Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“It doesn’t really go with my outfit.” She teased as he placed his hand on the small of her back and ushered her out of the crab shack. The blistery cold brushed over them once they stepped outside.

“Wait in the lobby, I’ll go get the truck.” He said, knowing very well that she was freezing in that leather jacket. She didn’t argue which only proved his point. He hurried to get the truck that was parked on the far end of the lot, jogging briskly. He climbed into the truck and started it up. When he made his way to the front of the crab shack he spotted Cara outside. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she stared at the man talking to her. He look closely at him, trying to place him but couldn’t. He shifted the truck into park and got out of the car. He reached Cara, and placed his arm around her shoulder’s tugging her into the crook of his arm.

“Everything okay here?” He said with his eyes firmly planted on the man standing before them.

“It’s all good, man.” He nodded towards Cara. “You have my number, sweetness. Don’t hesitate to call.”

Luke felt Cara go still in his arms and shifted his eyes to her as the guy stepped inside the crab shack.

“Cara?” She didn’t answer so he dropped his arm from her shoulders and stepped around her bending his knees to become eye level with her. “Are you alright?” His blood began to boil. “Who was that guy?”

She swallowed and her eyes met his. “My dealer.” She whispered.

His face grew stone cold. “Get in the car.” He said automatically, rising to his full height and turning towards the entrance of the restaurant.

“Luke.” She said, finding her voice.

“Get in the car.” He repeated walking towards the Crab Shack. Rage building up inside his gut, his fist clenched at his sides.

Cara snapped out of her trance and watched Luke take long strides to the restaurant, pulling open the door. She found her footing and started after him. She didn’t know what was going through his head. She hadn’t ever had to deal with Luke angry and she was sure he was angry. It was etched all over his face the minute she told him who Spike was. She ran into the restaurant to face unchartered territory, scanning the restaurant spotting Luke instantly.

Luke grabbed Spike at his shoulder, spinning him around roughly to face him.

“Yo, what the fuck?” Spike said as he met Luke’s infuriated gaze, trying to shrug him off, but Luke gripped his shirt with his fists.

“Luke!!” Cara screeched, hurrying to where they were, only reaching Luke after he slammed Spike’s back onto a table, sending the silverware flying.

“You stay the fuck away from Cara you understand me?” He spoke through clenched teeth.

Spike tried to lift himself off the table, but Luke’s hold was too severe and he only slammed him back against the wood when he attempted to lift off.

“She’s a fucking junkie, or did you forget that when you decided to tap your brother’s shit.” Spike shouted as he foamed at the mouth.

Everything went red and Luke’s fist connected with Spike’s jaw. The room was silent except for the sound of Spike’s jaw cracking. Luke released his hold on Spike, his body falling onto the table like a sack of potatoes.

“You ever talk about her like that again, I’ll break every bone in your body.” Luke said evenly. He took a step backward, lifting his head for the first time realizing he was surrounded by people. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some bills, turning to the waitress that stood off to the side. Her eyes were wide and when he stepped to her, she shrunk back. He folded the money and lifted it for her to see. He saw the fear in her face and he felt ashamed of his actions. He placed the money on top of the tray that she held with shaky hands.

“Tell your boss, I apologize. That should cover any damages.” He said and then turned around and his eyes met Cara’s. She stood completely still her eyes full of tears. Some managed to escape and run down her cheeks. Luke didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say, he had lost it, and she had just bared witness to him completely unraveled. Spike moaned in pain and Luke closed his eyes briefly, sick to his stomach, over his actions. He closed the distance between them and bent down to look into her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered.

“I want to go home.” She said as she wiped her cheeks with the backs of her hands.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced a nod. She turned around and walked out of the restaurant, Luke on her heels, with his head hung low. Once they were outside and alone, she turned around abruptly to him.

“Christ, Luke, what the hell was that?!” She asked, poking her finger into his chest.

He licked his lips, trying to figure how to explain his actions.

“Answer me!” She demanded.

“I’m not going to stand by and watch that little punk proposition you Cara. If you think that, you’ve got the wrong guy.” He said angrily and reached around her to open the passenger door for her. She grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her.