"Huh? Why can't I just drink it?"
"Your gums." He reached up and placed his finger in my mouth and pulled it back. Blood mixed with spit slid off his skin.
I covered my mouth in horror then turned to look in the mirror. My gums weren't just bleeding; it looked like I'd suddenly gone vampire during the night and taken out an entire town. Okay, so maybe it wasn't that bad, but my teeth weren't so white, considering the bleeding wouldn't stop.
"Here." Sergio shoved the cup into my hand. "Swish around the water so that you can clean your teeth. Then we'll use some mouthwash. I wouldn't suggest brushing until the bleeding stops, which it should once the day moves on, and you start yakking my ear off again."
He was being sweet.
Which naturally made my eyes well up with tears. "Where'd you learn all this, huh, Italy?"
"Prepare to be awestruck." He smirked, his one eyebrow arching playfully. "I read a book."
"No way!" I punched his shoulder. "You little nerd!"
"I'll probably buy a pocket protector at the end of the week and start ironing my jeans too."
"Don't!" I pointed my finger at him. "Those jeans are designer." I swished the water around and spit it out into the sink. I filled it up again and drank deeply then handed it back to Sergio, only to have him put a bottle of mouthwash in my hand.
I rolled my eyes but did as he said. When I spit into the porcelain sink, I had to fight the tears welling. Everything was still tinged with blood. Slowly, I turned and smiled weakly in the mirror.
My gums were still bleeding.
I hung my head. "I'm gross."
"Not true," Sergio argued.
I nodded, not trusting my words. Then when I found my voice, I pointed at my mouth and shuddered. "Gross."
Sergio's eyes took on that dark hue that told me he was either really aroused by my vampire mouth or just pissed off. One minute he was staring at me; the next he was kissing me.
I tried to pull back, but he wouldn't let me.
His was invasive, hard; nothing soft about it.
When he pulled back, he still didn't release my head; instead, he looked at me directly in the eyes and said, "I don't want to ever hear you say that about yourself again."
His kiss interrupted my words. When he pulled back, I had to admit I was a bit dizzy.
"Never again," he whispered.
I nodded. "Okay."
"Now…" He helped me off the counter. "…let's shower."
"Um…" I raised my hand. "…I can shower on my own."
"I know you can." He lifted his shirt over his head.
Why was I arguing again?
"But do you want to?"
"Have I ever told you how smart you are?"
"No." He smirked. "And don't start now, or it will freak the shit out of me and possibly earn you a trip to the ER. Strip."
I tilted my head. "Can't I just stare? That has to be somewhere on the list — wife watches husband take clothes off and takes mental pictures."
Ignoring me, Sergio gripped my T-shirt and whispered against my mouth, "Strip or I pull out the knife again."
"Ooo, I vote yes on the knife."
His head touched mine. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"Grab the big machete. We can use it as a prop!" I yelled after his retreating form.
I didn't expect him to come back with the knife.
He did.
And the machete, which he placed very far away from me, making it so I'd have to learn how to fly over the counter to actually reach it. "You don't play fair."
"You're dizzy. I'm going to be naked. You don't get sharp objects."
"He has a point." I lifted my arms into the air. "Okay, cut it off me."
"You are so weird." He laughed. It was rich and deep.
I was half-tempted to just stare at his face, but I didn't have time. Soon the knife poked into my shirt. But he put it down.
I pouted.
Then Sergio gripped the shirt and ripped it in half. With. His. Bare. Hands.
My grin was so huge I was officially all vampire, poor guy. Though he didn't seem to mind as he moved his hands to my shorts and did the exact same thing. At that rate, I didn't need to even move.
"Have I told you how hot you are with a knife?" I leaned back, my nakedness fully exposed.
Sergio placed the knife next to me on the counter and kissed my cheek. "Have I told you how hot you are naked?"
"Only naked?"
"If we're taking a vote, I'd say no clothes."
"But you love clothes!"
"So you can see how much I love you being naked…" His eyes flashed with something that appeared to be excitement. "I have an idea."
"Shower, then idea. Well actually, first we have to send the hand."
"Send the hand." I said it in a low voice and raised my hands in the air like I was a ghost. Why? No idea.
"You done now?"
I nodded.
"Great." He picked me up and set me in the shower, then stripped and followed me in.