Hitched (Hitched #1)

I close the door and roll my eyes at her as she speeds away.

When I walk into the house, there's a new bouquet of roses on my desk with a note from Sebastian.

I miss how you feel. See you soon.

The card smells like him. A spicy, woody scent with hints of cardamom and cinnamon. I take the card up to my room, smiling all the way, as I dress for my date with the sexiest man alive.

Chapter 19

Getting to Know You

He knows me well. The lingerie fits perfectly, and I feel very sexy as I slip into the limousine he hired to pick me up.

The driver offers me champagne, which I accept, and I sip it as he drives me to Sebastian's house. I realize once again I'll need a ride from him to get home tomorrow, but I don't mind a bit.

I've got my overnight bag, and as I step out of the limo, I worry I'll be overdressed for what he has planned. I'm wearing one of my more formal gowns, a long black dress with rhinestones on my breasts and at the hem that twinkle like diamond stars.

My hair is pulled into an up-do, and my makeup is more dramatic than usual.

But when Sebastian comes out of the house, he's dressed in a tux, and I release the breath I've been holding, happy that we coordinated so well tonight.

I still have no idea what he's planning, but I'm on fire with anticipation.

He takes my bag from me, slips the driver some money, and leads me through the front walkway of glowing orbs and into his house.

I gasp.

The entire living room and up the stairway: everything is covered in flickering candles. It's stunning. Add to that, white Christmas lights have been strategically placed to give the entire house a fairytale vibe. On a table in the living room lay a spread of desserts, fruits, champagne and wine, and finger foods that make my mouth water. It's enough food for a party, but we are the only ones in attendance.

The fire is burning bright in the stone fireplace, and the light from the flames dance over the walls. In front of the fire is an extra thick fur rug I didn't see before, piled with large pillows and a few soft blankets. There's another smaller table there with two glasses of champagne and a bowl of fresh strawberries and cream.

Sebastian stands with his hand on my lower back, silent as I take in the room. "You did all this for me?"

He kisses my head. "Anything for you."

He puts my bag on the couch and offers me the champagne, which I take, sipping on it. "So, the plan tonight is to eat until we both have to be rolled out of the house?"

"The plan is to get to know each other. Creatively."

I follow his eyes to something I didn’t notice before. Two stacks of playing cards, but not the normal kind. "What's this?"

"Our game for the night."

We sink into the pillows, and I pluck a strawberry out of the bowl and dip it into whipped cream. "Do you have more of this? It could come in handy."

"Oh it will." He smiles seductively as I lick the cream off the fruit.

As I finish the strawberry, he leans into me, licking a bit of cream off my lower lip as he kisses me. "You taste sweet," he says.

"I am sweet," I say, smiling with fake demureness.

"Which is why you're going to be my dessert." He smiles wickedly. "Later."

I inhale sharply, his delicious scent playing with my nose as I imagine his tongue doing delicious things to my body.

He picks up two dice and hands them to me. "First, we role to see who goes first in our little game. Ladies first."

I roll an eight. He takes the dice and clicks them around in his hand, then lets them go. Ten.

"You cheated," I say, smiling.

"You caught me," he says, raising his arms in the air. "I'm a professional poker shark. These are weighted."

"So, how does this game work?"

His eyes glint mischievously as he holds the deck out to me. "Draw a card and ask me the question on it. If I answer incorrectly, I have to draw a card from this deck," he points to the other set of cards still lying on the rug, "and do what the card says to do. If you answer incorrectly, you have to draw a card and do what it says. And if one of us answers correctly, the other person draws a card and follows the instructions."

"Sounds simple enough. What kind of questions are these?" I ask as I draw the first card.

"Personal ones," he says.

I look down at my hand and smile. There's no way he's going to get this answer correct. "What was the name of my first grade teacher?"

He exaggerates a thinking expression, finger tapping his jaw and then snaps his fingers. "Mrs. Brandy. And you once said your dad likes brandy, and the whole class laughed, and your teacher turned red and gave you time out."

My jaw drops. "How the fuck do you know that?"

"I have my ways. Draw a card, my dear."

I do and read what it says. "Kiss your partner anywhere on their body for three seconds."

He holds his arms out wide. "I'm all yours. Pick a spot, darling."