Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

She was right.

I turned to Brace, Colton and Lucy. “We’re going to join our energy and start destroying the Seventines’ minions. I need you all to check on the clans and races for me.”

Brace started to protest, but I interrupted him.

“It’s going to be okay. You’ll be in contact with me every step, and you have other responsibilities. You’re the princeps. We’re the princeps, and I won’t let you shirk that duty for me. If I need you, I will call.”

Frustration rode across his features. He had both of his fists clenched. “I’m not okay with us being separated, but I’ll concede to your judgment for now. But if I catch the slightest hint of any extra trouble … well, nothing will keep me from your side, Red.”

Somehow he sensed that I had an underlying motive of keeping them safe and off the battle field. I knew it wouldn’t work for long, but any time where they weren’t out in the middle of the bomb-dropping zone was a relief for me.

His warm lips descended and captured mine. Every kiss at this point was vitally important. Who knew if it might be the last? He was gone too soon, and I rode out the uncomfortable, tearing sensation along my body. Colton strode out behind him. Lucy stopped and her arms went around me in a tight hug. I sucked in deeply before crushing her to me.

“I love you, Luce. Stay with Brace and Colton. This is going to be crazy.”

I felt her nod against me. “I agree with Brace. The second you’re in any kind of trouble, I’ll be flying my pixie butt out there. The only thing stopping me now is I’m not part of the super seven, and I’m not much help to you.” She shrugged. “So instead I’ll go and rally the troops … and make sure that Malisna and everyone else is okay.”

Lucy had other family to think of now too. She was a daughter of leaders and was both important and loved. But she was still my everything and letting her out of my sight was not easy.

“See you soon, Lucy loo.”

Her eyes were shimmery as she untangled herself from me, and then she was gone, tucked under the arm of her mate, none of us having enough time to really say goodbye.

It’s not goodbye, baby. I’ll be back by your side before you know it.

I love you! I said it with as much strength and emotion as I could find.

And I you.

The one thing I loved most about Brace was his ability to understand that he couldn’t bubble-wrap me against this fight. That he had to let me have a semblance of freedom so that I could do the job I was born for. It went against his nature to leave me, but he was strong enough to know there were no other options for us right then. I forced my breathing to even out as I whipped around to the group.

“Quick check … are all of your mates okay?”

There were nods all around, which was a relief.

“They’re fighting,” Fury said. “Dune, Lucas and Ladre are together.”

The boys had all connected after spending so much time in our group. Probably bonding over their mutual exasperation about the way we all got into trouble.

“Lucas isn’t a mate,” Ria said, her tone even.

Although, I detected the slightest slice of happiness from her. She liked knowing he was okay.

No time for that now.

“Grab on to your guides.”

My voice was hard. I barely even recognized it; a cold anger had settled over me.

The moment I saw each of them touch their animal, I reached for Cerberus. He saved me the trouble by resting one of his heads on my right shoulder. Clever little hellhound. I didn’t really have to fling the golden cord any longer. It knew its place and wanted to be where the energy was.

The familiar power exploded between us again and shimmery beams shot out. Just momentarily, though. We were old pros now, managing to dial down the visible energy. The first few times I’d joined with the half-Walker a cage of golden light would surround us, but now there were no visible signs of our connection.

I focused my senses on the area, and immediately felt a trickle of something being off. There was energy here, and it was not natural.

“Is everyone getting a big blast of douchebagness from across the way?” I pointed out into the distance, toward the royal forest. Where the Seventines’ army was. “I’m thinking that’s where we’re going to find them.”

Talina visibly shivered. “I can feel them. I don’t like it; they feel unnatural. The land rejects them.”

Ria wrapped her hands around Sass. The anaconda was twirled around her feet, his massive head near her stomach.

“Talli is right. The land doesn’t welcome them here. It wants me to get rid of the energy that’s upsetting the balance.”

Well, that was a plan I could get behind.