Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

She took her eyes off of Cara and looked at herself reflected in the mirror. “I’m at Smokey Sid’s and I’m wearing a green dress.” She couldn’t help but smile.

“What color underwear? No, don’t tell me… I want to be surprised, but I bet they’re nude.” Nick stated in his drunken stupor.

“Baby where are you?” She asked with a big smile on her face.

“Rudy’s.” He said and then she heard a muffled noise. “I’m not asking her that.”

“Not asking me what?” She insisted.

“Shit! You heard that. She heard you, asshole.” Nick said, elbowing Luke in the gut.

“Nick, what aren’t you asking me?”

He sighed and she could picture him rolling his eyes as if it pained him to ask. “Are you with Cara?”

“Yes, of course I am.” She said as it clicked in her head, that it was her brother asking.

“She’s with her. Are you satisfied?” Nick retorted. There was more shuffling and muffled noises before Sam heard Nick’s voice. “Fuck no, I will not. Dude, stop being a pansy and call her and ask her yourself. You do realize I’m on the phone with your sister right?”

“Nick, focus babe.” Sam said.

“Luke’s drunk.”

“Sounds like you are too.”

“Yeah, but he’s an annoying drunk. Stop it!” He ordered.

Sam covered her other ear with the palm of her hand, straining to make out what Luke was saying.

“I’m not asking Sam to find out what color underwear Cara’s wearing.” Nick said to Luke. “Babe you still there?”

“Uh… yeah.” Sam said, her eyes immediately returning to Cara.

“Can you come and get us?” Nick asked sweetly through his slur. “Okay, fine! I’ll ask.”

Sam turned around and stepped back inside the stall. “I’m not asking her what color underwear she’s wearing, Nick.” Sam whispered harshly into the phone. “I’m leaving now.”

“I love you baby.” Nick crooned into the phone.

“I love you too. No more drinks for you or Luke. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Get it together Lanza, Sam’s picking us up.” Sam heard Nick shout before she laughed slightly and hung up the phone. She stepped out of the stall and looked at Cara. “That was Nick.”

Cara smiled. “I figured as much. Is everything okay?”

“They need a couple of designated drivers.” She fibbed. “Mind driving Luke home?”

Cara crossed her arms against her chest and eyed Sam suspiciously. “He asked for me to drive him home?”

Sam shrugged her shoulders. “Does it matter? Come on, before they order more drinks and we have to peel them off the floor.”

“What about Phillip and Mallory?” Cara asked, letting Sam drag her out of the bathroom.

“I’ll text them, but I doubt we’ll be missed.” She said quite certain and headed for the door. Cara sighed heavily, so much for avoiding Luke for a day… and then she smiled because she was happy she was going to see him after all, even if he was inebriated.


“I’m getting married in less than a month.” Nick said shockingly as he sat beside Luke in the mostly empty bar.

“I know.” Luke said as he yawned and then he realized that before he knew it, they would all be in Cabo and he’d be tortured watching as Cara paraded around the beach in a bikini. He groaned. He lifted his head miserably and his eyes found the mesmerizing hazel ones that never failed to captivate him.

“Spunky.” He mumbled sure that his eyes were playing tricks on him.

“Hi.” Cara whispered softly.

Luke peered at her a moment before he reached out and let his fingertips graze her cheek softly. “You still mad at me?” He asked as he dropped his hand back to his side.

“No.” She said honestly watching as he sat up straight on the stool.

“I don’t like when you’re mad at me.” He confessed his eyes boring into hers.

“Man, I’m getting out of here.” Nick said, swaying on his feet with his arms wrapped around Sam.

Luke tore his eyes from Cara and looked over at Nick watching him attempt to nuzzle Sam’s neck. She giggled as he rubbed his hands along her stomach, showing the slightest hint of the evidence that Nick and Sam’s baby was growing there. His eyes reached his sisters and saw the happiness reflected in them and he smiled at her.

Sam untangled Nick’s arms from her waist and leaned into her brother wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her tightly with one arm wrapped around her.

“Take her dancing.” She whispered into his ear, giving Luke one final squeeze.

“I don’t dance.” He said, barely audible.

“Maybe it’s time you learned.” She whispered back before placing a fleeting kiss to his cheek.

Sam pulled back and winked at her brother. “I love you.” She mouthed.

“Ditto.” He said and then she took Nick’s hand and looked over her shoulder at Cara.

“You’ve got him?” She asked her.