Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

I squared my shoulders. “Okay, this one is Fury’s element. The rest of us will use our powers and weapons to take out their lower roots. When we have them all rounded into a single space, we’ll form a circle of fire and blast them as one. We just have to remember to hold it there for at least seventy seconds. Make sure their butts are ash.”

In that moment I reached out with my mind toward the house at Angelisian. I grabbed a weapon from the massive depth, taking a moment to be thankful that Josian had enough swords for ten armies. I had lost more than one of his weapons over the past little while.

“Baby girl, you’re all kinds of impressive.”

I spun as the deep voice washed over me. I managed to throw myself into his arms and not stab him with my newly procured weapon. His strong arms were the best comfort I could ever imagine. Pulling away, I ran my eyes over him as fast as I could.

He looked fantastic.

Strong, healthy, and for the first time I couldn’t see a heavy burden in those autumn-leaf eyes. He stood taller; he was like ten-foot high now, and his shoulders were as solid as a mountain. Power danced across his glowing skin and energy crackled in the places where we touched. Josian had always looked like a god to me, and now it was more than apparent.


Was Josian the god-man, lost and alone, that had been the key to saving us? The prophecy had spoken of this; it must have been the way that he had broken the hold of the lalunas. The way he had figured out how we could trap them into the cave. He had been so alone, had lost his free will, been forced to help the lalunas. But all of that was over now; he was here and he would fight with us.

I hugged him again.

“Where’s Mom?” I asked as I pulled away.

I had a quick glance around, but couldn’t see the slender brunette in the vicinity.

“I convinced her to head toward the healing area. She’s most useful there and … I’m not sure I could handle seeing her on the battlefield.” He paused for a second. “Francesca is with her.”

Somehow my father knew what I was thinking before I even thought it. I had been wondering where my aunt was. I was glad that both she and Mom were not out here. I already had too many loved ones to keep safe. Plus, I knew they’d be a massive help in the overrun healing tents.

“Want to manifest me a weapon, baby girl?” His pearly whites flashed in a broad grin.

Josian looked ready to fight, and I wasn’t going to try to stop him. Selfishly, I wanted my father with me today. I needed his strength and support.

“I’ll need one also,” said another male.

I couldn’t see who it was – Josian’s broad shoulder blocked the view – but I recognized the gravelly voice.

Sure enough, Quarn, my guardian, rounded my father.

I drank him in, every part of his grizzled self. I threw myself at him too. This hug was fast and strong before I was deposited back on my feet.

“Where’s your magic sword?” I asked.

The long, thin rapier-style blade was something he usually manifested right off his body.

“Unfortunately, she’s reached the end of her time. We had some great moments, especially against the gangers … guess it’s time for a new blade.”

He looked wistful. Probably thinking not only of his blade, but also of other losses – like his Hallow, who he’d lost on Earth.

I handed my sword to Quarn. He’d hold it while I fetched more weapons. I opened my mind and sent out the tether. It took me no time to pick through the mass of weapons available. I brought forth the ones which were best suited to the taller males. The blade I handed to Josian was large and heavy, but perfect for the sweeping swing he favored. Quarn was fast, so for him I went with throwing knives and twin axes. Similar to those that Delane used, but larger and heavier. My guardian was like Brace: loved to get in close and fight dirty.

Quarn’s blue eyes sparkled. “You know the way to this old protector’s heart.”

He handed me back my sword and took the throwing knives first. I’d practiced with them a few times in Angelisian. They were amazing quality, double-edged at the tip before extending down to a single serrated side. The blades were small, easily fitting into the palm of his calloused hand, but perfectly balanced. The metal was black and shiny, and I knew it would never dull or blunt. The metal used to make Walker weapons was unparalleled to anything on Earth. Eva could attest to that with her red-bladed Mortem.

My eyes flashed at Quarn. “I figured since you were mere minutes from fighting me for the throwing knives on Earth, you’d appreciate your own set.”

My guardian chuckled, the creases around his eyes drawing my attention for their sheer unusualness. No one on First World had wrinkles; Quarn was the only one. Earth had done something to my guardian, aged him.