Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

She had him there. Even he felt that his family automatically associated Cara with Jake. It would be a hurdle they would have to get over and maybe Luke could be the one to help his parent’s bridge that gap.

“They love you.” That was a fact. “And they’re going to have to learn you are your own person. It won’t change your relationship with them if anything, it will make it stronger.”

She turned around and faced him. “You really think so?”

He nodded. “Yes.” He hoped she saw the sincerity in his eyes. They remained quiet for the rest of their stroll along the lake. On the way back to the center, they made small talk about Ava and about Sam and Nick’s upcoming wedding. She admitted that she was looking forward to the wedding and they discussed how long they would stay and agreed that they would spend New Year’s Eve in Mexico.

When it was time for Luke to leave, they hugged and she told him she would call him the next day. She thanked him again for coming and for the flowers. He drove back to Riverdale reeling from the day he had spent with her. He was so proud of the woman he spent just a few hours with.

By the time he had reached his destination the sun was beginning to go down and he knew he wouldn’t have much time. He climbed the steep grassy hill that was covered with fallen leaves. Luke couldn’t explain why, but he needed to come here. He needed to ask the one question that he kept asking himself over and over. He reached the top of the hill and searched the row of tombstones until he found his brothers.

He gasped at first when he saw his brother’s name carved into the stone. He really was gone. Luke drew in a deep breath. It wasn’t as if he was in denial. He knew Jake was gone, he watched with his own eyes as he drew his last breath. Yet, seeing his name engraved into a headstone brought back the reality of the situation. He had lost his only brother. He ran his fingers along his name.

“Damn it Jake, what the hell were you thinking making me promise to look after her?” He whispered hoarsely. Luke lifted his face up to the darkening sky as a warm breeze blew over him.

Cara’s Journal: October 11,

Dear Jake,

I’m starting to get the hang of this making amends thing. I think I may even like the idea of having a second chance at having a friendship with Luke. You know without all the nagging, he’s actually pretty cool to have in your corner. But you probably already know that being as you are his brother.

He came up to visit me and I was able to complete one of the steps of my program. He listened to me, and accepted my vow to make things right between us. It’s almost as if I can erase all the crap I gave him after you passed away. I’m only allowed to call one person from home while I recover. I chose him.

I don’t know why. What is even stranger is that I don’t know why I like talking to him. If you would’ve said to me a month ago that I would look forward to hearing Luke’s voice, I’d say you were off your rocker. But now? It’s become something I look forward to.

I’m pretty tired, so I’m going to sleep. I hope you visit me in my dreams like you sometimes do.

Love always and forever,


Cara’s Journal: October 11

Dear Jake,

I’m sitting by the lake, thinking about you. I wonder if wherever you are, you are at peace. I wish heaven had a phone. I’d call you just to hear your voice one last time.

Today was a rough day for me. I think it’s because the leaves are turning and it’s feeling more like the start of Autumn. The fall was always a favorite season of ours. Do you remember that time we went apple picking? You took a wrong turn and instead of finding the orchard we went to a supermarket and bought a bag full of apples. We came home and told everyone in your family, we climbed trees to get them.

Deb fried a turkey that year and after dinner we baked an apple pie together from scratch.

I’m learning to live with the memories of you. I’m learning to embrace them as a great part of my life, that it’s okay to miss you. While we may never make new memories together, I can cherish the ones we had. It doesn’t have to hurt to remember.

I miss you

Love always and forever,


Cara’s Journal: October 18,

Dear Jake,

My thirty days are almost up. I won’t lie, I’m nervous to go home. What if I can only stay clean and sober as long as I’m locked away from the world I know? My counselors have assured me that I am stronger than my addiction. They have even set me up with support groups in Riverdale.