Elude (Eagle Elite #6)

I softened my kiss as her body slowly tensed and then released. Her big brown eyes blinked at me slowly. I was completely transfixed as my world tilted on its axis and became solely about something other than myself — someone.

Winking, she hooked her ankles tighter around my body. It was uncontrollable, the way I let go, the way she allowed me to.

It was silent except for the sound of the water slamming against the riverrockk and our own labored breathing "Fourteen." She slid down my body, her teeth tugging my ear as she whispered the number against my skin. "You gonna keep a tally of this on your other side?"

I barked out a laugh. "Epic moments deserve to be remembered."

"Promise me something?"

"Anything." I reached for her hand. Who was this man? This person talking? I didn't recognize myself, wasn't sure I wanted to.

"Remember us."

It took me a while to register what she was referring to. My tattoos, remembering us. I tried to lighten the mood. "I'm not putting Stoli vodka in ink on my body, Andi. I don't care how much you like the stuff."

She burst out laughing then launched herself into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist for the second time in the past half hour. Our foreheads touched. I brought her underneath the middle of the shower and kissed her mouth.

"Our symbol would be something cooler… like… something from our honeymoon trip."

"Oh, so like the number fifteen?"

"Exactly!" She giggled. "I knew I chose well when I chose you, Italy."

I rolled my eyes and set her on her feet. One minute she was standing; the next she was collapsing into my arms.

"Andi?" I caught her before she hit her head. "Andi, can you hear me?"

"Of course!" She laughed. "You're yelling in a shower."

I rolled my eyes. "Not funny. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She shrugged. "But shower time probably dehydrated me. Got any Gatorade?"

I sighed, forcing a smile I didn't feel, considering my heart had damn near stopped a few minutes ago. "Yeah, let's Gatorade you up before bed."

"The words… you're so good with them. It's a wonder I swooned."

"Your swoon needs work," I pointed out. "You went in the wrong direction."


"Drat?" I repeated.

"Read historical romance, Sergio. It will seriously change your outlook on so many words!"

"I like my vocabulary."

"Hmmm…" She patted my chest and yawned. "I'm sorry. I'm just really tired."

"Sure." With a heavy heart I lifted her into my arms and walked out of the shower. I set her on the teak bench, grabbed one of the monogrammed towels, and wrapped her in it before wrapping one around myself.

"Can I lick chocolate off your abs?" she asked in a tired voice.

"I, uh…"

"I promise I'll go slow."

"Is that on the list?"

She crossed her arms.


"It should be!" She pouted. "I completely underestimated your workout routine!"

"So you thought I'd be a fat Italian?"

"To be fair, you guys eat a lot of pasta."

"When have you ever seen me actually eat pasta?"

She chewed her lower lip. "Good point."

"Look…" I kneeled down in front of her. "…I'll let you lick chocolate off me…"

She clapped her hands.

I held mine up for her to stop. "If you go to sleep. After all, we have honeymoon activities to do, don't we?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed a soft kiss against my cheek. "Yes, Italy. We do."



I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG THE MINUTE I tried to open my eyes. My mouth tasted like cotton, and every single bone in my body hurt like I'd been beaten up and left for dead.

With a groan, I tried to turn on my side so I could fall very ungracefully out of bed. My legs felt so weak. I needed more water and to eat, even though I'd been feeling more and more full, just another fun side effect.

I took a few deep breaths holding the air in my cheeks then slowly released a breath as I finally managed to roll onto my side and place my feet on the hardwood floor.

The room was spinning, but I was used to being dizzy. I walked slowly to the door and opened it then shuffled down the hall.

I wasn't paying attention to anything other than getting to the bathroom so I could grab a drink of water and maybe take a shower.

"Andi?" Sergio's voice sounded at the end of the hall.

Crap. I needed to act chipper or he was going to know something was up. I licked my lips, forced a big smile, and gave him a saucy wave.

I must have looked worse than I thought because his expression went from morning bedroom eyes to horrific, all within athe span of a few seconds.

In two strides he was in front of me, gripping my face with both hands. "What the hell happened to you?"


He turned my face to the side as if he was examining it. Then the weird part happened. He tried to pry my mouth open with his hands.

I jerked away, but he was too strong.

With a curse, he shook his head and lifted me into his arms. He strode into the bathroom and set me on the counter.

"I can walk," I pointed out, though it was nice not having to.

"I know." He swallowed slowly. Face pale, he filled a cup of water and handed it to me. "Swish it around a bit."