Hitched (Hitched #1)

"Go meet his family. It'll help you learn more about him and whether he's right for you or not," she says seriously.

I guess if the point of this summer is to get to know each other, then this is an important step. Realizing how little of his life outside of me I know about him, I decide tomorrow I will also drop in on him at work.

I can imagine nothing sexier than him in his scrubs, saving the lives of children.

Chapter 21

Grey's Anatomy

I know most people don't like hospitals, but I actually find them reassuring. I like knowing there are entire structures set up to help those who are sick or injured, and that these buildings are filled with people who are devoting their lives to saving people. That's pretty awesome, when you think about it.

When I arrive at Sunrise Children's Hospital, I admire its attempt at modern-looking architecture. Big windows, sharp angles, cement and glass and metal. I park and make my way to the front desk where they direct me to pediatrics. He doesn't know I'm coming, which may be a mistake. I start to regret my impulsive decision to bring him lunch.

I exit the elevator on his floor and am about to get back on, having chickened out, when someone calls my name.

I turn and see Dr. Donovan looking oh-so-sexy in khakis, a buttoned down shirt and a white doctor coat with a stethoscope around his neck. He smiles when I turn, his eyes bright and glued to me as he takes long strides to reach me.

I wait, wondering what kind of greeting to expect while he's at work. He hugs me, then kisses me deeply as nurses gawk, and a few shoot me not-so-friendly glances. Guess he's popular.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

I hold up the brown bag I'm carrying. "I brought you lunch." I shrug sheepishly and smile. "Surprise?"

"That's a wonderful surprise, and I actually have a few minutes. Let's go to my office."

Relief sinks into me as I follow him through the long white corridors. His office is neat and sparse, with the exception of the wall of medical books to the left of his desk.

I put the lunch on his desk, and he closes the door behind him.

"It's so good to see you," he says. "I was afraid I'd scared you off after inviting you to the wedding this month."

That's closer to the truth than he realizes, but I don't tell him that. I'm enjoying how happy he is to see me and don't want to ruin it. "I'm still here," I assure him, taking out the turkey sandwiches on rye I made, along with homemade pasta salad and a piece of pie for each of us.

Instead of sitting behind his desk, he takes the seat next to me, and we begin eating.

"How's your day going?" I ask.

He nods, wiping a bit of mustard off his lips. "Good. I have a patient, Shannon, she's six, and we've been worried about her for a while. We're waiting on a donor for her heart transplant, and she's been touch and go, but she's finally stabilizing and I'm confident she'll make it."

I take a sip of the soda I brought before speaking. "That's… so sad. I can't imagine what she and her parents must be going through. And to know that another child has to die to save her… "

"That's the hardest part of my job," he says.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't have a job where life and death rested in my hands like that. It's amazing anyone can. You're a modern day hero," I tell him.

"I'm not the hero; those kids are."

My heart melts.

He picks up a napkin and brushes a crumb off my lip, then smiles. "How's your day going? Any new clients?"

"The schedule is looking good," I say, pleased that he's taking an interest in my work. "I'm still waiting to hear back about doing the party for Melton. That would make our career."

"I can't believe he called you. That's incredible. I'm so proud of you, either way."

"Technically, it was his assistant," I say. "But thanks. I'm pretty stoked. I have a good feeling about it."

We finish our sandwiches, and as I clear the trash off his desk, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing himself into me. "I'm really glad you came to surprise me today."

I twist in his arms to face him, my ass pressed against the edge of his desk. "I'm really glad I came too."

"I've missed the feel of you," he says, running his hand over my thigh as my skirt inches up higher.

"You're feeling me now," I remind him, my hands exploring his muscles.

"Not enough of you. I want to be inside of you. Do you want my cock inside of you, Kacie?" His hand slips between my legs, and he's rubbing my clit through my panties, so obviously my answer is a resounding yes.

With enthusiasm he pulls my panties down, and I kick them off. With my skirt now pushed to my waist, Sebastian unzips his own pants, spreads me and shoves his hard cock into me.