Hitched (Hitched #1)

The sex is frantic, fast, intense as he frees my breasts and plays with them while pounding me. The carnal nature of this, in his office no less, makes me wet and desperate for more.

In this position, as my ass is pushed against the desk that I'm half sitting on, his pelvic bone rubs against my clit while he's fucking me, making my orgasm come quickly, deeply, shaking my whole body until I'm breathless. He holds me up, his arms around me, hands on my hips, as he keeps up the pace. His abs clench, muscles tensing as an orgasm rips through him.

He's moaning my name into my hair when the door behind us opens, and a woman speaks.

"Really, Sebastian? Is it bring-your-slut-to-work day?"

I'm too shocked to speak. As Sebastian pulls out of me and zips himself back up before turning to face what can only be his bitchy ex-fiancée, I find the presence of mind to close my legs, even if my panties are conspicuously on the floor in front of us.

When my brain finally starts working again, I wonder what the hell is she doing here?

Then I look at her closely. She's wearing a white jacket with a hospital ID. So she's a doctor.

Fuck me.

My stomach sinks to the floor, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. He still works with her? He sees her everyday? And he didn't mention this to me?

"You might try knocking," he growls at her. "This isn't your office."

"I didn't realize I'd be walking in on a sex show," she says, clearly not sorry.

"It's not your business. And you owe my wife an apology."

She looks aghast. I'm guessing she's done her best to put our nuptials out of her mind. "I refuse to apologize to your sex toy. You and I both know this is nothing but a drunken mistake that won't last. You deserve better than the likes of her."

I'm about to push myself past Sebastian and bitch-slap her, when he pulls me against him. "Get out, Celene."

She tosses a file on the desk next to where my naked ass just was. "That's the file you wanted on Shannon. You're welcome."

She storms out, and I'm still shaking.

Sebastian looks at me, his face in a frown. "I'm so sorry. She had no right to speak to you that way."

"Why didn't you tell me she works here with you?"

I pull out of his grasp and grab my underwear, slipping them on under my skirt.

"It's not important. She's not important. We're just colleagues. Nothing more."

I nod, but I'm hurt and not ready to deal with this right now. "I have to go, and you probably have work to do."

I'm at the door when he catches my hand. "I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive." I let him kiss me, then I leave.

I'm nearly out of the hospital, and I'm doing a damn good job holding in all the emotions flooding me, when the bitch sees me and walks briskly over to me. I can keep walking, but she'll probably use her demon powers to catch me.

Instead, I stop, waiting for her, mildly curious as to what she might have to say.

Her first words surprise me.

"I'm sorry. What I said was uncalled for. It's hard seeing him with someone else."

I almost feel sorry for her, until I remember why they're not together anymore. "I'm sure that's how he felt when you cheated on him."

She flinches. "You're right. It probably is. Look, I don't know you, and you're probably a really great person. Maybe we could even have been friends under different circumstances."

Yeah, no.

"But I wasn't entirely wrong in what I said. This," she gestures to the hospital around her, "is his life. He lives and breathes his vocation. His calling as a doctor. He needs someone who understands this part of him. Who lives it too. Can you give him that? Can you be who he really needs for the rest of his life?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, and I have none to give her as I walk to my car, a lonely hole growing inside of me. I open my car door, ready to sulk away, nursing my heartache in silent martyrdom, when Sebastian calls my name.

He's running toward me, briefcase in hand. "Wait, please!"

I stand by the door, surprised to see him. "Aren't you supposed to be working?" I ask.

"My work is done for the day. I left the reports until the morning. I couldn't let you leave alone after that." He reaches for my hand and holds it in his. "I'm sorry. I should have told you about working with Celene. You have every right to be hurt. Can you forgive me?"

Damn it. I can't stay mad at this man. "Yes, of course. I just really hate that bitch."

He laughs. "Yes, well... But let's not let her get in the way of us. Okay?"

I step closer to him. "Are you really taking the rest of the day off?"

He nods, slipping an arm around me. "If you'll spend it with me."

Chapter 22

Unexpected Phone Call