look down on my business and what I do for a living. But it matters to me."

"Does Sebastian look down on it?" she asks.


"Has he said he'd want you to quit if you stayed with him?"


"Then what does it matter what anyone else says? The most important thing in any marriage is that you both decide together what kind of life you want, and then you work hard to make that happen no matter what the outside world thinks about your arrangement. I know there are people my husband works with who think he's less of a man because his wife makes more money. And people I've worked with in the past who think I'm a ball-busting bitch because of my success or business acumen. We discussed these things early on and agreed it didn't matter. We'd never let it bother us or come between us. And we certainly wouldn't let it interfere with our happiness."

"And that worked?" I ask. "It really never bothered either of you?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "We had our days. But generally, no, it never did bother us. Because we chose each other and our life over the thoughts of others. I have always been of the philosophy that what other people think of you isn't your business. It's theirs. So the question you need to ask yourself is, does being with Sebastian make you happier than being without him? And has he ever actually gotten in the way of your career?"

I know the answers to both of those questions. Which leaves me left with one question of my own. "How do I get him back?"

Chapter 35

Racing with the Stars

After talking with Sylvia and looking at our pictures so many times I have them all burned into the backs of my eyelids, I want nothing more than to show up at Sebastian's door and beg forgiveness for breaking up with him in the way I did. But I still can't decide the best way to win him back. I need something big. Magical. Unforgettable.

It's in the middle of all this teenage-like angst that I get the call.


"Ms. Michaels?" The voice is male. Deep. Vaguely familiar though I can't place it. "This is David Melton. You had contacted me about my bachelor party?"

O.M.G. I can't breathe. I try to breathe. I need to talk. To say something. Anything. "Yes?"

"I want to apologize. My assistant chose a different company and called you to let you know, but we have a problem. The company he chose has botched things up. I was impressed with you when we met briefly the other day. So my question is, can you take over at the last minute and make some magic? Are you still up for the challenge?"

I look at my calendar. His bachelor party is supposed to be tomorrow night. I'm screaming in my head, but I remain outwardly calm. "Are you asking me to plan your party by tomorrow night?"

He clears his throat. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking. There will be a generous bonus in it for you if you can make it happen. Your ideas were excellent. I would consider this a personal favor if you could make something epic happen."

"I can't promise it will have all of the elements I originally promised, but yes, I can give you a night you won't forget."

"Excellent. My assistant will be in touch and can get you any other details you need. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow night. Thank you."

My heart is racing as I call Tate and Vi with the good—and insane—news. "We got it. Get home now! We need all hands on deck to pull this off."

Thoughts of Sebastian still flit around in my mind, but I'm in full-on panic mode, making calls to secure the cars, the helicopter, the roof of the Wynn Hotel, the dancers, the music, the food, the alcohol, the lighting… everything needed to make this night “epic.”

Tate is on the phone with vendors. Vi is working with the dancers to come up with something original. We're all busting our asses to make this work.


The night of the party, I'm a nervous wreck.

Every moment not spent in planning was spent watching David's shows, getting a sense of his style. The evening needs to have a flare of the dramatic. He's a bit goth, a bit punk, all wrapped up in the world's sexiest magician, who will now be off the market for good.

His wife is a popular actress who's widely recognized. I'm bummed I won't get to meet her tonight.

We arrive at the Wynn well before anyone else and spend hours setting up. When David and his friends arrive, he's all smiles. "Thank you again. You're life savers."

I introduce him to Tate and Vi, and caterers bring out food and non-alcoholic drinks. "Don't get too comfortable. The helicopter will be here soon to take you to your first adventure. Then we'll come back for drinks, dancing and more fun."