Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“No Bianci I’m telling you my brother is a Fed, the same Fed that’s sniffing around your boss and that dead body that surfaced.”

“Jesus Christ, Jack,” I said in disbelief, running my hand over my face and through my hair cupping the back of my neck as I studied him. “I take it Victor doesn’t know that we’re gunning for your brother.”

“No, he doesn’t,” he replied, leaning back against his chair letting me digest the information he dumped on me. I didn’t even know where the fuck to start. This situation was fucked to begin with but now it was just a goddamn disaster.

“How do you plan on this playing out? Victor sent me to assure him you would do as promised and take out the Fed, but that’s not the plan is it?”

“Let me ask you something; you think it’s a coincidence you’re here standing in front of me? Take a minute and think about it, why wouldn’t he send Jimmy to make sure the job gets done?”

“How the fuck should I know why that man does anything he does?”

“I agreed to this deal under the condition you would be Vic’s eye,” he said evenly.

“Why me?” I asked.

“Because, you my friend understand what it’s like to make a deal with the devil.” He laughed, cocking his head to the side. “You see, I did my homework Bianci, and I found it particularly interesting that you did three years for a crime you didn’t commit. A man can lose a lot in three years, his woman, his future, his sanity, and most importantly his loyalty when he’s been pushed too far.”

“Hold it right there Jack, before you say something you’ll regret. I’m not sure what you think you know about me and my problems with Victor but you’re questioning my character and that I won’t stand for. Yeah, I hate him, I fucking resent him for everything I lost including his daughter, but I took an oath to work for him and my word is gold. I’ve done a lot of shit for that man and you’re right, I lost a lot because of the things I’ve done for him. However, I’m not going to turn my back on him because then it would all be for nothing.” I stated, hoping I made myself perfectly clear to the man before me.

“I’m not asking you to go against him. I made a deal with Victor to shut down the investigation and to ensure that the Fed is dealt with. I’m not going to whack my brother Bianci and neither is anyone in Victor’s organization. I said I’d deal with him and I will but if I find out that one fucking hair on my brother is altered I will take out everyone that ever mattered to anyone in the Pastore organization. You get my drift, brother?”

“A man in your position shouldn’t be making threats and you sure as hell shouldn’t be making them against my girl.”

“I didn’t name names did I?”

“You didn’t have to.” I replied gravely as I cracked my knuckles one by one.

“You ready to play my way Bianci?”

“What do you want to do?”

“We take a ride you and I, we do what Victor needs us to do and shut down Danny, but we do it my way. When you give Victor the report he’s waiting for, you tell him that the job was done and the Fed is no longer an issue. Capishe?”

I blew out a breath running my options through my head. Either I could tell Jack to go fuck himself and do the job myself or I could let him handle things his way and spare his brother. Everybody had a story didn’t they? Jack’s was no less fucked up than the rest of ours. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. I had walked in his shoes, choosing between the love I had for someone and my obligation to the mob. But if I knew then what I know now, I’d choose love over everything.

“Do I have your word that your brother will close down the investigation?”

“Absolutely,” he offered confidently.

“I’m only going to say this once; if this doesn’t go Vic’s way I’m not going to be responsible to what happens to your brother. You’ve got one chance to get him to see things your way, if he changes his mind or doesn’t agree to turn his cheek, he’s fair game.”

“Fair enough.” Jack countered immediately, which didn’t settle right with me but I brushed it to the side the moment he held out his hand for me to shake. “I appreciate this Bianci.” His voice catching as he said my name.

“I get it Jack, he’s your blood. I can’t say I wouldn’t be asking the same from you if it was my sister caught up in all this.”

“Yeah, well be happy your sister didn’t do anything vindictive like, become a federal fucking agent.” He grunted as he rose to his feet. “Kid couldn’t be a fucking lawyer no, had to be a fed. I could’ve used a fucking lawyer.” He shook his head as he patted me on the back before walking passed me to a large desk, pulling out the drawer. He took his gun and loaded it, tucking it into the waistband of his jeans. He pulled open the door and glanced over his shoulder at me. “You ready to roll?”